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The “Congressional” Natural Born Citizen Part II: Shocked, Outraged or Ambivalent?
Constitutionally Speaking ^ | Oct. 26, 2009 | Linda Melin

Posted on 04/07/2016 2:44:55 PM PDT by patlin

What would your reaction be if you heard that Congress was set in 2007 to bestow ‘natural born’ citizenship on ALL anchor babies through their Immigration Reform legislation. (110th Congress) S. 1348

Shocked? Outraged? Ambivalent?

What if you heard that Congress was moving to change Immigration & Naturalization laws so the every child born overseas to 1 citizen parent & 1 foreign parent would forever be deemed a ‘natural born’ citizen. (101st Congress) H.R. 1380, (99th Congress) H.R. 2535,

Shocked? Outraged? Ambivalent?

What if Congress had a bill waiting to come out of committee in February of 2008 that would change the citizenship laws of all children born to US parents serving in the military abroad(off US & US Territory soil) so that those children would now become natural born citizen at birth, but instead of following through with it, Congress sets the bill aside and passes a public resolution that holds one former military personnel’s citizenship in higher regard than all the others that are currently serving as if this person had some supremacy over the others. S. 2678

Shocked, Outraged? Ambivalent?

What if there was evidence of a bill introduced to Congress in 2004 to specifically change the definition of ‘natural born citizen’ from what the Framers meant it to be at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. S. 2128

Shocked? Outraged? Ambivalent?

What would your reaction be if you heard that there have been numerous attempts to remove the words ‘natural born citizen’ from Article II of the constitution in regards to Presidential qualifications so that ALL anchor babies could someday become President, regardless if their parents are still here illegally? (93rd Congress)HJ Res 325, HJ Res 880, HJ Res 890, HJ Res 896, HJ Res 993, HJ Res 1051, (94th Congress) HJ Res 33, HJ Res 86 (95th Congress) HJ Res 38 (106th Congress) HJ Res 88 (108th Congress) HJ Res 59, HJ Res 67, HJ Res 104 (109th Congress) HJ Res 2,HJ Res 15, HJ Res 42

Shocked? Outraged? Ambivalent?

And what if ALL these prior efforts were retroactive to ALL children born, that are alive today in the US and abroad.

Shocked? Outraged? Ambivalent?

Of all these permanently recorded Congressional proposals, the ones that give us more in-depth testimony/summary are H.R. 1380, H.J. Res. 88, S. 2128, S. 1348 & S. 2678.

H.R. 1380 was a bill to amend the Immigration & Nationality Act to grant US national & ‘natural born’ citizen status to certain persons born outside the United States. Alexander’s bill would have granted a child born with dual nationality ‘natural born’ citizenship status and it also addressed the issue of children born to US military personnel overseas. Summing up the bill, Alexander said:

“My bill would also insert the term ‘natural born’ into section 301 of the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1952, thus clearing up any question as to whether a child born abroad as an American citizen qualifies under the Constitution to run for President when he or she grows up.” Kennedy’s aka ‘Fast Eddie’s’ bill, S. 1348, went a bit further and it was quite clever of him to slip those 2 little yet powerful words ‘natural born’ into the bill. Reading the summary was quite laughable. This is where Kennedy tries to claim that children(anchor babies) born to nonimmigrant illegal aliens are ‘natural born’, however he does not stop there, he goes on to call adopted children of nonimmigrant illegal aliens as natural born once the aliens acquired the new Z-visa that would have been created by the immigration reform act.

In 2000, Rep. Barney, I can’t “Frank”ly understand why Ma. keeps reelecting him, introduced H.J. Res. 88, an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to make eligible for Office of the President a person who has been a citizen for twenty years. This is the 1st bill introduced where we have extensive testimony on the subject of ‘natural born citizen’ before the Subcommittee of the Constitution because Barney does [n]ot favor putting obstacles on the ability of the people to choose who they wish] to elect.

Mr. Candy who is chairing the subcommittee opens by stating:

“The natural-born citizen qualification continues to provide to the political system of the United States a certain level of protection against the influence of foreign nations. In addition to this safeguard, the requirement also secures the ability of the President to make decisions involving domestic and foreign policy that are in the best interests of the United States without an inherent emotional or familial attachment to another nation.” And Mr. Candy is quite right. The qualification was put in place specifically for national security & sovereignty reasons. It was put in place to protect the citizens of the newly formed Republic from ever becoming ‘subjects’ to foreign sovereigns or an all powerful central Monarchy. Mr. Candy has done his homework and thus is the reason I believe that this never made it out of committee. However, let’s review a bit more testimony.

