Posted on 04/25/2018 10:46:00 AM PDT by Berlin_Freeper
The owner of the New England Patriots said in a meeting with NFL owners, executives and players that President Trump was using public fury over football players who kneel during the national anthem as "fodder to do his mission."
In an audio recording of the private meeting, which was obtained by The New York Times, Robert Kraft said that Trump seized on the national anthem protests to spread division and anger.
"The problem we have is, we have a president who will use that as fodder to do his mission that I dont feel is in the best interests of America, Kraft, a longtime Trump supporter, said, according to the Times. "Its divisive and its horrible."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Naturally, it was not the kneelers spreading anger and division.
Hey Bob the players started this fight and we the fans will finish it. You can’t handle the truth.
Yeah, Bobby, the public misconduct of your pet racist thugs is divisive and horrible. Get them under control, Bobby, or get rid of them.
“Naturally, it was not the kneelers spreading anger and division.”
Of course not. It cannot be the kneelers fault. S/
I always disliked the Patriots so now I can hate them with no reserve!
Fork the nfl.
Beat me to it!
I didn’t need Trump to be angry at your anti-America players Bob.
No, Kraft,your kneeling players were divisive and horrible.
That you aided and abetted them while paying mere lipservice to their actual political message is even worse.
New England TURNCOATS.
BS...Everyday USA Patriots were livid.
Just like your team uses cheating as fodder in its mission to win games.
Kraft is right. People who disapprove of NFL players’ actions can vote with their wallets and not watch or attend games. There was no need for Trump to get involved, other than to inflame and pander.
Fodders worth millions of dollars.
Yep, for them to be starting this crap so far ahead of when the season start is stupid on a whole other level. When the American football league gets up and running, the nfl will be over.
He gave voice to the millions of fans and Americans who were appalled at coddled, hate America millionaires who took a dump on their country.
Wow, with “friends” like that...
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