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Good Enemies - Part II

Posted on 03/20/2015 4:26:19 PM PDT by Ragnarok-N-Roll



CAIR - Council on American-Islamic Relations
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is the main Muslim Brotherhood front group for propaganda.

CAIR is featured in the Center for Security Policy’s Team B II Report as an organization that engages in “dual messaging” in the advancement of “stealth jihad.”

A particularly telling indication of the stealth jihad agenda comes from Omar Ahmad, one of the founders CAIR and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial for funding international terrorism from the United States.

The Center for Security Policy report, Sharia – The Threat to America, referenced Ahmad who made a statement alluding to the Muslim Brotherhood’s use of dual-messaging, a form of secretive communication in which words seem innocent to the uninitiated, but which have definite meaning to those in the inner circle. Ahmad states:

I believe that our problem is that we stopped working underground. We will recognize the source of any message which comes out of us. I mean, if a message is publicized, we will know… the media person among us will recognize that you send two messages: one to the Americans and one to the Muslims.”

Note the differentiation between Americans and Muslims which reiterates that Muslims are not and should not consider themselves as Americans.

CAIR’s formation was the result of a 1993 meeting in Philadelphia of key members of the U.S. Palestine Committee, all attendees were deemed Hamas members or sympathizers by the FBI, who monitored and wiretapped the meeting.  One of the main topics of discussion in the meeting was the need to form a “political organization and public relations” organ, “whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous." The meeting attendees went on to state the need to:

 “Having organizations which include media and research department, another for politics and public relations and the third department is concerned with money and law. Each one of these [departments] has certain goals…I repeat here that any organization which seeks to do activism here in America must be very strong. Its main goal should to become strong… Should the outside media or any foreign organization want to find out the point of view of Muslims, they would ask us and not any other entity. 

How are we going to carry them out? There are five fields; the first way is the media. The second field is the field of politics and public relations, public activism, our financial strength and strengthening our organizations. The second goal for media activism is broadcasting the Islamic point of view in U.S. media. The first goal was relating to activism among Muslims and Palestinians but we must broadcast our point of view in U.S. media. There is a very good reason for that which is bringing the voice of the Islamists to the surface, keeping them informed and explaining their positions in order to ease the severity of allegations of radicalism and other things. Also, strengthening the influence with Congress or other than the Congress. This is also one of the long-term goals but we have started to do some things about it. This can be achieved by infiltrating the American media outlets, universities and research centers as we previously said.  It is also achieved by working with Islamic political organizations and the sympathetic ones such as ...

 You have now many emerging Islamic organizations, such as the American Muslim Alliance, such as the United Muslims of America, MPAC and AIP AC and others.  I think that it is our mission to assist them because if Muslims engage in political activism in America and started to be concerned with Congress and public relations we will have an entry point to use them to pressure Congress and the decision-makers in America. The second thing is winning the Islamic centers and the imams of the mosques and those who are in charge at these mosques. I believe that this is a very important issue because our work location is the Islamic centers.  The third issue relating to mobilization is winning the Muslim and Palestinian youths to attract them to Islamic activism as they are the ones who can ...  I mean, deal with the surroundings better than us…  We must also establish organizations and support them to educate their children and preserve their Arab and Muslim identity... Also, we must prepare for the future which will bring a new movement of complete change which includes a confrontation with the Zionist entity as a whole. Like brother Akram said that the conflict is not about self-rule or an independent state or not or two states. It is a conflict…

In 1994, one year after the Philadelphia meeting took place, CAIR was founded by Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad. Both were listed as attendees at the 1993 meeting.  Purely, coincidental, I’m sure.

CAIR was previously named as a Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group by the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office in the federal criminal trial and conviction of a terrorist funding cell organized around one of the largest Muslim charities, the Holy Land Foundation, which raised funds for violent jihad on behalf of Hamas. CAIR has found itself at the center of controversy due to Tampa public school officials inviting their spokesmen to address students, dictating to the Department of Defense who may give lectures on Islam, forcing Navy SEALs to change their training so as to not include targets that resemble Muslims, and, along with the Islamic Society of North America ( ISNA ), signing a letter protesting “offensive” training by the military which resulted in the firing of a highly decorated Colonel who was teaching a class on radical Islam at the Joint Forces Staff College at the National Defense University.

