Posted on 10/27/2016 11:08:23 AM PDT by Sean_Anthony
Kristol doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He has a long, long, looooong history of actively opposing the very agenda he's now suggesting may be the "right" post-Trump move
Bill Kristol is pretty sure Trump is going to lose. Hes been working hard to make that happen and he might be right but, as he admits, theres a solid chance that hes wrong, too. However, hes devoting his time not to stopping Hillary, but instead to preparing for a post-Trump GOP.
Should Trump go down in flames, how will the party deal with the populist leanings of its most recent failed candidate. That was the question Kristol answered in this weeks Weekly Standard podcast - a recording thats startling in its lack of introspection.
Kristol seems to think he will be part of the “healing” of the GOP. Around 40-70 million people will never listen to him again. He is the living embodiment of elitism and treachery.
Oh, yeah, Kristol. Right.
First radical step. No undeclared wars. You down with that?
Didn’t think so.
“...Trump may not be a conservative...”
Trump’s ideas, plans and agenda are so very much more conservative than any of the 16 so-called republican candidates he soundly defeated...
The republican (UNIPARTY) has bastardized the meaning of the word “conservative”....
I think you're right. It's something that's been said many times, at least for the past few elections, but this time around I believe it's finally actually true. The labels will remain for now, but in effect, neither party will continue in its "old" form.
Action plan: I am not voting for Kelly Ayotte.
If she loses by one vote, I’m taking out ads to claim credit.
Bill Kristol has become bitter. Never a big fan of his, he thinks he knows more than he actually does.
Since Mr. Kristol brought up the Constitution, please consider the following side note to this thread.
If Trump wants to amend the Constitution, he should not only encourage the states to repeal the ill-conceived 17th Amendment, but also prohibit political party support for federal lawmakers.
After all, where domestic policy is concerned, how many political parties does it take to run the US Mail Service (1.8.7)?
I say none.
The “radical constitutional agenda” banner was carried by Ron Paul. A simple web search can educate anyone as to how Kristol felt towards him and the philosophy he espoused.
I wonder how many of these #nevertrump people are members of or related to the “skull and crossbones” society?
A lot of us out here who are not famous, wealthy Washington pundits sucked it up and got behind candidates we really didn’t care for such as McCain and Romney.
Obviously we are much bigger men than Bill and his friends.
Small, bitter little men.
Dear Bill,
What do you think about Obamacare? Can you give ANY path to replacing it with President Hillary? Or is single-payer the only option (forever) other than and extremely sh***y health care system for mid-lower class (forever)? And the costs that go with it. And you’re still ok with President Hillary?
What do you think about the Supreme Court? Is there ANY way the court (and country) won’t be destroyed for decades with 4 years of Hillary?
I know you won’t personally have immigrants take your job or unvetted Muslim “refugees” moved to your neighborhood. Do you really not care about the affects of these have on your fellow-citizens?
After wikileaks and O’keefe is there any reason to think we only get 4 years of Hillary and not 8 (assuming they can keep her alive or keep us believing she’s alive)? And isn’t 4 too many?
I assume you want single-payer obamacare, Hillary’s supreme court, open borders, ISIS refugees, and everything else you KNOW you get with her. What issues could possibly be more important to you that you aren’t fighting as hard as possible for Trump? I understand that you don’t know what you get with him. YOU DO KNOW what you get with Hillary. After 2015 congress and Obama’s disregard for court decisions, you cannot hope congress or courts will keep her in check. After wikileaks you can’t claim the media will keep her in check. WHAT possible reason could you have to not fight for Trump? “not conservative enough” isn’t a reason to choose Hillary at this point unless you are ok with the things I listed above (and more). Is cheap labor that important? Or is there something more you aren’t telling us?
We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Our "posterity," of course, are our lineal descendants. A purpose that is 100% consistent with Donald Trump's call to put America First. It is 100% consistent with the Fifth Commandment, and traditional Western values, in general. Mrs. Clinton's call for open borders, and the failure to properly vet immigrants from lands with very different value systems, is 100% inconsistent with the Constitutional purpose.
How can any American refuse to vote for Donald Trump, who not only understands & accepts what the Constitution requires. He strenuously exposes Mrs. Clinton on issue after issue!
Trump is willing to risk a lifetime of success--his whole career & fortune--to take on a corrupt media, that tries in every unfair, intellectually dishonest, way to cover up Mrs. Clinton's crimes and repeated acts of betrayal, in order to stand for us, our Constitution and our clear interests, on a host of vital issues. Consider:
1. Trump supports and has been endorsed by the border guards. Mrs. Clinton has shown only disdain for those trying to keep America safe from a flood of unauthorized invaders.
2. Trump supports the rights of Americans to efficiently arm themselves, both for their own protection and for the protection of America! Mrs. Clinton has repeatedly sought means to disarm American families.
3. Trump has supported local Police in violent confrontations with neighborhood thugs; while Mrs. Clinton & Obama have allied themselves with virulently anti Police groups--some funded by George Soros--groups determined to deny their law abiding neighbors, the Police protection, necessary to make those neighborhoods safe.
4. Trump understands that making any neighborhood safe, is the key to increasing constructive activity in such neighborhood;--the key to people being able to start local businesses, with some hope of success; the key to better job opportunities, better credit ratings, etc. Mrs. Clinton has shown herself more intent on encouraging and supporting those Soros funded groups.
5. Donald Trump supports all forms of American energy production! He wants to let the coal miners get back to work; to take advantage of improved technology that allows a cleaner use of coal. Mrs. Clinton has insulted the coal miners, by refusing to help them get back to work, while she patronizes them; offering them a new dependence on even more Governmental meddling.
6. Returning to the Constitution--the solemn compact (or contract) that authorizes us to even have a Federal Government;--the charter, that once--when truly honored--made us the envy of the earth:
Donald Trump has pledged to appoint only those who honor the clear intent of that charter, to the Federal Judiciary. Mrs. Clinton has promised to only appoint Judges who agree with her ghoulish view of Feminist issues: such as the idea that it is O.K. for a woman--on mere whim--to have a healthy, already half born baby, killed in cold blood, in something euphemistically labeled a "partial birth abortion!"
7. Donald Trump, daily addresses great rallies, to discuss these and other vital issues; such as the damage to American workers & communities, resulting from trade deals, and immigration policies, that do not protect our rooted population. Mrs. Clinton has avoided in depth discussion of issues; preferring, instead, an incessant attack on Donald Trump's personality; his tone; his supporters;--in each case misrepresenting the same by a combination of lies, cherry picked but misleading data, gross exaggerations, and citations of spurious media smears, engineered by a slavish press, which covers up actual crimes, in a blind, but determined, support for the perpetrator.
Under such circumstances: How can any American vote for Mrs. Clinton? How can any American refuse to vote for Donald Trump?
Note further: There are thousands of organizations, some Faith based (both evangelical & social); some secular, but ideological; some based on Humanist arrogance (Return To Babel). Among them there is something to represent just about any imagined human interest. Our written Constitution is the sole organizational effort focused solely on the interests of the rooted American. How dare any American betray or trivialize our organization; the Constitutional Republic, as it was intended by the Fathers, who won it for their posterity?! How can any American refuse to vote for Donald Trump?
May the living God Bless all those who understand what is truly at stake!
William Flax
[This may be reproduced, if kept in full context, with or without attribution.]
Glorious Revolution? Great characterization. I have to share that.
For a little mouth breathing twerp lil billie krystol sure packs a lot of doucheiness in a baby sized body.
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