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Undressing National Reviews 'Born in the USA' Liplock on Obama
Nat. Review/PA Times | 7/28/09 | Richie Flowery versus Pissant

Posted on 07/28/2009 4:23:40 PM PDT by pissant

NR: Pres. Barack Obama has a birthday coming up, a week from Tuesday. We hope he takes the day off—or even the whole week, the briefest of respites from his busy schedule of truncating our liberties while exhausting both the public coffers and our patience. The president’s birthday comes to mind because we recently spent some time looking at a photograph of his birth certificate, being held by Joe Miller of, who took the time to examine it.

Right off the bat, Flowery and Co. show that they have not followed the story in the least. Calling his short form Certification of Live Birth (COLB) his "birth certificate" is exactly what the leftist stooges have been doing to muddy the waters. It is not a birth certificate, it is a database generated summary which is of limited value. A COLB will reflect whatever changes to the birth records that have been petitioned for and accepted in the past. If you were born female, but had an addadiktome, you could petition for a change in birth records. Likewise, if born abroad, the parents or grandparents could petition Vital Records to change it to a Hawaiian birth, depending on the circumstances.

Flowery and Co are also putting alot of trust in FactCheck. Factcheck is an organ of the Annenberg Foundation. Like most foundations, it has morphed since inception into a radical leftist organization. And FactCheck has shown time and again to be leftist ideologues. Just look at their head-spinning defense of Obama's record on the 2nd Amendment:

and Infantiacide

Think I'm blowing smoke about Annenberg (afterall it was founded by a republican - the dickweeds tell us)? Aside from Fraudcheck, and the Obama/Ayers radical program for schools, the enlightened socialists at Annenberg are currently funding the following:

Animal Shelter of Wood River Valley

$50,000 to protect animals from neglect, abuse, and exploitation; to adopt animals to qualified homes; to reduce over-population through education and an active spay/neuter program, and to advocate for animal welfare and promote awareness

Centro Obrero del Fronterizo, Inc.

$100,000 for Centro Mayapán, a festival marketplace and community empowerment center for Spanish-speaking women workers and their families in El Paso, Texas

Endowment of the United States Institute of Peace, Incorporated

$1,000,000 for the construction of a permanent headquarters for the United States Institute of Peace, which will serve as a national center for research, education, training, and policy and program development on issues of international conflict prevention, management, and resolution

French Regional American Museum Exchange, Inc.

$77,970 for the exhibition 'Starting from Scratch: American and European Art in the aftermath of World War II (1945-1950)' at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon in Lyon, France

Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.

$1,000,000 to enhance the quality of life for children and families in some of New York City's most devastated neighborhoods

Human Rights Watch, Inc.

$250,000 for the United Nations Advocacy Project to encourage the United Nations to take action on critical human rights issues around the world

Jane/Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

$1,500,000 for the See Jane/Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media to increase the percentage of female characters and reduce gender stereotyping in entertainment and other media aimed at children

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

$5,000,000 for the Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowships to recruit top arts and sciences graduates to the profession of high school teacher by supporting their master's degrees in teacher education at four highly selective universities and to address the high attrition rate of early-career teachers through support for induction and mentoring programs and cohort activity among the fellows

So what about Flowery's good buddy Joe Miller from FactCheck?

He certainly looks like a liberal ball gargler...

And he has a fine record before joining Factcheck. A Philosophy major, he taught at various institutions, including teaching some drivel called "conflict studies", but cut his teeth writing propaganda for the Mack/Crouse Group.

The Mack/Crouse Group specializes in public realations for left wing stooges. Here are some of the group's recent handiworks:

So now that we have established the radical leftwing agenda of Annenberg and Fact check, lets move on....

NR: President Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at 7:24 p.m, in Honolulu County, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. The serial number on his birth certificate is 010641. Baby Barack’s birth was not heralded, as some of his partisans have suggested, by a star in the east, but it was heralded by the Honolulu Star, as well as the Honolulu Advertiser, each of which published birth announcements for young Mr. Obama.

Repeating the information from the COLB - discussed above - does not make it so, even assuming the COLB is not a forgery itself. You might wonder why no one from Hawaii has specifically stated that the COLB info is true, or that it matches his original Birth Certificate, or state records for that matter. In fact, we know for a FACT that the COLB scan presented to the world as legit by DailyKos and FactCheck (funny Obama picked these two to send it to, say as opposed to National Review or the WSJ) had been digitally altered.

And there is no information avaialble - zip, zero, nada - that Obama ever lived at the house at 6085 Kalanianaole Highway. The ONLY investigations have come up empty, with the long time neighbors stating in an affidavit that they do not recall a racially mixed couple living there. Can't National Review send someone over to check this out? Not interested? That's what I thought.