We shall start with the testimony from an immigrant, Balint Vazsonyi, of the Center for American Founding who immigrated in 1959.

“The Constitution, which created a country unlike any other, also brought forth a Nation populated by people who are unlike any other. It is as if an umbrella had been erected over this country inviting all the people of the world to come here and become something else than they were in the moment of arrival…Indeed, Americans are different. I noticed this soon after I had arrived in this country 41 years ago. I daresay, I have spent a great deal of my life trying to understand, first of all, in what way Americans are different and why, but the fact remains that they are…So when the framers of the Constitution made this provision, perhaps they were already aware of the fact, as indeed perhaps instinctively or through inspiration they were aware of so many other things, that already then Americans were different because they did something nobody else had done before them…One of the best examples of that is precisely Congressman Frank's resolution. It is unthinkable, ladies and gentlemen, that a legislator in another land would actually spend time proposing that some foreigner could become the first citizen of that land. So, Congressman Frank, you are as good an example as I have met to show that Americans pour their hearts out and want to share everything, even the Presidency…I would say respectfully that describing this provision of the Constitution, as I said, and I will say once again, one of the solitary miracles of human history, as victimizing immigrants or being unjust—to be able to run for President is not a right. It is very important not to confuse the system of government with rights. Where would such a right come from? It is a well-thought-out provision of our Constitution. Continuing on about foreign influences & national security, Vazsonyi states:

“I am here to tell you, after 41 years of making the most strenuous efforts of becoming American, not just legally but in every sense of the word, and having spent 40 of those 41 years living with a native-born American, that I still have not been able to even approach the temperament, the natural tolerance, the unfailing good will toward the world that Americans are famous for…Foreigners come here and have to learn it. It is a miracle that within one generation they can do so. I think it would be expecting something even more than the impossible that they can do it within the same lifetime, and that they can forget everything they had grown up with…The question of foreign influence has already been discussed. I would just like to add that having grown up in Hungary, I would find it very difficult to make decisions—not so much affecting Hungarians, but those toward whom Hungarians hold an animus. What if somebody of a certain birth would have to just express an opinion about immigration quotas from a country with which the native land had been at odds? This is just a tiny example. Of course, the matter of being Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces is much more important…To say that the world is a more peaceful place today is a very temporary condition. It can turn into something else tomorrow or the day after. The constitutional provisions are not there to serve this week or next week. They have served this country for over 200 years, and I hope and we all hope that they will continue to do so…So I would like to conclude with a general comment on constitutional amendments. I believe they are rarely necessary, hardly ever justified, and perhaps entirely untimely right now, when Americans seem to be considering even the very nature of this country, whether it is a Republic or a democracy. Therefore, with due respect to the proposal, I would like to cast a vote for rejecting it. In the Vazsonyi’s written testimony turned over to the committee, Vazsonyi further address the importance of the ‘natural born’ qualification in regards to foreign influences and national security:

It is well known that the Founding Fathers were mindful in the extreme of foreign influences, and the dangers therefrom to the Republic. While experience has shown that a native-born Chief Executive is not necessarily immune to foreign influence, the odds are certainly more favorable if the president is an American plain and simple, who has never been, and is not at the time of taking office, anything else…Article II of the U.S. Constitution requires the President to ''take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.'' Mr. Chairman, it is an incontrovertible fact that the inhabitants of most countries are not only unfamiliar with what we call the Rule of Law, but find the concept virtually incomprehensible. Again, it is a miracle that so many immigrants are able to operate within the American system of laws, contracts, and agreements on a handshake…Equally of concern is the new appetite for, and silent acceptance of, dual citizenship. It would be naive at best to believe that neither has any bearing on what used to be unconditional loyalty and commitment to America…Those who favor the proposed amendment will no doubt point to exceptional persons of their acquaintance who, in their view, would fulfill any and all expectations with regard to the office of president, though being of foreign birth. Yet the laws of this country never have been written with the exceptions in mind. Among other things, the Framers of the Constitution distinguished themselves by writing few laws, and employing language at once broad and concise, so as to be applicable to all circumstances at all times. Another to testify and submit written testimony was Forrest McDonald, historian and professor of history at the U of Alabama. McDonald starts out by agreeing with Chairman Candy then goes on to cite supreme Court Justice Joseph Story in his testimony:

“Debates about electing the President raged until early September, less than 2 weeks before the Convention adjourned. Then Pierce Butler, an Irish-born delegate, came up with a cumbersome plan that overcame the objections to all earlier proposals. This was the electoral college system. The system was so diffuse that it would be virtually impossible, given the primitive communications then available, for foreign agents to corrupt it. But for good measure Butler's proposal included the restrictive language, ''no person except a natural-born citizen…To appreciate the significance of the Constitution's restriction of presidential eligibility to natural born citizens, it is useful to place the requirement in historical perspective. Americans of the founding generation were extremely distrustful of executive authority because experience with colonial governors had convinced them that executive power was inherently inimical to liberty, because they felt betrayed by George III, and because they considered a strong executive to be incompatible with the republicanism they embraced when they declared their independence in 1776. As a consequence, their revolutionary state constitutions provided minimal executive branches, and the first national constitution, the Articles of Confederation, established no executive arm…By the time the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787, difficulties undergone during and after the war for independence had convinced most public spirited men that an energetic national executive was necessary, but they approached the problem cautiously, and at least a third of the delegates to the Convention favored a plural executive in the interest of safety. The others endorsed a single executive, not least because all understood that George Washington, whom everybody trusted, would be the first occupant of the office…But Washington could not serve forever, and the delegates groped almost desperately to devise a suitable way of choosing his successors. The search took up more of the debates than any other subject the Convention faced. Most delegates favored having Congress elect the president, but that would make the executive department dependent upon the legislative unless the president were ineligible for reelection, but ineligibility would necessitate a dangerously long term—six or seven years being the common suggestion. The greatest fear was of corrupt influences upon the election, particularly from abroad…That language was adopted without a single dissenting voice, nor did anyone speak in its support. Its meaning and rationale went without saying. As Joseph Storey later explained in his famous commentaries, the phraseology ''cuts off all chances for ambitious foreigners who might otherwise be intriguing for the office and interposes a barrier against . . . corrupt interferences of foreign governments…Now, the question before the subcommittee is not the original purpose of the clause, but whether it has outlived its usefulness. The circumstances that prevailed at the time of the founding have changed. Yet it seems to me on balance that conditions in the foreseeable future warrant a continuation of the caution shown by the framers…Take the matter of the possible corruption in the electoral process. The system is still structurally diffuse, but in practice it might as well be centralized, given modern techniques of communication and the instant portability of money, the most potent corrupting influence. Presidential candidates spend scores of millions of dollars. Just consider the prospective influence of a few billion dollars, a sum well within the means of a number of countries, any one of which, while unwilling to risk such a sum on a natural-born American, might be eager to support a candidate who had been born and raised in their country…The original Constitution contemplated a relatively weak Presidency, but the office has become the most powerful in the world, and safeguards surrounding it are therefore more indispensable than ever. The one area of Presidential authority that is virtually unchecked and uncheckable is the President's power as Commander in Chief…Let us consider a few scenarios, starting with an extreme example. The espionage agencies of some countries have occasionally employed agents under deep cover who might not be activated for decades. It is not difficult to imagine such an agent being elected to an office of trust, but a Senator is 1 of 100, and a Representative is 1 of 435. What check is there on a President who is 1 of 1, except for the constitutional restriction?... In the role of Commander in Chief, it is not enough to be above reproach. One must be above the suspicion of reproach…In conclusion let me say that on this as on other constitutional questions, we are best guided by the wisdom and prudence of the Founding Fathers. The amendment process is not to be taken lightly, nor should it be used for political or electioneering purposes. The structure created by the Constitution has stood the test of time and continues to stand as the truest foundation for our freedom.” Of course the committee heard from 2 other witnesses for the progressive view; one for adoptive parents of foreign children and the other a civil rights activist for immigrants. You are welcome to read their bloviating testimony online as it is not relevant to defining ‘natural born’.

After H.J. Res. 88 failed to make it out of committee, Sen. Nickles (OK) along with Landrieu (LA) and Inhofe (OK) brought forward S. 2128 in 2004, a bill to define the term ‘natural born Citizen’ as used in the Constitution of the United States to establish eligibility for the Office of President.

