Well...”The Bachelor” was on that night! ;)
My favorite question to owebamatards:
If pResident owebama was purposely trying to destroy the United States what would he do differently?
But the GOP is actively trying to "partner" with Obama, because "we're all in this together" and that maintains a kind of faith in the system which is quite unwarranted.
As I’ve always said, for a revolution to take place, the conditions have to be pretty dire (children being ripped from parents, etc.) People in general just want to get on with their lives and as long as they can have at least the illusion of doing so, they’re fine with that. Socialists asked the same question after WW1 and wonder why Russia went for a revolution instead of the industrialized West.
It’s because Obama is half-black. If you’re against his destructive ideas and actions, you’re a racist.
Everybody knows this!
there’ll be no revolution because most people are fat, lazy and happy with Redbox
Obamacare has not gone full monte, when people learn of all the hidden taxes, I predict they will be plenty uncomfortable and very unhappy.
The low information voter has no idea that everytime helicopter Ben starts up the presses, and gives the money to Goldman Sachs, and wall street, that it really is a tax because their spending power just shrank a little more. They just look around and wonder why life seems to be getting harder, or worse, go get in line for Federal Goodies, and Think they are recieving Freebies.
They feel they still have something to lose. Once they lose whatever that is, which will be soon, they will revolt.
Because people are prepping and arming up...they ain’t done...yet.
Secession? Perhaps down the road.
State Nullification of Fed mandates? I see that coming. Soon.
One key indicator [of readiness for revolution] is that those with access to the levers of power within the ruling order cease to believe in the religion or ideology that legitimizes the regime.
Most seem to believe we still are immersed in the ideology of Liberty that was a founding principle of this county. They think having the ability to choose "American Idol" or some other insipid TV show is Liberty.
The period of open combat has not yet arrived.
Revolution can’t come soon enough for this country, it’s going to take it for restoration of government by the Constitution.
I blame the MSM
It was a foregone conclusion once the government schools were taken over by the radical leftists.
The leftist run schools have now churned out 2 to 3 generations of voting age people, most of whom have been brainwashed with socialist, politically correct dogma from their first days in kindergarten (or Head-Start).
Take a look at photos of TEA party gatherings.
The older generation outnumber young people by a large factor. Most young people today know almost nothing about American history, have been taught not to be judgmental, and have heads full of mushy leftist socialist, Feel-good propaganda.
Look at photos of rebellions around the world. It is not the grandmas and grandpas leading the way and manning most of the barricades.
Older generations are fed up and ready to do the job but history shows it is the young of nation who do the hard work of bringing about violent change.
The old generation of republicans are a big part of the problem - they go along with everything. When is the last time they did a massive walkout or a mass filibuster? Answer: Never in our memory.
They spend most of their time trying to take out the young guns in their own party instead of fighting the leftists.
Listen to what leftists really say - they know that once the older generations pass away they will have almost no opposition.
We ain’t had a revolution yet, ‘cause we ain’t had the spark to start the fire burnin’ in the belly of every red-blooded American.
It’s mostly because Americans as a whole care more about their STUFF than their country and their children’s future. We’re watching America being intentionally driven into the dirt but at least we still have our STUFF!
No revolution because the healthcare bill doesn’t affect people right away. It affects companies. And corps don’t lead revolutions. No revolution until the average guy on the street is fed up.
We are the leading edge. We are more aware.
Wait until EBT cards don’t work. That is when things go bad.
I’d go to war tomorrow if i thought anyone else would come with me.
As it is, that isn’t how these things work. Anyone jumping the gun will have poo flung at them from all the other monkeys.
It’s just how we work.
By the time everyone is ready, it’ll be far too late.