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PASS Day - Parentally Approved Skip School Day - Sept. 8, 2009 ^ | Sept 2 2009 | Aunty Gravity

Posted on 09/02/2009 12:42:19 PM PDT by AFPhys

Apparently, Our Beloved Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, the most merciful, Lion of the Masses, Protector of the Common Man and Omnipotent Parental Figure, will give an address on September 8 to America's school children. The audience will be all children, preK-12. In protest of the forced ObamaTV viewing in classrooms across the nation everyone is encouraged to participate in a National Skip Day and keep your kids home. Take the opportunity to teach your kids true life lessons and not subject them to Obama propaganda. Maybe even use the day to make protest posters for the 912 March on DC!!

The U.S. Department of Education, apparently with the expanded role of overtly propagandizing America's youngsters, has thoughtfully prepared "learning materials" for teachers to use in preparation for this historic and truly unprecedented event. They have been very thorough, preparing "Classroom Materials" in two separate packages, one directed at children "preK-6" the other of students in grades "7-12." Note: "preK-6" implies that the Dear Beloved Leader anticipates his message being broadcast to pre-kindergarten children.

Below is the announcement from the U.S. Dept of Education. Beneath that is a suggested written excuse of absence for your child to take to school the following day and a link if you would like to download it.

Letter From Secretary Arne Duncan to School Principals

August 26, 2009
Please note that the time of this speech has changed to 12:00 noon eastern standard time.

Dear Principal:
In a recent interview with student reporter, Damon Weaver, President Obama announced that on September 8 — the first day of school for many children across America — he will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of education. The President will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning. He will also call for a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, parents and educators to ensure that every child in every school receives the best education possible so they can compete in the global economy for good jobs and live rewarding and productive lives as American citizens.
Since taking office, the President has repeatedly focused on education, even as the country faces two wars, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and major challenges on issues like energy and health care. The President believes that education is a critical part of building a new foundation for the American economy. Educated people are more active civically and better informed on issues affecting their lives, their families and their futures.
This is the first time an American president has spoken directly to the nation's school children about persisting and succeeding in school. We encourage you to use this historic moment to help your students get focused and begin the school year strong. I encourage you, your teachers, and students to join me in watching the President deliver this address on Tuesday, September 8, 2009. It will be broadcast live on the White House website 12:00 noon eastern standard time.
In advance of this address, we would like to share the following resources: a menu of classroom activities for students in grades preK-6 and for students in grades 7-12. These are ideas developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion on the importance of education in their lives. We are also staging a student video contest on education. Details of the video contest will be available on our website in the coming weeks.
On behalf of all Americans, I want to thank our educators who do society's most important work by preparing our children for work and for life. No other task is more critical to our economic future and our social progress. I look forward to working with you in the months and years ahead to continue improving the quality of public education we provide all of our children.

Arne Duncan

Absence Excuse Suggestion:

To Whom it May Concern:

When it comes to teaching my child about personal responsibility and life goals, I have determined that I am a far better teacher of those objectives than a President who has chosen to surround himself with known anarchists and terrorists.

Therefore, (insert child's name)will be at home on Sept 8th in order not to be corrupted by the propaganda that will be shown in his class room.

Respectfully Yours,

TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Education; History; Politics
KEYWORDS: bho44; bhoeducation; communist; indoctrination; nationalskipday; obamapropaganda; obamaschooladdress; ourchildren; school
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"Those who fail to learn from history. are doomed to repeat it." — George Santayana (1863–1952)
1 posted on 09/02/2009 12:42:20 PM PDT by AFPhys
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To: AFPhys

Glad my son will not be in school anyways, otherwise I might borrow this from you. ;)

2 posted on 09/02/2009 12:44:39 PM PDT by Infidel Heather (In God I trust, not the Government.)
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To: AFPhys


“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

3 posted on 09/02/2009 12:45:17 PM PDT by AFPhys ((Praying for our troops, our citizens, that the Bible and Freedom become basis of the US law again))
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To: AFPhys


He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!

— Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichsparteitag, 1935

4 posted on 09/02/2009 12:46:07 PM PDT by AFPhys ((Praying for our troops, our citizens, that the Bible and Freedom become basis of the US law again))
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To: AFPhys

Here's a letter to the principal ... with attachments:

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

5 posted on 09/02/2009 12:53:13 PM PDT by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: AFPhys

Have your kids play solitaire on their laptops. Works for Dems in the legislature.

6 posted on 09/02/2009 12:55:10 PM PDT by pabianice
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To: AFPhys

Keeping a child out of school is your choice. It may not have the effects you intend. When your son/daughter has to explain why they stayed home, they may be embarrassed and put on the spot. The teacher and fellow students could make them feel silly.