Sen. Nickles, in his speech when introducing the S. 2128, announced that:

“There is obviously a need for clarification. In the absence of a judicial interpretation, Congress can express a legislative interpretation of Constitutional terms. We should not wait for an election to be challenged and the courts to decide what ‘natural born’ means. And then concludes by stating:

“This bill ensures that children born abroad to or adopted by American parents have claim to the full meaning of the American dream…they can also have the freedom to choose to run for president.” I was taken aback by Nickles proclamation that Congress had never defined ‘natural born citizen’. Had he just gone to the congressional records from 1866, when the 14th Amendment was drafted and subsequently ratified, he would have found this from Rep. John A. Bingham:

I find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen And yet again repeating myself, we know that the term ‘natural born citizen’ exists exclusively in one place in the Constitution itself. Article II, Section I, Clause V:

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.” Sen. Inhofe made note of the repealed Immigration & Naturalization Act of 1790 as some sort of fact that Congress had defined what ‘natural born’ meant, as if it has always pertained to naturalized citizens or citizens by statute, and uses the argument that in the absence of any judicial interpretation, Congress, per the 1790 Act, has the authority to make such interpretation. And let it be noted, Inhofe per his speech, is the grandfather of an internationally adopted child, thus did not have pure intentions when signing onto this bill.

There was no objection, the bill was recorded and met the same demise of all previous other attempts to alter presidential qualifications.

All these attempts, all these secret bills quietly kept out of earshot of the public at large, are verified proof that Congress has for decades been trying to usurp the original intent of the founding fathers of this great nation further risking our sovereignty & national security. An agenda that Washington warned about in his farewell address:

If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit, which the use can at any time yield…

As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government...

Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests… Part I: The “Congressional” Natural Born Citizen Part I : A ‘Tribe’-ute to DC Liberal Activism

Part III: the conclusion. I purposely held back the review & summary of S. 2678 as it pertains directly to S. Res. 511 and including it here would spill the beans so to speak. But rest assured, it will be published no later than Thursday evening.

TOPICS: Education; Government; History; Politics
KEYWORDS: congress; constitution; cruz; naturalborn
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To: Ray76

While this is a fascinating issue- and both sides have points, current law is what it is- and I have a health issue which causes bad ‘brain fog’ and it’s hard for me to concentrate well enough to put together long drawn out arguments o any subject- it exhausts me- As I mentioned, I believe You and Springfield Reformer have been over this issue pretty thoroughly- and he has shown that the Bellei case is not ruling law- nor the other cases you mentioned-

If it wasn’t you and He discussing the issue, I would encourage you to view his posts on the subject as they are very informative and do a much much better job than i of explaining current law and why congress has the right to do what it does regarding Naturalization and refining NBC requirements -

Abotu 1/2 or so down the page here:

The US Citizenship Laws Say What They Say (electorate education)

and another thread titled

Maine Gov. LePage, my Canadian-born daughters “had to be naturalized, they couldn’t be natural”

and another one also abotu 1/2 way down titled

Trump Backer LePage: Cruz Is Ineligible To Be President Because So Are My Daughters

in which he states:

“It is settled, not in the sense of a definitive SCOTUS decision that spells out all the parameters of the NBC question, but in terms of the current thinking on the issue. A number of recent cases have reinforced an idea often rejected here at FR, that the naturalization process cannot be applied to one who is born a citizen, that naturalization is strictly an after-birth event, and that the enumerated naturalization power of the Congress includes the ability to address those who do not need to be naturalized, which in turn means citizens at birth as recognized by the INA statutes are in fact natural born citizens. In Zivotofsky (2015), Justice Thomas has made this statement explicitly. See here:”

He actually has many excellent discussion on this issue, and specifically on the Bellie case, the wong case etc- and like i said- He’s a lawyer and knows this stuff far better than i do- but ht bottom line is that currently, a person born overseas to a US citizen is no different in regards to NBC as a person born here on soil- by virtue of the circumstances of his or her birth. (IE ‘AT BIRTH/BY BIRTH) Not by virtue of a process of naturalization, (AFTER BIRTH) (again- cps only to stress key terms for the discussion)

61 posted on 04/08/2016 10:53:05 AM PDT by Bob434
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To: Bob434

Well I hope you feel better.

Conflating “at” with “by” is a source of confusion and all too common.

