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On Keith Olbermann's Deceitful and Depraved Attack of Dick Cheney
Start Thinking Right ^ | May 25, 2009 | Michael Eden

Posted on 05/25/2009 2:40:58 PM PDT by Michael Eden

I remember exactly what I was doing the morning of September 11, 2001. I was a grad student at the time, getting ready for my first class with the television running in the background. Just before the first large passenger plane crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center something caught my attention just in time to see it happen live.

And the day froze into shock, numbness, dismay, terror, and a rising anger.

The broadcasters were talking to themselves about whether this was an accident, or an intentional attack. I didn't need them to tell me what it was: like many other Americans, I knew exactly what had just happened.

And then the second plane struck the second tower. And shortly afterward the cameras began to catch specks falling out of the towers that turned out to be Americans throwing themselves out of top story windows to their deaths in order to avoid the even more agonizing death by burning.

President George Bush had been President for just under eight months. But I would have felt EXACTLY the same sense of horror and outrage whether Bill Clinton, or Al Gore, or George Bush was President.

It wasn't about being a member of a political party, or who was President or what party he was from; it was about being an American whose country had just been attacked.

That's just no longer the case, though. I no longer feel that way.

Barack Obama's constant unrelenting blaming of the Bush administration for virtually every problem under the sun was bad enough; Obama's description of Bush "torture" and his releasing of CIA memos intended to politically hurt the Bush administration at the expense of informing our enemies exactly how we would and would not interrogate them was bad enough; House Speaker Nancy Peolosi's demagoguery of the Bush administration over its "torture" and her subsequent lies that she herself had been informed about such "torture" and done nothing was bad enough; but it just never seems to end.

But the following example of Bush Derangement Syndrome finally sent me over the top:

[Youtube of MSNBC's "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann]

Transcript of Keith Olbermann's remarks on MSNBC:

The delusional claims he has made this day could be proved by documentation and firsthand testimony to be the literal and absolute truth, and he still, himself, would be wrong because the America he sought to impose upon the world and upon its own citizens, the dark, hateful place of Dick Cheney`s own soul, the place he to this hour defends, and to this day prefers, is a repudiation of all that our ancestors, all that for which our brave troops of two years ago and two minutes ago, have sacrificed and fought.
Olbermann acknowledges that EVEN if Dick Cheney is telling the truth and his own liberal allies are lying, it doesn't matter. Because he thinks Cheney and his vision for America are evil. So truth be damned. That is the warped mind of the true ideologue.

And he then uses a rhetorical flourish to indicate that our troops have suffered for Cheney's hateful vision.

What Olbermann, evil liar that he truly is, fails to mention is that our "brave troops" who "have sacrificed and fought" actually think JUST LIKE Cheney and DON'T THINK like Olbermann.

I can cite the political polls of our soldiers to show that they overwhelmingly supported the conservative agenda and opposed the liberal one. We find that 68% of active duty military personnel supported John McCain, versus only 23% for Barack Obama. But it's better to simply let you see another story that features a video as to how our Marines felt about George Bush versus how they felt about Barack Obama.

[Youtube of Marines with Bush, and with Obama].

If Keith Olbermann had even a shred of personal honesty, integrity, character, or virtue, he would not have dragged American soldiers into his hateful polemic given that they themselves are on the very side that Olbermann so utterly despises. But Olbermann doesn't have any honesty, integrity, character, or virtue.

So he warps the men and women who supported George Bush and Dick Cheney so overwhelmingly into victims.

Olbermann says:

Gee, thanks for being motivated by the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans to go so far as to take a serious second look. And thank you, sir, for admitting, obviously inadvertently, that you did not take a serious first look in the seven months and 23 days between your inauguration and 9/11. For that attack, sir, you are culpable, morally, ethically. At best, you are guilty of malfeasance and eternally lasting stupidity. At worst, sir, in the deaths of 9/11, you are negligent.
Again, if Keith Olbermann had so much as a shred of personal or professional honesty, he wouldn't say something like this.

Let's review the list: 1) In 1993 Bill Clinton ran from Somalia after a battle with Islamic insurgents that left 18 American servicemen dead; 2) Also in 1993 the US suffered a terrorist attack in the form of the first World Trade Center bombing that killed 6 and wounded more than 1000 Americans; 3) In 1995 the US suffered its first domestic terrorist attack at the Oklahoma Federal Building that left 168 Americans dead; 4) In 1996 19 American servicemen were killed in a Saudi Arabian terrorist bombing of the US military Khobar Towers barracks; 5) In 1998 there was a simultaneous terrorist bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed more than 200 people; 6) In 2000 the USS Cole was attacked by terrorists, leaving 17 American servicemen dead.

There may well have been more, but that is all I can remember.

Most of these attacks were revealed to have clearly been done under the direction of Osama bin Laden by his al Qaeda terrorist organization. In spite of this fact, President Clinto repeatedly passed up on opportunities to take bin Laden into custody even when Somalia literally offered his head on a platter.

