Posted on 10/26/2016 9:47:45 AM PDT by Sean_Anthony
Stop whining, cheapos.
As you probably know, Ezekiel Emanuel served as a health care policy adviser during Obamas first term and was instrumental in the creation of ObamaCare. Hes also the creepy gentleman who thinks 75 is the proper age to die. As Obamas signature legislation endures an easily-envisioned and oft-predicted implosion, Emanuels been making the rounds playing defense.
He wants to make sure you know a few things.
1. The massive rate hikes caused by the law are not that big. Youre just imagining things. Sure, you can rattle off a list of states where the increases are anywhere from 20% to 100%, but youre really just nitpicking - probably because youre cheap and dont understand what a ridiculous value ObamaCare really is.
Eziekal Emmanual and John Podesta both have that smug know-it-all look, and talk condescendingly, which means “to talk down to.”
(I remember a commercial where they had to explain it. It’s a big joke around the household.)
Shop? How exactly when a state has only one insurer? And you can’t cross state lines to get a better deal.
If you told the government that they would have to cut spending in one area to pay for an increase in another, they would raise Cain.
Zeke would have fit right in with the old Soviet Union. “Why is this line so long? Because the bread must be so good!”
How is Ezekiel Emanuel related to Mayor Rahm Emanuel?
All these criminals need arrested, tried (and if found guilty of their many crimes) and hung by the neck in public on the WDC mall until rotted away. What condescending, patronizing bums.
He’s right. Before obamacare my niece was paying $175 a month for a policy for her and her kids with a $1,200 deductible. She’s now uninsured because her premiums went to over $1,000 a month with a $6,000 deductible. She just doesn’t realize how good she has it! /sarc
I posted this about a year ago. My best friend and colleague did residency training (internal medicine) with Ezekial Emanuel in Boston. Dr. Emanuel once won the annual award chosen by his house staff peers as the laziest resident.
Get that same impression. The number of B-Slaps required to get these SOBs back in line is incalcuable.
Doesn't that kind of smug, know-it-all tude describe 99% of all libs? They are convicted in their arrogance, hubris and lies when lecturing Buckets of Rednecks and Toofless Peons.
How old is Zeke? I hope they march him off to the Soylent Green factory when he hits 75.
Ol’ Zeke belongs in an asylum.
Zeke, buddy, if you aren’t on it, shut up. The real difference 0bamacare has made to a population that can’t afford health care is that now they get punished for not buying the policies they couldn’t afford in the first place, with the additional “value” that it pushes decent policies out of the range of the people who used to be able to afford them. That isn’t progress, Zeke. The only beneficiaries of this abortion of a system are the government employees who run it; even the insurance companies are going broke.
He really IS one creepy guy.
What? 115% is tiny. Wait until it really begins to increase.
The man that graduates at the bottom of his class in medical school is still called DOCTOR. Similarly, the candidate that gets more than 270 electoral votes is called President. Vote Trump.
of perhaps at Versailles
‘let them eat cake, if There’s no bread’
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