“at” indicates a point in time

“by” indicates a causative agent

A person can be a citizen at birth either by statute or by nature.

Article II does not require “citizen at birth” - it requires “natural born citizen”.

62 posted on 04/08/2016 11:15:37 AM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Bob434

> Nothing is conferred upon a child born off soil to a US citizen- it is their birthright

This is illusory.

63 posted on 04/08/2016 11:17:08 AM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Ray76

[[Well I hope you feel better.]]

Meh- it’s ongoing- 2 decades now- they say fibromylagia- possibly chronic fatigue, but i don’t have any of the trigger points or tender points needed for a ‘proper diagnosis’ of either- I personally think it’s some kind of glycogen issue where body doesn’t convert food, sugars into energy- but I don’t know- neither do docs-

[[it requires “natural born citizen”.]]

Which is what a citizen at birth is- The only one who isn’t is a person who acquires citizenship by way of process after birth- one who doesn’t go through the process can not be a citizen as shown in previous post- one who doesn’t need to go through a process is an NBC- as mentioned-

at birth also indicates a causative agent- the act of being born to a us citizen makes that person, at birth, a us citizen - The simple act of being born ‘to a us citizen’ is what confers NBC status- not a process of naturalization

[[it requires “natural born citizen”.]]

Which, since it was not defined by constitution, was left up to the congress to define what ‘isn’t NBC’ in order to establish what ‘is NBC’

There are good arguments on both sides- but as it stands now, a child born off soil to a us citizen is a NBC themselves with all the rights an privileges of their parent and NBC citizenship with whom they share their allegiance until 18 years of age-

64 posted on 04/08/2016 11:48:26 AM PDT by Bob434
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To: Bob434

> “natural born citizen”
> Which is what a citizen at birth is

This is incorrect. Naturalization statutes can and do confer citizenship AT birth. Citizenship BY birth is natural born citizen.

65 posted on 04/08/2016 12:32:22 PM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Bob434
> the act of being born to a us citizen makes that person, at birth, a us citizen

No, it doesn't.

Note that the foreign-born child is not a citizen if the citizen parent does not meet the requirements of this statute.[1] The foreign-born child is not a citizen by birth, the foreign-born child is a citizen by statute. A citizen by statute is a naturalized citizen.

[1] Immigration and Nationality Act, Pub. L. No. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), 66 Stat. 163, 236 (1952).

66 posted on 04/08/2016 12:39:45 PM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Ray76

that is contrary to what the courts have determined- Residency requirements are not issues which ‘confer citizenship- they confirm citizenship-

[[two former top Supreme Court litigators, Neal Katyal and Paul Clement, said: “All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase ‘natural born Citizen’ has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time.

And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone, or the continental United States.”]]

[[Naturalization statutes can and do confer citizenship AT birth. ]]

Not on people who are already citizens- only on those who are foreigners and no citizen parent

Naturalization statutes only directly affect foreigner’s children- the children born of a us citizen overseas have always had a greater burden of proving their connection to their US citizen parent- this stricter requirement however does not mean that the person was granted citizenship via statute/process- but rather that statutes were enacted to enhance the definition of common/natural law that the states have long employed as to what confers a right

it has always been within the power of congress to address the parameters of those who have a natural claim to citizenship at birth. The statute itself does not confer citizenship it simply defines the parameters that must be met- IF they have been met, there is no need for a process of naturalization because the person is an NBC.

[[[1] The foreign-born child is not a citizen by birth, the foreign-born child is a citizen by statute.]]

Again- the statute is not conferring citizenship- it is affirming citizenship-

A Statute does not naturalize- it simply determines who must be naturalized via process- Nowhere has it been deemed that a person born overseas to a US parent must be naturalized via process- Ted Cruz has never had to go through a naturalization process- the courts have determined that there are only two ways to become a citizen- naturally, and via a process

You seem to be stuck on the idea that a statute is the act of naturalizing- it is not- only a process is the act of naturalizing (with some rare exceptions)- A person who is foreign born to foreign parents, can not, except in rare exceptions, be declared a citizen without going through the actual process of naturalization- The statute simply declares that they, foreign children born to foreign parents, must be naturalized- it is not an actual process of naturalization however- this is very important- a statute which determines who must be naturalized is not the actual act of naturalization