I bet that President Obama’s speech will be something President Bush could have said — benign — since it will be watched nationwide. If there is widespread antagonism to his speech and his speech turns out to be something along the lines of a Bill Cosby speech, it actually could be favorable to President Obama. The public may think that opposition to everything Pres Obama does is overboard.

Pick your battles or you may lose the war.

7 posted on 09/02/2009 12:57:43 PM PDT by Kay
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To: AFPhys

Send the kids to school...with omama Joker Shirts on!! Peaceful protest.

8 posted on 09/02/2009 1:09:39 PM PDT by Bulwinkle (Alec, a.k.a Daffy Duck)
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To: AFPhys

Just another example of Obama the Narcissist getting his rocks off

9 posted on 09/02/2009 1:13:05 PM PDT by Venturer
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To: Kay; All
I bet that President Obama’s speech will be something President Bush could have said — benign

No disrespect Kay, but Obama's intentions on this is the most transparent portion of his agenda since swearing in on Jan 21, 2009:

Photobucket Photobucket

10 posted on 09/02/2009 1:16:45 PM PDT by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: Kay; greatplains; jpehrlich

I agree with you that parents need to consider how they wish to respond to this, but RESPONSE is important. Passivity in this situation is the WRONG response.

This came out from the executive office only one week ago, and apparently some schools haven’t yet gotten the word. Some have, and claim they won’t participate. Some are going whole hog, apparently. I believe that all parents should let their neighbors, and their children’s parents know about this White House propaganda campaign. Even if this is completely benign, it is a federal government intrusion into an area it as never trod before. Do Americans want this type of presence in their school? I know my own answer to the question.

Other responses I saw that I consider very good are these:

From GreatPlains:
“Instead of keeping the kids at home parents should go to school WITH their children and make sure that the indoctrination doesn’t happen. That is exactly what I will be doing. I’ll sit in my child’s classroom during the address and any discussion and I will be prepared with facts and information to better inform the teacher and students as needed. Why run away when you can meet this head on. I’ll correct all of the misinformation given during the address and I’ll reach more than just my kid, I’ll reach the whole class.
Bring it on.”

From jpehrlich:
“I am hoping to help out Moms who work who want to keep their kids out that day AND organize an outing at a local park for stay at home Moms so we can meet!
I am a retired RN and wish to perfect my granny-ing skills!”

11 posted on 09/02/2009 1:17:41 PM PDT by AFPhys ((Praying for our troops, our citizens, that the Bible and Freedom become basis of the US law again))
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To: AFPhys

Absolutely, the key word is RESPOND.

12 posted on 09/02/2009 1:20:30 PM PDT by greatplains
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To: AFPhys

I have emailed my children’s principals to find out if they are planning on participating. I haven’t heard back from them yet. In our area, this would not be popular, so I’m guessing they will not. I am prepared to keep my kids home, however, if they surprise me.

13 posted on 09/02/2009 1:34:22 PM PDT by chickpundit (Sarah Palin - Jim Thompson 2012!)
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To: Kay
"When your son/daughter has to explain why they stayed home, they may be embarrassed and put on the spot."

They could say they were quarantined due to swine flu...

14 posted on 09/02/2009 1:38:58 PM PDT by Joe 6-pack (Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
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To: AFPhys

Dear Principal,

Just a note to let you know that my son’s absence from school yesterday was quite necessary. He had begun slicing his drives and pulling his mid-irons. We spent some important teaching/learning time on the Country Club driving range and later played 9 holes. You’ll be happy to know that this condition seems to have stabilized, as he hit 7 greens in regulation. Ah, but his putting!! We are looking forward to our acting-President’s next school time address to students.



15 posted on 09/02/2009 1:40:23 PM PDT by Oldpuppymax (AGENDA OF THE LEFT EXPOSED)
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To: Infidel Heather


16 posted on 09/02/2009 2:17:36 PM PDT by MissNomer
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To: AFPhys

I’ve written to our district superintendent and the principal of my son’s school asking if they will be required to watch. I’m going to give the district the benefit of the doubt and give them the opportunity to opt out. If they don’t, I go to the school board.

My point was that my child, his teachers and his parents are the best (and only) people to make determinations or pronouncements about his education. Considering that education is not Constitutionally a Federal matter, I think I’m right in saying so.

17 posted on 09/02/2009 6:14:11 PM PDT by Colonel_Flagg (You're either in or in the way.)
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To: Kay

Write the excuse as ...

swine flu...

pun intended.

18 posted on 09/02/2009 6:29:20 PM PDT by EBH (it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government)
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To: OriginalChristian


19 posted on 09/02/2009 7:39:17 PM PDT by OriginalChristian (Mr. _resident, MSM, liberals & all other morons; ignore or demean Sara Palin at your own peril...)
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To: Kay

Nice sentiment, but vetoed nevertheless.

20 posted on 09/02/2009 7:54:04 PM PDT by j_tull (I may make you feel, but I can't make you think.)
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