NR: Much foolishness has become attached to the question of President Obama’s place of birth, and a few misguided souls among the Right have indulged it. The myth that Barack Obama is ineligible to be president represents the hunt for a magic bullet that will make all the unpleasant complications of his election and presidency disappear.

A few misguided souls? Thousands of freepers and bloggers that collectively constantly scoop the State Run Media, and conservative rags like Nat. Review are misguided souls? Is Lou Dobbs a man of the right? Are Savage and Rush and Liddy and Rusty Humprhries nobodies? There are people at American Thinker, Newsbusters,, and just about every other mainstream conservative website that believe something foul is afoot here.

NR: We are used to seeing conspiracy theories from the Left, for instance among the one in three Democrats who believe that 9/11 was an inside job conducted with the foreknowledge of the Bush administration. We’ve seen everything under the sun blamed on Dick Cheney and Halliburton, and Rosie O’Donnell has given us much mirth with her metallurgical expertise, while Andrew Sullivan has beclowned himself and tarnished the good name of The Atlantic with his investigation into the “real” parentage of Trig Palin. Most notable, the Iraq War summoned the craziness in a big way, and there are those who still shudder over their espressos at the mention of the Carlyle Group.

Mr. Flowery, that is a leftist tactic if I've ever seen one. Making ridiculous comparisons to grandiose conspiracies to make the 'birthers' appear unhinged is something Media Matters and DailyKos do. For your information, there is no "conspiracy" on the right regarding Certifigate. It is a simple demand from constitution loving patriots that the man, a known liar and marxist protege, produce the basic documents to prove eligibility. Simple. And, BTW, there is a second class of 'birther' that has filed lawsuits and believes, with some historical justification, that Obama being british commonwealth citizen from birth (something Obama has even admitted to) precludes him from being a Natural Born Citizen. Do you want this to proceed to the courts for a ruling, or do you scoff at the notion?

NR: And there is a fair amount of crossover between those fixated on Obama’s birth certificate and the 9/11 “truthers” — lawyer Phil Berg, for instance, is a player in both worlds.

So what? Berg has 2 lawsuits pending, while a gaggle of lawsuits have been filed by others. Many have been dismissed for the egregious false reason -"lack of standing". Some will move forward. Regardless, does the FACT that Media Matters and the Communist Party USA share your view of Certifigate equate you to them anymore than we are guilty by 'association' with Berg? Thought not.

NR: There is nothing that President Obama’s coterie would enjoy more than to see the responsible Right become a mirror image of the loopy Left circa 2003.

Yes, it is downright loony land to demand to see an original document that costs $10 and is readily available if Obama relents. Instead, we have the twilight zone spectacle of 100s of 1000s of dollars being doled out to Perkins Coie to shut the lid on all attempts to force him to show National Review there is nothing controversial about the blessed day of his birth.

NR: The birth-certificate business is not a uniquely conservative phenomenon; the allegation that Obama was born in Kenya seems to have originated with a Hillary Clinton supporter at a blog called The Blue State. Either way, this fantasy is not particularly widespread within the conservative movement, but it has attracted enough interest that it needs to be addressed.

Usually, if it attracts enough interest to "be addressed", then news organizations will send out reporters and investigators to address it properly. Remember the news conferences and the reporters swarming like bees all over the Bush ANG story? How about the dozens of reporters sent to Wasilla to talk to everyone who ever met Palin, from her pastor to the neighbors to every flunky who ever worked with her. I've never seen a single interview with family friends of the Dunhams or neighbors waxing on about mother Stanley and Sr. with bouncing baby Barak in the Kalanianaole Highway neighborhood. And we certainly have not heard from the doctors and nurses and receptionists and orderlies and friends who attended to Stanley Ann in the hospital. Not one.

NR: The fundamental fiction is that Obama has refused to release his “real” birth certificate. This is untrue. The document that Obama has made available is the document that Hawaiian authorities issue when they are asked for a birth certificate. There is no secondary document cloaked in darkness, only the state records that are used to generate birth certificates when they are requested.

It is not the fundamental fiction, it is the fundamental lie. I have personally verified that one can obtain a copy of the original birth certificate if one has good reason to do so. You must write to the Office of the Registrant to get it. And as recently as June 2009, it was the Department of Homelands specifically asked applicants to obtain a copy of the original, you dolts. This is what was on the Dept of Homelands website last month - since scrubbed...

“When requesting a certified copy of your birth certificate from the Records Section of DOH, let the clerk know you are requesting it “ForDHHL Purposes,” and that you need a copy of the original Certificate of Live Birth and not the computer-generated Certification. If mailing in your request form, please fill in “For DHHL Purposes” in the “Reason for Requesting a Certified Copy” section.