As has been stated several times now, Supreme court cases have found that there is no difference between a child born of a us citizen overseas and one born here when it comes to NBC status and all the rights and privileges that go with it- previous cases were based on lax poorly defined laws that allowed the courts to determine ‘intent to expatriate’ far too easily- subsequent courts and statutes rectified that problem

[[[1] The foreign-born child is not a citizen by birth, the foreign-born child is a citizen by statute.]]

again- the statute isn’t conferring the citizenship it simply confirms what is the natural right to claim by the child- both jus soli and jus sanguinis confer the term ‘natural’ in NBC- the statute simply recognizes such children as citizens as per natural and common law and the law of nations fro mwhich we derive our laws, it does not confer the actual citizenship

67 posted on 04/08/2016 3:43:37 PM PDT by Bob434
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To: Bob434

Read Rogers v. Bellei, 401 U.S. 815 (1971)

Read Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967)

The source of your confusion is your mistaken belief that a process is required. There is no such requirement.

68 posted on 04/08/2016 4:16:19 PM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Bob434
> [[Naturalization statutes can and do confer citizenship AT birth. ]]
> Not on people who are already citizens- only on those who are foreigners and no citizen parent

Is the foreign-born child of a citizen a citizen when the citizen parent does not meet the requirements of this statute?

[1] Immigration and Nationality Act, Pub. L. No. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), 66 Stat. 163, 236 (1952)

69 posted on 04/08/2016 4:25:24 PM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Spaulding
You got that right Spaulding. Good to see you!

John Bingham, "father of the 14th Amendment", the abolitionist congressman from Ohio who prosecuted Lincoln's assassins, reaffirmed the definition known to the framers, not once, but twice during Congressional discussions of Citizenship pertaining to the upcoming 14th Amendment and a 3rd time nearly 4 years after the 14th was adopted.

The House of Representatives definition for "natural born Citizen" was read into the Congressional Record during the Civil War, without contest!

"All from other lands, who by the terms of [congressional] laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians." (Cong. Globe, 37th, 2nd Sess., 1639 (1862)).


The House of Representatives definition for "natural born Citizen" was read into the Congressional Record after the Civil War, without contest!

every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

No other Representative ever took issue with these words on the floor of the House. If you read the Congressional Globe to study these debates, you will see that many of the underlying issues were hotly contested. However, Bingham’s definition of “natural born citizen” (born of citizen parents in the sovereign territory of the U.S.) was never challenged on the floor of the House. Without a challenge on the definition, it appears the ALL where in agreement.

Then, during a debate (see pg. 2791) on April 25, 1872 regarding a certain Dr. Houard, who had been incarcerated in Spain, the issue was raised on the floor of the House of Representatives as to whether the man was a US citizen (generally. they were not trying to decide if he was a NBC). Representative Bingham (of Ohio), stated on the floor:

“As to the question of citizenship I am willing to resolve all doubts in favor of a citizen of the United States. That Dr. Houard is a natural-born citizen of the United States there is not room for the shadow of a doubt. He was born of naturalized parents within the jurisdiction of the United States, and by the express words of the Constitution, as amended to-day, he is declared to all the world to be a citizen of the United States by birth.”

(The term “to-day”, as used by Bingham, means “to date”. Obviously, the Constitution had not been amended on April 25, 1872. And, since they knew he was, without a doubt, a natural born Citizen...he was, of course, considered a citizen of the U.S.)

The take away from this is that, while the debates and discussions went on for years in the people's house regarding "citizenship" and the 14th Amendment, not a single Congressman disagreed with the primary architect's multiple statements on who is a natural born Citizen per the Constitution. The United States House was in complete agreement at the time. NBC = born in sovereign U.S. territory, to 2 citizen parentS who owe allegiance to no other country.

70 posted on 04/08/2016 5:41:45 PM PDT by rxsid (HOW CAN A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN'S STATUS BE "GOVERNED" BY GREAT BRITAIN? - Leo Donofrio (2009))
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To: rxsid


71 posted on 04/08/2016 5:52:37 PM PDT by philman_36 (Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty arny instnd supped with infamy. Benjamiin Franklin)
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To: patlin


72 posted on 04/08/2016 6:06:29 PM PDT by magglepuss
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To: Ray76; Springfield Reformer

I’m not going through the answers again- the answer to your question in post 69 is in my last post- You have also been answered by springfield reformer on this very issue in another thread that I pointed you to earlier- you asked the same question there and received the correct answer from him which was far more eloquent than I could do- If you wish to re-read hisp oitns, here’sd the link to the post:

“2) You have no basis for assuming that someone who is natural born is automatically outside the scope of the Naturalization Act. Foreign born children of US citizens have a presumptive claim to citizenship by descent (jus sanguinis), which is natural, but have always had a greater burden of proof regarding their connection to the sovereign, in that the presumption may be later rebutted. The Foreign Affairs Manual is explicit that this sort of claim is grounded in jus sanguinis:

7 FAM 1131.1-1 Federal Statutes (CT:CON-349; 12-13-2010)

a. Acquisition of U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is governed by Federal statutes. Only insofar as Congress has provided in such statutes, does the United States follow the traditionally Roman law principle of “jus sanguinis” under which citizenship is acquired by descent (see 7 FAM 1111 a(2)).”

From this Post:

(In that thread you will find you answers to the issue of a statute not conferring citizenship- as well, what i stated before, the statute doesn’t grant citizenship to foreign born children of NON citizens, it simply states that they must be naturalized in a process- I also pointed otu that the law states that if a non citizen person doesn’t go through a process and in that process declare allegience, they are not a citizen except in rare circumstances which would preclude a process- but all other cases must declare allegiance in a process- The statute defining who doesn’t need to be naturalized- the child born to a us citizen offsoil is an NBC via a natural claim at birth- not via a statute- even though a statute may place extra burden on children born off soil- This extra burden is NOT granting citizenship- it can’t- the child is a citizen- an NBC at birth- Congress is fully within it’s right to demand an extra burden be placed on a child born off-soil in an effort to make sure th child is raised in an atmosphere where allegiance will be nurtured by the biological US citizen parent (who’s allegiance is automatically conferred to the child before and until the age of 18)

And “There was already a body of case and statutory law for non-14th citizens. Those categories include citizens at birth such as Cruz via jus sanguinis. Your analysis simply presumes without proof that all statutory citizens are all naturalized, when we know from Nguyen, Miller, Zivotofsky, etc., that is not the case. Naturalization happens after birth. Therefore citizens at birth are not naturalized.”


As for The Bellei case, it was already explained earlier- (and also been explained by springfield reformer in those threads i pointed to as well) as were other cases that were based on lax interpretations of of the court of a citizen’s ‘intent to expatriate’- which incidentally laws have since been made much harder for a court to assign ‘intent to expatriate’

73 posted on 04/08/2016 8:57:28 PM PDT by Bob434
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To: Bob434
> I’m not going through the answers again- the answer to your question in post 69 is in my last post

To: Bob434
> [[Naturalization statutes can and do confer citizenship AT birth. ]]
> Not on people who are already citizens- only on those who are foreigners and no citizen parent

Is the foreign-born child of a citizen a citizen when the citizen parent does not meet the requirements of this statute?

[1] Immigration and Nationality Act, Pub. L. No. 82-414 § 301(a)(7), 66 Stat. 163, 236 (1952)

69 posted on Friday, April 8, 2016 7:25:24 PM by Ray76
You are asserting that the foreign-born child of a citizen is a citizen when the parent does not meet the requirement of the statute, is that correct?
74 posted on 04/08/2016 9:18:11 PM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Bob434

> As for The Bellei case, it was already explained earlier- (and also been explained by springfield reformer in those threads i pointed to as well) as were other cases that were based on lax interpretations of of the court of a citizen’s ‘intent to expatriate’- which incidentally laws have since been made much harder for a court to assign ‘intent to expatriate’

Bellei was not about expatriation, he had no desire to expatriate. He did not desire to lose citizenship yet he did because he did not comply with the terms of naturalization statute.

75 posted on 04/08/2016 9:20:15 PM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Ray76

[[He did not desire to lose citizenship yet he did because he did not comply with the terms of naturalization statute.]]

You are not even bothering to read anything I’ve written are you?

