King David would argue about that “Muslim land” thing.
Liberation and slavery to Islamic fanatics are opposites.
There is no such thing as muzloid land.
it would indeed lead to the “martyrdom” of tens of millions of Arabs.
but it would not “liberate” (sic!) Israel, the land that Allah instructs Muslims (in their Korans) that he has given the Jewish People.
All land is Islamic land, according to them. It has either been conquered already, or it is yet to be conquered.
Make it an even billion and I'm all in.
If he’s in Florida then I’m assuming he doesn’t plan on being one of the tens of millions of martyrs.
Typical Imam,,,,,sacrifice thousands of others for his personal goals.
That one really knows his Islamic history - NOT.
The Dome was built in the 7th century long after Mighty Mo ascended by a Caliph who moved his court there from Amman. He built the Dome to help the court to make money on tourism with the lie that Mo had fled there on horse back to Ascend. When he should know, if Mo was even an actual historical person, that he was murdered by assassins.
Well, let's start there, then. With the martyrdom of tens of millions of Muslims, and see where we're at...
Well, I like the ‘martyrdom of millions of Muslims’ part, anyway.
I’m good with the second part. Self martyr.
I wonder if the FBI has people who have infiltrated this church to snitch on anyone uttering terrorist thoughts ??
There is no reasoning with these people.
Walk the talk.
I’d be happier and believe the world would be a safer place if Israel carpet-bombed the place with sarin gas then plowed it all under without remorse.
Planting the largest cedar forest on the planet as a next step would make more sense than allowing Hezbollah (The Army of Allah... you know, the desert moon god these bloodthirsty desert-dwellers make sacrifices to on a regular basis) or Hamas to continue plotting and scheming and breeding generations of terrorists there.
They can declare it’s just part of the UN’s Agenda 21 program.
Not that I have any strong opinions on the subject one way or t’other.
Great, let’s start with this degenerate 🐐f’ker.
You first.
Strange how these guys are never in the front row...
i beg to differ. it was a “palestinoan liberation organization” that set off bombs and shoy people in Europe in 1972.
it was a farcical group called “hamas”, also “palestinian”, that has been very busy killing innocents in the name of “palestine”, a made up place.
funny that i’ve never heard, in all my 69 years, of “israelis” going around the world blowing up stuff and people, as an open demonstration “for israel”.