NR: If one applies for a United States passport, the passport office will demand a birth certificate. It defines this as an official document bearing “your full name, the full name of your parent(s), date and place of birth, sex, date the birth record was filed, and the seal or other certification of the official custodian of such records.” The Hawaiian birth certificate President Obama has produced—the document is formally known as a “certificate of live birth”—bears that information. It has been inspected by reporters, and several state officials have confirmed that the information in permanent state records is identical to that on the president’s birth certificate—which is precisely what one expects, of course, since the state records are used to generate those documents when they are requested. In other words, what President Obama has produced is the “real” birth certificate of myth and lore. The director of Hawaii’s health department and the registrar of records each has personally verified that the information on Obama’s birth certificate is identical to that in the state’s records, the so-called vault copy. Given that fact, we are loath even to engage the fanciful notion that President Obama was born elsewhere, contrary to the information on his birth certificate, but we note for the record that his mother was a native of Kansas, whose residents have been citizens of the United States for a very long time, and whose children are citizens of the United States as well.

Flowery, you are pulling this out of your ass. No one from Hawaii Vital records has ever said the COLB info matches his original Birth Certificate. And no official has ever said the COLB was valid. Willful ignorance or incompetence, I'm not sure. But that statement is pathetic.

And once again, a citizen does not equal a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. They are not the same thing, so learn something, please before you EVER address this topic again. And please find someone other than the liberal hack hippie from Annenberg to help you next time.

NR: The attention paid to President Obama’s place of birth is not unprecedented. In fact, it may be the only thing President Obama has in common with Pres. Chester Arthur, whose opponents whispered that he had been born in Canada. A number of unsuccessful presidential candidates—George Romney, Barry Goldwater, and Lowell Weicker among them—actually were born outside of the United States (in Mexico, the Arizona Territory, and Paris, respectively) to American parents and thereby into American citizenship. If the conspiracy theorists have evidence that President Obama went through the naturalization process, let them show it. But there is no such evidence, because this theory is based on unreality, as two minutes’ examining the claims of its proponents reveals. The hallmark of a conspiracy theory is that a lack of evidence for the theory is taken as yet more evidence for the theory. Indeed, the maddening thing about dealing with conspiracy hobbyists of this or any sort is the ever-shifting nature of their argument and their alleged evidence: Never mind the birth certificate, his step-grandmother said he was born in Kenya! (No, she didn’t.)

$10 can answer alot of questions. There has been no shift in the argument. Obama has, according to the Hawaiian spokesbabes, an original BC. Original BC's show doctors, hospitals, parents, addresses, etc at the time of birth. They do not show whatever manipulations to the birth record subsequently transpired. Show it to the American people. If not, this will only snowball. It's already snowballed to the point that you, Mr. Flowery, have decided to give an "authoritative" last word, which is hilariously weak, even by your standards.

NR: One of the unfortunate consequences of this red-herring discussion is that there are plenty of questions about Obama’s background and history that we would like to have answered. In spite of two books of memoirs, there remain murky areas in his biography. And when it comes to those college transcripts, count us among those who’d love to know whether Dr. Bailout ever took an advanced economics class and how he performed in it.

Mr. Flowery, get busy investigating those "murky areas". You might want to check out FreeRepublic and the blogosphere which you have just slandered to find the information which will illuminate your understanding of his "murky" past.

NR: Barack Obama may prefer European-style socialized health care. He may consider himself a citizen of the Earth and sometimes address his audiences as “people of the world,” as though he were born not in another country but on another planet. Like Bruce Springsteen, he has a lot of bad political ideas; but he was born in the U.S.A.

Prove it, Mr. Flowery. Cause right now I can tell you've done nothing for research, interviewed no one of consequence, and are trying your damndest to legitimize a marxist quisling. And unlike you, Mr. Flowery, those of us that spend time looking into Obama's sordid history are perfectly capable of fighting the good fight against the socialist and globalist agenda that comes down the pike at the same time. Unfortunately, too often, we are fighting you too.

And BTW, for 2012 primary, can you guys refrain from trying to push another pack of RINO's down our throats? Thanks.

TOPICS: Agriculture
KEYWORDS: certifigate; larrysinclairslover; nrlovesobama; obama
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To: pissant
Good work Pissant.

Maybe somebody else can add hyperlinks to document every fact you assert.

21 posted on 07/28/2009 4:57:33 PM PDT by Plutarch
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To: pissant


22 posted on 07/28/2009 4:59:49 PM PDT by Extremely Extreme Extremist ("President Obama, your agenda is not new, it's not change, and it's not hope" - Rush Limbaugh 02/28)
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To: pissant
I started to read this not knowing you penned it....till I got to the part "He certainly looks like a liberal ball gargler" ....LMAO.

