Posted on 11/28/2015 8:29:40 AM PST by NOBO2012
As I recall, âscientistsâ told us for years that black holes existed at the center of galaxies and possessed a gravitational force so strong that nothing â NOTHING - could escape; not even light.
Next, they told us that black holes donât actually exist.
Now they tell us that black holes really DO exist, butt that light - along with other stellar, uh, vomit - can escape after all.The NASA fantasists even created a CGI to persuade us that this time theyâre correct:
Thatâs as impressive as global warming! And possibly as real.
In fact, they claim they have actually witnessed (from 300 million light years away) a black hole suck a star in from itâs normal orbit, kill it, eat it and then barf part of it back out into space (see cartoon image above). Boy, thatâs one heck of a telescope!
Still, it seems improbable to me. After all, how could any dark force manage to suck in such a bright, shining, star?
How could such a dark force manage to kill an entire star and devour it before our eyes?
Leaving just a little detritus to burp up?
I mean, who would believe such a foolish, untested, unproved theory?
A foolish, untested, unproved President?
So, got that? The science is settled: no light can escape from a black hole â which may or may not exist - except for the light that escapes from a black hole. Now, pack your bags: weâve got a global climate change conference in Paris we have to tend to.
Posted from: Michelle Obamaâs Mirror
CGI as in the same way the use computer magickry to make Hollywood stars leap tall buildings, pickup cars and throw them like baseballs, and fly through the sky with nothing on but capes albeit while battling shape shifting vehicles? Sure I believe the scientists.../s
At first I read the title as #BLACK HO’s MATTER
Just Saying!
The author’s presumption saying it is “settled science” is false and nonsense. The science in regard to black holes or singularities is very far from any kind of settled science. The assertion that science regards such singularities to be understood ell enough to be settled science is a strawman argument unworthy of further comment and discussion.
I believe in spaghettification!
Check the batteries in your sarcasm meter.
Yes, but then this article wasn’t really about science.
Let me put it this way, the use of the false analogy grossly fails to do the subject the justice it truly and badly needs.... Impeache’em yesterday!
There is no such thing as settled science, it is either true or false. Theories can be tested but theories are NOT facts. AGW is hooey concocted by would be Kings to enslave the masses and allow them to become the ultimate slave owners...
“. Theories can be tested but theories are NOT facts.”
That is correct. Theories are testable explanations for the facts. The facts are not in dispute. Too many people conflate facts with theory, thinking if they don’t like the theory, the facts will go away, too.
> I believe in spaghettification!
If David Gilmore is shredding I won’t pay attention to their spaghetti monster reference because I like their music...: )
“In astrophysics, spaghettification (sometimes referred to as the noodle effect[1]) is the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes (rather like spaghetti) in a very strong non-homogeneous gravitational field; it is caused by extreme tidal forces. In the most extreme cases, near black holes, the stretching is so powerful that no object can withstand it, no matter how strong its components. Within a small region the horizontal compression balances the vertical stretching so that small objects being spaghettified experience no net change in volume.”
I do too. Especially with a little Prego sauce and some grated parmesan.
In other words extreme magnetic fields that make matter look like it got long and skinny while retaining the same quantity of matter just redistributing it, eh? Don’t let the liberals hear this. They’ll claim the universe is socialist in nature....: )
I know black holes exist. One is my wife’s purse.
Perhaps a better analogy would be...
You mean like our Faux King President ?
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