Current and prior members of CAIR have let their true feelings be known:


Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith but to become dominant. The Qu’ran should be the highest authority in America.”
 - Omar M. Ahmed CAIR Chairman, Remarks made on 07/02/1998 and reported in the San Ramon Valley Herald on 07/04/1998


I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future but I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.”
-Ibrahim Hooper National Communications Director for CAIR,’Readers Say Use of ‘Fundamentalist’ Hurting Muslis, Lou Gelfand-Star Tribune, 04/04/1993


After I researched the situation inside and outside Palestine, I am in support of the Hamas movement.”
-Nihad Awad, CAIR Founder, Testimony Senate Judiciary Committee on Terrorism,
Technology, and Homeland Security, 09/10/2003 


Ghassan Elashi: CAIR Boardmember; Convicted in 2004 of illegally shipping high-tech goods to Syria through his internet service provider, Infocom Corporation.


Bassem K. Khafagi: CAIR Director of Community Affairs; Pled guilty in 2003 to bank and visa fraud.


Randall Todd “Ismail” Royer: CAIR Communications Specialist and Civil Rights Coordinator; Convicted in 2003 to a twenty year prison sentence for conspiring to wage jihad in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Ringleader of the “Virginia Jihad Network” a group of D.C.-area men arrested on charges of violating the Neutrality Act of the United States Code and charged with conspiracy, commencing an expedition against a friendly nation, and various weapons violations.

The FBI has affirmed that CAIR has ties with Hamas and has cut all ties with the organization. However, entities such as HBO, Home Depot, the San Antonio Police Department, Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration, Baltimore City Police, Maryland State Police, Anne Arundel County Police, Prince George’s County Police, Howard County Police, and the U.S. Capitol Police continue to utilize CAIR in training efforts on Muslim rights and cultural diversity.

Shortly after the FBI reaffirmation, CAIR’s Oakland California chapter hosted a conference called, FBI Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas: Know Your Rights and Defend Our Communities. As part of the promotion, CAIR-California’s website featured this poster:

CAIR_Poster New York Republican Peter King, then the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, stated that there were concerns within law enforcement that the leaders of Islamic organizations in America are uncooperative with law enforcement investigations and that, "[This poster] goes right to the essence of the matter".

After being called out on the promotion, Ibrahim Hooper the National Communications Director for CAIR, stated that the poster was “misinterpreted” and, while the poster was removed from CAIR’s website, Hooper refused to renounce the artwork and blamed critics for fomenting what he called a manufactured controversy.  Manufactured Controversy or not, a book titled Greetings from the Cultural Department courtesy of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. and published by the government of Saudi Arabia, was being distributed to attendees of the King Fahd Mosque in Los Angeles, California. The book instructs Muslims to:

Build a wall of resentment between yourself and the infidel: Never greet the Christian or Jew first. Never congratulate the infidel on his holiday. Never befriend an infidel unless it is to convert him. Never imitate the infidel. Be dissociated from the infidels, hate them for their religion, leave them, never rely on them for support, do not admire them, and always oppose them in every way according to Islamic law.”

One example may be an oversight. Two examples using identical language is evidence of a concerted effort.

CAIR bills itself as a civil rights organization dedicated to fighting bigotry and has said that it, “will not allow the perception to be that there is any religion in the world that condones the taking of innocent life” (Although, his definition of “innocent” is different that our understanding of it, which will be explained later). But if CAIR is, truly, a moderate entity concerned about stamping out terrorism, they have a funny way of showing it.  Encouraging the Muslim community at large to erect a “wall of resistance” between them and law enforcement, which is committed to protecting the general public (which includes the Muslim community), only promotes feelings of disengagement and suspicion where bridges of cooperation and trust need to be built to defeat what is supposed to be the common enemy of a violent minority that have “hijacked” the religion of Islam. 

With all of this evidence tying CAIR to a designated terrorist entity (HAMAS and the Muslim Brotherhood) and its seditious goals and efforts, the fact that CAIR is afforded any legitimacy and is sought out for consultation by media outlets and politicians on policy and positioning statements about Islam is outrageous.

