I think they are smart to bypass police state face recognition technology.
Who doesn’t like privacy?
The mask provides a sense of it good bad or indifferent.
You should be suspicious.
They are protecting you from what they have.
And you don’t want to know what they have.
They worship Dr Fubar 😷
They’re pagan fubarists 🤪
My wife has a chronic lung disease, interstitial pneumonia (not the traditional pneumonia, it’s marked by long term lung scarring). Before Covid hit she would occassionaly wear a mask to the store if the air quality was really bad.
She was standing in line at the checkout when she said a guy started making fun of her. I pretty sure you know the type guy, a real jerk, (the kind that would make fun of a person with a medical issue). She said she told him to get lost, because she has a low tolerance for A-Holes (and again, I’m positive you’re very familiar with that type).
Democrats - Biden Voters - Sheep.
Me: Why you wearing rubber boots?
Maskie: In case of a lightning strike nearby, so I won’t get electrocuted.
Me: Its sunny. Even if it was raining, those boots won’t protect you, they have holes in them. Your feet are still wet.
Maskie: You trying to kill me?
Me: [walking away slowly, furtively checking behind me...]
A lot of the shadier homeless really seemed to welcome the masking.
I find it a handy way to identify non-black liberals (since nearly all blacks are Democrats you can always assume that with them)!
Then I know how to treat them appropriately.
I don’t mind people wearing masks, it just makes it easier for me to identify the stupid ones so I can avoid interacting with them.
Maybe we should all start going around wearing red bandanas over our nose and cowboy hats.
When out identifying hysterical ninnies you’ll see a lot of masks. Its not an uncommon denominator.
My theory on the chin mask wearers - at least in an urban environment - is that most have warrants. And the mask is filthy.
Yeah, if you want to let your communist flag fly.
Inded... I suspect they are morons...
Who cares what they do. I do shake my head when I see that, but consider that their decision.