Great job btw.
23 posted on 07/28/2009 5:03:12 PM PDT by Electric Graffiti (Yonder stands your orphan with his gun)
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To: pissant
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
24 posted on 07/28/2009 5:05:45 PM PDT by Red_Devil 232 (VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
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To: Sprite518

Ditto that!

25 posted on 07/28/2009 5:07:37 PM PDT by AmericanVictory (Should we be more like them or they more like we used to be?)
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To: pissant

Pissant old man, you are da’ cats ass!

26 posted on 07/28/2009 5:15:11 PM PDT by Mr. Jazzy ("I AM JIM THOMPSON!!!")
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To: pissant; penelopesire; seekthetruth; television is just wrong; jcsjcm; BP2; Pablo Mac; ...

Thanks for doing that ... I’m just sick about it.

I hope to God you sent it to them.

27 posted on 07/28/2009 5:22:17 PM PDT by STARWISE (The Art & Science Institute of Chicago Politics NE Div: now open at the White House)
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To: pissant


28 posted on 07/28/2009 5:22:47 PM PDT by PjhCPA (She's pretty, but where's the beef?)
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To: pissant

Worth a lot.

29 posted on 07/28/2009 5:27:27 PM PDT by Stentor
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To: pissant
Flowery, you are pulling this out of your ass. No one from Hawaii Vital records has ever said the COLB info matches his original Birth Certificate. And no official has ever said the COLB was valid. Willful ignorance or incompetence, I'm not sure. But that statement is pathetic.

This is what Lowery & Co are referring to (link to CBS site here):

"I ... have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen," Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said in a brief statement. "I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago."

Are you saying the "original vital records" Fukino is talking about does not include his original birth certificate?

30 posted on 07/28/2009 5:30:50 PM PDT by Callahan
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To: Callahan

Where does she mention the COLB?

31 posted on 07/28/2009 5:36:27 PM PDT by pissant (THE Conservative party:
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To: pissant


32 posted on 07/28/2009 5:41:09 PM PDT by Uncle Sham
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To: pissant

33 posted on 07/28/2009 5:46:40 PM PDT by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")
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To: pissant

Love the headline, LOL. National Review seems to have turned into a bunch of Beltway Metrosexual Euroweenie pseudo-conservative types.

34 posted on 07/28/2009 5:48:34 PM PDT by webschooner (“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandh)
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To: Callahan

“Are you saying the “original vital records” Fukino is talking about does not include his original birth certificate?”

Are you saying that the word of one person is good enough for you? Or the word of a few select people allowed to ‘view’ this BC from a liberal leftist foundation are good enough for you?

Obama should allow everyone in this country to view his records! He certainly wants to view ours with his ‘Deathcare’ crap!!

35 posted on 07/28/2009 5:49:41 PM PDT by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")
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To: pissant
If the COLB they release says he was born in Hawaii and the the "original vital records" say he was born in Hawaii Fukino states then she is certainly implying that they match.

My personal theory is that Obama has an original birth certificate that says he was born in Hawaii but that it's based on testimony from his parents/grandparents rather than actual hospital records. That would allow Fukino to make her statement, but also explain why Barry doesn't want the original released.

36 posted on 07/28/2009 5:59:04 PM PDT by Callahan
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To: pissant

Bump for read!

37 posted on 07/28/2009 6:19:05 PM PDT by Red Steel
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To: pissant
Usually, if it attracts enough interest to "be addressed", then news organizations will send out reporters and investigators to address it properly. Remember the news conferences and the reporters swarming like bees all over the Bush ANG story? How about the dozens of reporters sent to Wasilla to talk to everyone who ever met Palin, from her pastor to the neighbors to every flunky who ever worked with her. I've never seen a single interview with family friends of the Dunhams or neighbors waxing on about mother Stanley and Sr. with bouncing baby Barak in the Kalanianaole Highway neighborhood. And we certainly have not heard from the doctors and nurses and receptionists and orderlies and friends who attended to Stanley Ann in the hospital. Not one.

Sure, point out the obvious. Where's that gonna get ya?

You done good, pissant.

38 posted on 07/28/2009 6:29:04 PM PDT by Madame Dufarge
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To: pissant

AWESOME! Take a bow! Thank you for all you do to expose the lies and to keep us informed regarding this critical issue.

39 posted on 07/28/2009 6:32:28 PM PDT by Faith
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To: Callahan
My personal theory is that Obama has an original birth certificate that says he was born in Hawaii but that it's based on testimony from his parents/grandparents rather than actual hospital records.

And that would open up a new big can of worms. I would want to see the supporting statements and documents that allowed Hawaii to give Obama a birth certificate.

40 posted on 07/28/2009 6:43:54 PM PDT by Red Steel
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