ISNA – Islamic Society of North America
The Islamic Society of North America, based in Plainfield, Indiana, was established in July 1981 by U.S. based members of the Muslim Brotherhood who also had a background as leaders of the Muslim Students Association(MSA). The ISNA is the largest Muslim organization in North America.

Federal prosecutors included ISNA on a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Hamas-financing prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). In December 2003, U.S. Senators Charles Grassley and Max Baucus of the Senate Committee on Finance listed ISNA as one of 25 American Muslim organizations that “finance terrorism and perpetuate violence.”

ISNA is listed among "individuals/entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood."

In his testimony before the US Senate in October 2003, Dr. Michael Waller told Senators:

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) refers Muslim clerics to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. The Islamic Society of North America is an influential front for the promotion of the Wahhabi political, ideological and theological infrastructure in the United States and Canada."

Claiming that ISNA has connections to 50 to 79 percent of mosques on the North American continent, he accused the organization of "dominating Islam in North America."

Wall Street Journal columnist, Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, during testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security advised that the ISNA was,one of the chief conduits through which the radical Saudi form of Islam passes through to the U.S.

A declassified FBI memo quotes one source as stating:

The entire organization is structured, controlled and funded by followers and supporters of the Islamic Revolution as advocated by the founders of the Brotherhood in Egypt and has a political goal to exert influence on political decision making and legislation in North America.”

A 2008 report by the International Assessment and Strategy Center indicated that ISNA was supplying educational services to, approximately, 73% of mosques in North America.  The report also provided evidence of links between the ISNA and the terrorist groups Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas.  Further, ISNA board member and former Vice-President Siraj Wahaj was a character witness for Omar Abdel Rahman who was convicted in connection with the first World Trade Center bombing. Prosecutors have listed Wahaj as one of the "unindicted persons who may be alleged as co-conspirators" in the sheikh's case.

The U.S. military has hired Islamic chaplains endorsed by the ISNA and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, also, uses ISNA certified clerics. Columnist Stephen Schwartz wrote in the Weekly Standard:

Wahhabis serve as chaplains at all levels of incarceration in America. They are mainly certified and trained as religious officials by two groups: The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (GSISS), which moved to Ashburn, Virginia, after renaming itself Cordoba University in 2005. Both ISNA and GSISS represent forms of radical Islam aligned with Wahhabism, and both are currently under federal investigation for ties to terrorism.” 

Estimates suggest that 35,000-40,000 inmates convert to Islam each year, and nationwide, it is estimated that 15 percent of the U.S. prison population is Muslim.  In 2005, authorities disrupted a plot hatched by Muslim prison inmates in Los Angeles to strike U.S. military facilities, Israeli national interests, and synagogues in the Los Angeles area around the time of Jewish high holidays. This cast a glaring spotlight on the radicalization of the inmate population in America. Peter King, the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee concluded in a study that radical Islamic proselytizing of the U.S. prison population, “Shouldn’t even be debatable: There’s no doubt it’s there”. The prison system never rejects the dissemination of literature due to its radical content and many prisoners are given literature urging them to, “Wage war against non-Muslims who have not submitted to Islamic rule”.

Despite all the evidence shown here, which is publicly available to everyone, in May, 2014, U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt ruled that prisons must make allowances for inmates to conduct religious activities and to have services without a prison clergy or civilian religious supervisor present. To allow Muslims to conduct meetings with zero supervision is courting disaster. John Oliver, the warden of a Federal Correctional Institute located in Terre Haute Indiana has gone on record stating that, when allowed group prayer time, Muslims used the time to set up prison gangs.


I believe that as Muslims, we should participate in the system to safeguard our interests and try to bring gradual change. We must not forget that Allah’s rules have to be established in all lands and our efforts should lead to that direction.”
-Muzammil H. Siddiqi Boardmember for the Islamic Society of North America, 'Muslims Participating in the U.S. Local Councils’, Fatwa Bank,, 10/01/2003 

MSA - Muslim Student’s Association
The Muslim Brotherhood, under the umbrella of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), founded the Muslim Students Association of the US (MSA) in 1963 at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.  The Muslim Student’s Association has affiliated chapters at 206 college and high school campuses across the U.S.

Larry Poston, Assistant Professor and Chair of the Department of Missiology at Nyack College, writes that, “Many of the founding members of this agency [ Muslim Student’s Association ] were members of, or had connections to, the Muslim Brotherhood”.