This is the last time- I really am burned out on this issue because i keep saying the same answers over and over, and people just ignore them but they are relevant ot the issue being discussed- there is no ‘naturalization statute’ for natural born citizens- there is a statute that creates extra burden for foreign born Natural Born Citizens, as is the congress’s right to define- but this statute does NOT confer citizenship on someone who is already a citizen- Bellei lost his citizenship because he did not meet them ore stringent requirements of off-soil born natur4al born citizenship- The courts interpreted that as ‘intent to expatriate’ and they stripped him of his citizenship- wrongly- Courts have since made it much harder for courts to ‘determine intent to expatriate’, and it’s now almost required that a person must formally renounce their citizenship, and declare allegiance to another country before the court will declare them a non citizen (except in cases of proven treason- the courts interpret that as voluntary expatriation without a formal process of expatriation needed)

There is no naturalization statute- there is only a statute for non citizens that declares they must be naturalized by a process- and there especially is no naturalization statute for NBC children born off-soil

76 posted on 04/08/2016 9:36:11 PM PDT by Bob434
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To: Bob434

> but this statute does NOT confer citizenship on someone who is already a citizen

So your answer to my question “You are asserting that the foreign-born child of a citizen is a citizen when the parent does not meet the requirement of the statute, is that correct?” is “Yes”.

Congress wasted their time when they wrote the statute. And they wasted their time when they reduced the requirements from “not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years” to “not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years” (Pub. L. No. 99-653 § 12, 100 Stat. 3657 (1986)). In fact they’ve wasted their time every time they wrote a naturalization statute because the person (according to you) was already a citizen and in fact was a natural born citizen. Hardly likely. And the Supreme Court has never interpreted it this way.

> there is a statute that creates extra burden for foreign born Natural Born Citizens

You have shown no legal or historical basis supporting this claim.

Regarding Bellei - “The proper emphasis is on what the statute permits him to gain from the possible starting point of noncitizenship, not on what he claims to lose from the possible starting point of full citizenship to which he has no constitutional right in the first place. His citizenship, while it lasts, although conditional, is not ‘second-class.’” Rogers v Bellei

He was not already a citizen and then “burdened” with extra requirements. He was not a citizen until statutory requirements were met.

Congress has authority to establish a uniform rule of naturalization and can impose nearly any condition precedent or subsequent. Bellei lost his citizenship because he failed to comply with a condition subsequent required by naturalization statute, and for no other reason. If he had not been naturalized he would not have lost his citizenship.

Even if Bellei did not lose his citizenship he would still be a naturalized citizen, just as Cruz is.

77 posted on 04/08/2016 10:02:55 PM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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To: Ray76

[[He was not already a citizen and then “burdened” with extra requirements.]]

Yes he was- the burden for NBC born off-soil is greater than on-soil for the reasons i and springfieldreformer mentioned- He lost his citizenship because of lax guidelines by the court in determining what a person’s ‘intent to expatriate’ were- I’m not going to keep stating this- You seem to be trying to dance around this point- but it always comes back to this point regarding the Bellei case-

[[Even if Bellei did not lose his citizenship he would still be a naturalized citizen,]]

There was no statute that conferred citizenship to him nor was there a naturalization process he went through- another point you seem disinclined to address- There was a statute that he failed to comply with which, wrongly, in the eyes of the court, they determined to mean he voluntarily expatriated himself without going through a process of expatriation- as mentioned several times now, courts have stepped up to the plate and done away with such lax interpretation of a citizen’s ‘intent to expatriate’, and for good reason- Courts can’t just arbitrarily strip a citizen of their citizenship without strong/stringent probable cause anymore-

[[If he had not been naturalized he would not have lost his citizenship.]]

If you will read the dissenting opinion in the case- he most certainly did lose his NBC citizenship- this is why later courts stepped in to correct this atrocity so that it never happens again- it is now much much harder for a court to strip someone of their citizenship and yes, a court can and does strip people of their citizenship- but it is nowm uch harder for them to do so than it was in Bellei’s day

78 posted on 04/09/2016 12:21:57 AM PDT by Bob434
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To: patlin

It’s all a set up for Ryan or Kasich or both in P/VP.

79 posted on 04/09/2016 4:08:03 AM PDT by CincyRichieRich (Trump is the ticket or the republic ends.)
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To: Bob434

> i keep saying the same answers over and over, and people just ignore them

That is because you offer nothing to support your assertions. Repeatedly asserting them doesn’t make them true.

> There is no naturalization statute- there is only a statute for non citizens that declares they must be naturalized by a process- and there especially is no naturalization statute for NBC children born off-soil

Your entire theory springs from this mistaken premise.

80 posted on 04/09/2016 6:14:08 AM PDT by Ray76 (Judge Roy Moore for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States)
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