Posted on 05/29/2017 6:27:34 AM PDT by harpygoddess
Today is the anniversary of the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to an Ottoman army under the 21-year-old Sultan Mehmet II after a siege of seven weeks. The last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI Paliailogos, died in the final defense of the city, and the ensuing orgy of pillage and massacre brought the eastern Roman empire to a decisive end.
Founded as Byzantium in the 7th century B.C. by Greek colonists from Megara, Constantinople (now Istanbul) sits at the junction of the Sea of Marmara and the Bosphorus, which leads to the Black Sea, about 15 miles to the northeast. This strategic location led to its becoming an ancient entrepot for trade between the east and west, and in A.D. 330, the Roman emperor Constantine made it the capital of his eastern empire, which - as the Byzantine Empire - outlasted the fall of Rome itself by nearly 1,000 years. After the sack of the city by the Fourth Crusade in 1204, the Byzantine Empire never regained its former glory, and by the time of its final defeat, it had been whittled down by the Ottoman Turks to little more than the capital itself and a small hinterland.
The loss of Constantinople was a major shock to Christendom and particularly to the Greek and Russian Orthodox communities, for whom the city had been their spiritual nexus. During its subsequent "golden age" and 19th-century decline, Constantinople remained the capital of the Ottoman Empire until the end of World War I, when what was left of the old Ottoman territories became today's Republic of Turkey with a new capital at Ankara
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"People frightened by the shouting ran out of their houses and were cut down by the sword before they knew what was happening. And some were massacred in their houses where they tried to hide, and some in churches where they sought refuge... they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions . . . There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury. This medley of all nations, these frantic brutes stormed into their houses, dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages."
This only... Islam is what it is....
The song is a call to arms. It became synonymous with the 15th century fight against Islamic evil. It's martial words clang like iron down through history and may resonate with us today.
A good audio version can be found here:
In english the words mean:
The armed man should be feared.Everywhere it has been proclaimed
That each man shall arm himself
With a coat of iron mail.
The armed man should be feared.
This is of course good advice for any man - arm yourself! - but there's another dimension to it.
Many identified the 'armed man' of the song as St Michael the Archangel. Also the martial tune was to be used as the basis for hundreds of pieces of liturgical music. The battle for Europe was eventually to be won at Lepanto.
Anyway: a few centuries have passed since Constantinople fell, and what has changed? Another piece of an internally rotted Europe seems about to collapse to Islam. We need another Lepanto.
We can physically beat Islam, but our culture has been thrown into confusion by our moral evil. Twenty-two young people killed in Manchester is monstrous - but it is still barely a blip compared with the 500+ young lives we sacrifice to Moloch every day, just in the UK.
✠ Jesus Christ; have mercy on us.✠
✠May God lead us to repentance. May Islam be broken, and its captives flee from it, as they would flee from a burning building.✠
St Michael, by the Power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all the evil spirits that roam the world to the ruin of souls.
And now, Erdogan the Islamist intends to rebuild the “great” (evil) Ottoman empire with himself as the Sultan.
He already has the power and the evil will in Turkey to move that direction. And he truly believes it is the will of (his) God that he rule the world.
Here we are. Make no mistake about it. Look at what he has already done to his own people and the Kurds. His excuse? The attempted coup?
Never forget who the enemy we face really is. His deeds reveal who he serves.
Constintanople--Paul Whiteman & His Orcheswtra
See also the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. The Byzantines basically lost control of Anatolia (Turkey) and the Seljuq Turks became dominant in the Levant. As a result, pilgrimmage routes to the Holly Land became much less open to Christians.
This is why the Pope called for a Crusade in 1095.
Christianity has always been on the defensive end of things. But the Social Justice Warriors will never believe that.
Next year in Constantinople.
April 12, 1204, Christian soldiers and Knights of the 4th Crusade, sack Constantinople for three days
” they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions . . . There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury. This medley of all nations, these frantic brutes stormed into their houses, dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages.”
For the life of me, I just have trouble understanding why Israel will not negotiate with them. LOL.
No one, absolutely NO onw will stand up to this evil. Men, husbands, fathers, brothers, sons will cower as they are made to watch the violent rape of their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers. Then those cowardly men will be viciously beheaded after being mutilated and tortured. Muslims will often cut off captive male’s testicles and shove them down the victims throat. But dont worry, these MALES have no testicles. And this will happen here, sooner than you think.
Once again it will be Eastern Europe that defends western civilization.
The final fall of the remnants of the Roman Empire.
Interesting related post at NRO:
Florida Museum Celebrates the Loss of Hagia Sophia
The plaque that caught my eye praises the Ottoman Empire for having turned the Hagia Sophia church into a mosque. Its words: In addition to their renowned patronage of architecture, which yielded the conversion of the Church of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul into a congregational mosque, Ottoman sultans and elites supported flourishing textile and ceramics industries.
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