The MSA engages in pro-Palestinian activism on campuses and is no stranger to controversy. A 2012 article linked the MSA to a plot to blow up the New York City subway system. During their annual conferences they present workshops on such topics as the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel, the necessity for Muslims to get involved in politics, and combating the threat of “Islamophobia”.

A FBI document procured by Steve Emerson, under the Freedom of Information Act, states:

The leadership of NAIT, [ North American Islamic Trust ] MSA and other Muslim groups are inter-related, with many leaders and members of NAIT having been identified as supporters of the Islamic Revolution as advocated by the Government of Iran (GOI). Their support of JIHAD (holy war) in the U.S. has been evidenced by the financial and organizational support provided through NAIT from Middle East countries to Muslims residing in the U.S. and Canada.”

And a report by the New York City Police Department cited the Muslim Student’s Association as a forum for extremists who use these, “University-based organizations as forums for the development and recruitment of likeminded individuals – providing a receptive platform for younger, American-born imams, to present a radical message in a way that resonates with the students”.

During the Muslim Student’s Association’s 13th Annual conference held at the University of California-Los Angeles, the MSA’s pledge of Allegiance was recited by Abdel Malik Ali, imam of the Masjid Al Islam mosque in Oakland, and was caught on tape:

Allah is my Lord. Islam is my life.  The Qu’ran is my guide. The Sunnah is my practice. Jihad is my spirit. Righteousness is my character. Paradise is my goal. I enjoin what is right, I forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression and I will die to establish Islam.”

NAIT – North American Islamic Trust
The NAIT is the financial arm of the Muslim Students Association. Also, based in Plainfield, Indiana, the NAIT was established in 1973 in by some of the same Muslim Brotherhood members who started the MSA. ISNA's President, Dr. Ingrid Mattson, is a former member of the NAIT board of directors. The NAIT supports and provides services to ISNA, MSA, their affiliates, and other Islamic centers and institutions.

The NAIT website describes themselves entity as:

A waqf, the historical Islamic equivalent of an American trust or endowment, serving Muslims in the United States and their institutions. NAIT facilitates the realization of American Muslims' desire for a virtuous and happy life in a Shari'ah-compliant way.” The Islamic Academy of Florida in Hillsborough County, Florida, owned by NAIT and founded in 1992 by Sami Al-Arian, a convicted terrorist, was described in a 2003 federal indictment as a base of operations and support for a terrorist cell of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a group said to be responsible for the murders of more than 100 people. The indictment said the Academy's offices were used to communicate with Islamic Jihad operatives.

A Fox News investigation discovered that the NAIT received over $10,000 in tax payer funded farm subsidies for two relatively small land plots that are tax-zoned as agricultural but no crops are produced.

The group has been able to obtain farm subsidies legally without producing any crops because it is a nonprofit "charity group" landowner, so it received subsidies on top of being tax-exempt.

A FBI Memo describes the Muslim organizations associated with the NAIT, such as the MSA and ISNA, as having, “Declared war on the United States, Israel and any other country they deem as an enemy of Islam. The common bond between these various organizations is both religious and political with the underlying common goal being to further the holy war.”

NAIT reportedly holds the titles of over 325 properties in 42 states. The figures on the ownership of mosque mortgages place NAIT ownership between 25% and 80% of all U.S. mosques. This gives the Muslim Brotherhood teachings final authority in the majority of Islamic centers in the U.S. and NAIT, “is available to support and advise them ( mosques ) regarding their operation in conformity with the Shari'ah”.

ICNA - Islamic Circle of North America
The ICNA website describes their organization in this way:

Established in 1968, the Islamic Circle of North America was a response to the growing need for a supportive Muslim community in North America. The organization initially focused on educating its growing membership about Islam, the goal being to adhere to Islamic values amongst a religiously diverse community. In the early 70s, ICNA members, the majority of whom were of South Asian descent, focused their efforts on education and personal/spiritual development.

In November of 1977, nearly a decade after its formation, ICNA members met and discussed the need for Islamic work based in North America. After drafting and adopting a new detailed constitution, the organization formally became known as the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). With a new name and new direction, members of ICNA were determined to become an inclusive, diverse organization, and adopted English as their official language. ICNA’s work towards establishing a place for Islam in America began. 

