Sometimes I think the Left really lacks self-awareness of how the news they control presents to people who dont support them. The headlines in the last ten days have been dominated by two things: Cypriot capital controls, and homosexual marriage before the Supreme Court. The Media Directorate might actually think these things are about, respectively, orderly stabilization of the Eurozone and the heroic advance of Freedom. Thats not what they look like to Rhodies.
The big-picture narrative of Cypriot capital controls the Media Directorate isnt telling you very clearly is this:
- The Euro as a common currency is the idée fixe of the European lefts supranational socialist dream.
- If a nation leaves the Euro, the Dream Will Die (notwithstanding Edward Kennedys 1980 Democratic National Convention Speech).
- If a nations banking sector implodes, it will have to leave the Euro.
- The only way to prevent total banking sector implosion in Cyprus is a combination of bailouts, capital controls, and asset confiscation.
- If shutting down the free flow of goods, services, and capital and taking private property is required to prop up the Big Government Dream, Europes Big Government says: so be it, well do what we have to do.
The big-picture narrative of homosexual marriage before the Supreme Court this Holy Week that the Media Directorate isnt telling you at all is this:
- People with thoughts and actions outside Gods preferred design for their lives (whether heterosexual or homosexual, whether ones sexual activity or a different area of life) generally feel guilty.
- People dont like feeling guilty.
- Faced with guilt, there are two options: (a) admitting one is a sinner, repenting, asking for Gods grace, and receiving forgiveness of sins and reconciliation as an adopted child of God through faith and Christs death on the cross and belief in His Resurrection; or (b) define what you are doing that makes you feel guilty as really not that bad after all.
- Option Two is superficially more attractive, and thats what the homosexual marriage advocates are doing. But Option Two begins to ring hollow after a while, because people still are troubled by guilt.
Hence, ones defense of ones actions grows more strident, and it becomes very important that others affirm what you are doing perhaps if other people are compelled to say that what you are doing is worthy and good, then you will feel better.
It doesnt work, and it wont work, but like so many other paradoxes, the less it works, the harder the Left is going to keep trying: last isolated pockets of non-affirmers of homosexual marriage must be identified, isolated, targeted, and crushed.
Another way to defend against feeling guilty without having to accept ones need for Christ is to expand the scope of what is okay: not only is what you do that you dont feel good about okay, but a range of stuff thats even further out there is actually super-okay too. This provides defense in depth against guilt.
So the Left wont stop at homosexual marriage. No sir. Theyll move on to the next heroic struggle against bigotry: probably multi-gender things, or multi-person things, or multi-species things, or activities traditionally regarded as transgressive because of age or power disparities. These extensions of the frontier of what is deemed super-okay (and which failure to affirm, endorse, and advocate will be seen as bigoted) will be wrapped in a lot of heroic language of civil rights and fairness.
Of course, the Left is pretty misguided to demand that the government affirm what homosexuals do, because the Government isnt a source of legitimacy. But the Left thinks it is, so they busy themselves in this area.
The Left is taking off the brakes, Rhodies, and they clearly dont feel shame about what they are doing. They know what is best for you, and they demand that you participate in and affirm and enthusiastically support their Collective. Their ideas dont sell well without compulsion, but the ideas must be sold, and if they dont sell, if compulsion is what it takes, then fine, so be it.
This week is a clear case study of a trend that is frightening in its acceleration. While it has power, the Left intends to make the most of it, and they are fighting for keeps.
They want your assets.
They want your mind and your heart.
They will take tax exempt status away from our bigoted churches that wont marry homosexuals. They will use their tax and spending power to destroy businesses that dont get with the gleichschaltung. They will do everything they can to turn our childrens hearts, and maybe even take our children away, because were bigots who wont affirm with quite enough enthusiasm homosexual marriage and whatever else makes the Regime and its loyal helpers secretly guilty.
The agenda is clear, and some of what we must do in response is likewise clear.
We cannot use government schools. To pay direct or opportunity costs of making alternate education arrangements, we need to cut costs to free up cash flow.
We must radically lower our cost structures so we and our institutions are less vulnerable to Regime economic leverage.
We must deeply, profoundly teach and shape and influence our children and other Rhodie children now, while the Regime hasnt taken them away yet.
We must get right with the Lord now, and write His Scripture on our hearts. Christians who mean it have always been persecuted, and it seems very much as if our time may be right about now.
We have good company throughout history, and this illegitimate Regime will fall, eventually, like all the others because over this Easter Weekend, remember that the Tomb is empty, He Is Risen, and God wins.
Between now and then, though, its rough and its going to get rougher, so make this your finest hour. A Blessed Triduum and Easter to all the Rhodies out there. May God richly bless you and your families and the American Resistance, to the extent that preserving some remnant redoubt of Ordered Liberty on the North American continent is in keeping with His purposes.