With the 80s came several key expansion projects—ICNA Sisters’ Wing was formed in 1980, ICNA’s main headquarters established in Jamaica, Queens in 1984 and the annual convention celebrated its 10th year in 1985. With a central location from which to base its efforts, ICNA was able to launch numerous projects, many of which still thrive today. ICNA Relief, 877-Why Islam, Young Muslims, the National Shura Council, the Message International, Muslim Alert Network, Muslim Savings and Investments (MSI) and more branches were formed throughout the following years to cater to the needs of the American Muslim community. Along with the national convention, clusters of ICNA chapters across North America hosted annual regional conferences; Neighbor Nets were formed for members of local chapters to meet on a consistent basis. 1993 marked a milestone in ICNA’s history, as its Charter and By-Laws were approved and adopted. 

In the past decade, ICNA has expanded its reach across the US while maintaining an active presence in local communities. Muslim Family Day, first hosted at Six Flags New Jersey in the year 2000, now attracts nearly 50,000 a year at several parks nationwide. The ICNA Council for Social Justice, a branch of ICNA dedicated to representing the Muslim voice on matters of social justice was formed in 2009. ICNA has worked to establish connections between Islam and the public, collaborating with numerous Muslim organizations to reach this end. ICNA also works closely with many national interfaith organizations for the betterment of society. By focusing on self-development, education, outreach and social services, ICNA has cemented its place as a leading grassroots organization in the American Muslim community.”

But, we can gain a more truthful insight into the true intentions of their organization through their own literature.

The ICNA Member’s Handbook states on page 5 that the goal is to make the Islamic way of life a “ way of life for all ”, on page 12, “ICNA is focused on its mission of Iqamat-ad-Deen, the establishment of the Deen ” ( Islamic Way of Life ), and on page 13, “Our Goal:   To seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT) through the struggle for establishing the Islamic system of life as spelled out in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (S) ”.  On page 6 the ICNA calls for members to obey the call of Muhammad and the leaders of modern Islam, “I order you of five things: to be with al-jama’ah, to listen to the leaders, to obey the leader’s orders, hijrah, and jihad”. The handbook then goes on to state that the ultimate goal of the ICNA is a return to caliphate rule, “It implies the united Muslim Ummah in a united Islamic state, governed by an elected khalifah”.

On page 81 is the Oath of Membership that every member signs and affirms upon joining the ICNA. It states:

I ________________________________________________declare that
there is no deity except Allah, He is alone and He has no partner, and I
declare that Muhammad (SAW) is His servant and Messenger.
With Allah Rabbul Aalameen (The Lord of the Universe) as my witness,
I affirm that:

1.  I have thoroughly studied the aqeedah, goal, methodology and program
of I.C.N.A. After its proper understanding, I affirm that the
establishment of Allah’s Deen in this world is the goal of my life. I am
joining I.C.N.A. for the achievement of this very purpose. I have no
other objective in mind except the attainment of Allah’s pleasure and
the success in the Hereafter.

2.  I have studied the Charter and By-laws of I.C.N.A. and do hereby
pledge that I shall fully abide by its discipline, Inshallah.

May Allah enable me to remain faithful to this pledge, Aameen.
Signature ____________________________Date ____________________
Name_____________________________________Unit _______________


Signature of the Ameer ( President )

The ICNA’s Chicago chapter produced a training manual, the Tarbiyah Guide which advises its members: (Bold/Highlighted portions are mine and not in the original text)

These are hardly the teachings of an organization devoted to the “betterment of society, education, and personal/spiritual development which focuses on “self-development, education, outreach and social services”.

Houriya Ahmed of the centre for Social Cohesion in London had this to say about the ICNA:

"The irony of groups like ICNA is that they take advantage of democratic values to spread a message that is monolithic, anti-democratic, and isolating. They want to implement Sharia law in place of Western government… Organizations like ICNA are also smarter than their parent organization, Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan. Whereas the Pakistani group openly preaches its intolerant views, this group presents a smoother message in line with American values. However, its ideology and aims actually contradict democratic values and law."

While researching this book I came across an excellent example of permissible lying (known as Taqiyya) in Islam.

There is a 42 second video titled, American Muslim - My Voice, My Faith, which can be found here.

The video features vignettes of American Muslims speaking about Islam:

            Muslim #1:  “Over the years…”

            Muslim #2:  “A lot of people have been telling you…”

            Muslim #3:  “What to think about Muslims.”

            Muslim #4:  “They say you should fear me.”

            Muslim #5:  “Hate me.”

            Muslim #6:  “Suspect me.”

            Muslim #7:  “But the truth is…”

            Muslim #8:  “I don’t want to impose my faith upon you.”

            Muslim #9:  “I don’t want to take over this country.”

            Muslim #10:  “And I don’t support terrorism, in any form.”

            Muslim #11:  “Islam teaches me to…”

            Muslim #12:  “Respect all people.”

            Muslim #13:  “And stand up for justice for all.”

            Muslim #14:  “I am here.”

            Muslim #15:  “And I’ve been here for generations.”

            Muslim #16:  “Wanting the same things you do.

            Muslim #17:  “A chance to pursue…”

            Muslim #18:  “Life…”

            Muslim #19:  “Liberty…”

            Muslim #20:  “Peace...”

            Muslim #21:  “And happiness.”

            Muslim #22:  “I’m an American.”

Muslim #23:  “I’m Muslim.”

            Muslim #24:  “This is my faith.”

            Muslim #25:  “This is my voice.”

Prominent throughout the video in the lower left corner is a graphic reading, “Got Questions? Get Answers” with a contact phone number and a website for

We have at our disposal the Islamic Circle of North America’s Handbook, which clearly states on page 15 that, “WhyIslam is a subdivision of the Dawah Department. It works to promote Islam among non-Muslims”. 

So, if WhyIslam is part of the ICNA and by extension, the Muslim Brotherhood, we know that the true agenda of WhyIslam is the establishment of a global caliphate and Islamic rule. But, if this information was not known, there is another great little research tool that I hope you bookmark. You can find out who owns websites by typing the domain name into Who Is?

The result for the entry “” ( returns the following results:

Overview for
Registrant Contact Information:
Name: Islamic Circle of North America Inc.
Organization: Islamic Circle of North America Inc.
Address 1: 166-26 89th Ave,
City: Queens
State: NY
Zip: 11432
Country: US
Phone: +1.7323981754
Fax: +1.9999999999

The true agenda of, which is owned by ICNA is the exact opposite of the propaganda that they put forth for public consumption in the video.

IIIT - International Institute for Islamic Thought
Established in 1981 and co-founded by Anwar Ibrahim, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. IIIT is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia ( near Washington, DC ).  It defines itself as “a private, non-profit, academic and cultural institution, concerned with general issues of Islamic thought.” Through founders, current leaders and activities, IIIT is connected to virtually every other Muslim Brotherhood organization in North America, including ISNA, CAIR, MSA, MAS, ICNA.

A 1988 FBI file states that IIIT board members Jamal Barzinji and Yaqub Mirza are among those “previously characterized as… members and leaders of the IKHWAN[Muslim Brotherhood].

Another unclassified FBI document, obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism through the Freedom of Information Act states that the IIIT, “needs to peacefully get inside the United States government and also American universities.” and has, “claimed success in infiltrating the United States government with sympathetic of [or] compromised individuals.” IIIT has suspected ties to Sami al-Arian’s front for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group.

We have the IIIT to thank for formally introducing and promoting the term, Islamophobia

Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad who has since rejected IIIT's ideology says:

            “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliché’ conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.”

Per, the Council on Foreign Relations, Hamas is described as:

“Hamas is the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movement. The group has also operated a terrorist wing, carrying out suicide bombings and attacks using  mortars and short-range rockets. Hamas has launched attacks both in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and inside the pre-1967 boundaries of Israel. In Arabic, the word "hamas" means zeal. But it's also an Arabic acronym for "Harakat al- Muqawama al-Islamiya," or Islamic Resistance Movement. Its founding charter commits the group to the destruction of Israel, the replacement of the PA with an Islamist state on the West Bank and Gaza, and to raising "the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine."  Muslim charities in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe funnel money into Hamas-backed social service groups. In December 2001, the Bush administration seized the assets of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest Muslim charity in the United States, on suspicions it was funding Hamas.”

Hamas has openly admitted to being a “wing of the Muslim Brotherhood” and have clearly stated in their charter that their goals and beliefs are:

The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest Islamic Movement in the modern era. It is characterized by a profound understanding, by precise notions and by a complete comprehensiveness of all concepts of Islam in all domains of life: views and beliefs, politics and economics, education and society, jurisprudence and rule, indoctrination and teaching, the arts and publications, the hidden and the evident, and all the other domains of life.”

The realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.”

Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.”

 “Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in ontradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.” 

The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised. To do this requires the diffusion of Islamic consciousness among the masses, both on the regional, Arab and Islamic levels. It is necessary to instill the spirit of Jihad in the heart of the nation so that they would confront the enemies and join the ranks of the fighters.”

But, Hillary Clinton has said she hopes Hamas will turn into a "political entity." She said it is her "great hope" that they will be "at the table" of negotiations in the future.  I’m sensing some disconnect, here…

Another Palestinian group, Fatah, led by Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, is the entity that Israel is expected to deal with in peace negotiations. In 2008, then US president, George W. Bush, made the comment that Abbas was an “authentic peace partner”. In 2011, former US president Bill Clinton met with Abbas and confirmed that in Abbas Israel had “the best partner in the West Bank that they’ve ever had.”

During an address to the Palestinian leadership on November 6, 2011, Israel’s “Peace Partnermade the statement that, “Jerusalem is a Muslim and Christian city, and there will be neither peace nor security until the Israeli occupation, settlements, and settlers leave the city.”

But Abbas’ true feelings are revealed in the history that you will never hear about in any mainstream media outlet.

It turns out that Abu Daoud, the mastermind behind the Black September terrorist massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, revealed in an interview that Mahmoud Abbas was, “responsible for the financing of the Munich attack”. The interview, which was conducted by Sports Illustrated, and was located here, has since been scrubbed from the internet.

Abbas did not renounce or distance himself from Daoud after he made the allegations. In fact, when Abu Daoud died in 2010 of kidney failure in Damascus, Abbas sent a letter of condolence. Speaking of Daoud, Abbas stated, “What a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter.”

Abbas has also stated that he was, “Honored to be the one to shoot the first bullet in 1965” during the beginning stages of the Fatah’s campaign against Israel.

A 2007 study of Palestinian suicide bombings during the Second Intifada (September 2000 through August 2005) found that 39.9 percent of the suicide attacks were carried out by Hamas and 26.4 percent by Fatah. Combined, two-thirds of all suicide attacks in Israel were carried out by these groups and, just recently, Hamas and Fatah signed a unity deal to merge their two governments. The western world demands that Israel negotiates a peace agreement with murderers.  This world has gone insane.

I have focused on the organizations that were listed in the An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America document.  However, the conspiracy of Islamic organizations dedicated to the overthrow of our society is much larger than I can go into here.

It is best described as a web that reaches into every aspect of American life and it has a global reach backed by the bottomless coffers of both Saudi Arabia’s government and private donors through zakat (charity) offerings.  At the center, the venomous spider, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Islamic ideology that it espouses.




TOPICS: Politics; Reference; Religion; Society
KEYWORDS: goodenemies; islam; islamicjihad; jihad; muslim; muslims; ragnarok; religion; sedition; sharia; treason
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To: Ragnarok-N-Roll

Thank you, Ragnarok-N-Roll.

Maybe you could post links to your news compendiums on your profile page, and they’d all be in one E-Z to find place?

101 posted on 03/23/2015 8:56:10 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: Ragnarok-N-Roll

Bumping this thread - Part Three of “Good Enemies” about Islamic jihad. This part goes into various Islamic organizations have infiltrated and influenced our government and not just fedgov level either. It is vital information. Our country is being eaten out just like a house with timbers rotten from termites, about to collapse. Thanks to cowards, traitors, leftists who like to team up with moslems, and selfish people who are bought by the highest bidder, we are in dire straits. Islamic jihad is on the march and so many people do not even see the danger.

This book being printed on FR in parts - “Good Enemies” - could be entitled “Know Your Enemy”. One who does not know the enemy is doomed to defeat.

102 posted on 04/02/2015 5:36:56 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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