How can Keith Olberman in good conscience so blame Bush and Cheney for 9/11 when the Clinton administration had never taken terrorism seriously themselves? But Olbermann doesn't have a good conscience. He is a truly depraved human being.

Bill Clinton failed to take 9/11 seriously for the same reason George Bush failed to take it seriously in the eight months of his administration preceding the 9/11 attack: because we hadn't been hit hard enough yet. Clinton should have learned from the attacks America suffered throughout his entire presidency; and Bush frankly should have paid attention to Clinton's disastrous track record on the building terrorist threat.

Olbermann said:

You saved no one, sir. If the classified documents you seek released really did detail plots other than those manufactured by drowning men in order to get it to stop, or if they truly did know plans beyond the laughable ones you and President Bush have already revealed, hijackers without passports, targeting a building whose name Mr. Bush could not remember, clowns who thought they could destroy airports by dropping matches in fuel pipelines 30 miles away, men who planned to attack a military base dressed as pizza delivery boys, forgetting that every man there was armed, and today, the four would-be synagogue bombers, one of whom turns out to keep bottles of urine in his apartment, and is on schizophrenia medicine.
Olbermann is simply lying here. CIA director George Tenent - who was appointed to his position by Bill Clinton - said that the enhanced interrogations by themselves were "Worth more than the FBI, CIA and NSA put together." Career intelligence professional and CIA Director General Michael Hayden said, "fully half of the government's knowledge about the structure and activities of al Qaeda came from those [harsh] interrogations." In fact, President Obama’s very own Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Blair, put it this way: “High value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al-Qaeda organization that was attacking this country.” A Justice Department memo of May 30, 2005 notes that "the CIA believes 'the intelligence acquired from these interrogations has been a key reason why al Qaeda has failed to launch a spectacular attack in the West since 11 September 2001.' . . . In particular, the CIA believes that it would have been unable to obtain critical information from numerous detainees, including [Khalid Sheik Mohammed] and Abu Zubaydah, without these enhanced techniques."

So the man popping schizophrenia medicine and washing it down with his own bottled urine is none other than Keith Olbermann and everyone at MSNBC and everyone who watches the network. It certainly isn't Dick Cheney.

Olbermann saves his ugliest and most hateful remarks for last:

You saved no one, Mr. Cheney. All you did was help kill Americans. You were negligent before 9/11. Your response to your complicity by omission on 9/11 was panic and shame and insanity, and lying this country into a war that did nothing but kill 4,299 more of us. We will take no further instructions from you, sir. And let me again quote Oliver Cromwell to you, Mr. Cheney. "You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of god, go."
I've written about other things that Keith Olbermann and his "guests" have said. Only very recently Janeane Garofalo said:
This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up. That is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. And there is no way around that. And you know, you can tell these type of right wingers anything and they’ll believe it, except the truth. You tell them the truth and they become — it’s like showing Frankenstein’s monster fire. They become confused, and angry and highly volatile. That guy, causing them feelings they don’t know, because their limbic brain, we’ve discussed this before, the limbic brain inside a right-winger or Republican or conservative or your average white power activist, the limbic brain is much larger in their head space than in a reasonable person, and it’s pushing against the frontal lobe. So their synapses are misfiring. Is Bernie Goldberg listening?
And there was Keith Olbermann and Michael Musto engaging in about as hateful of an attack as one can possibly imagine against Miss California Carrie Prejean for the simple reason that they despise her right to express her own views about an issue that most Californians and most Americans agree with her over.

Keith Olbermann is a vain, petty, vindictive, vicious, hateful, and truly ugly human being. And MSNBC would do far better broadcasting in place of pro-terrorist al Jazeera than it is doing here. Both networks run basically the same message.

But Keith Olbermann's rant against Dick Cheney and every conservative who agrees with him rose to such a level of hatred, such a level of vicious, bitter, ugly, deceitful, and frankly evil rhetoric, that it transcends anything I have ever heard.

Right now, liberals like Keith Olbermann are teeing off on conservatives for waterboarding when we now learn that liberals like Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats were fully briefed on "enhanced interrogation techniques that had been employed," and neither said or did anything to prevent such techniques. And even the very liberal new CIA Director under Obam0, Leon Panetta, essentially says Pelosi is lying. How are their attacks now anything but partisan demagoguery?

And right now, liberals including Barack Obama himself are deceitfully claiming the moral high ground even as the new liberal administration takes many of the same positions that it hypocritically and demagogically found so hateful on the campaign trail. As many policies as Obama has undone that will make this country less safe, there have been almost as many that he once demonized, only to follow himself once in office.

For instance, President Obama has reserved unto himself the right to order the use of enhanced interrogation should he deem it appropriate. Given that President Bush used the technique against only three individuals shortly after the worst disaster in US history, how is Obama any different? In fact he's worse, because Bush and Cheney never demagogued the issue as Obama has repeatedly done.

Obama demonized Bush over the Bush policy on rendition. But now this demagogue is quietly continuing to carry out the same rendition policy - abducting terrorist suspects and sending them to countries that will use harsh interrogation methods - even as he congratulates himself in front of a fawning media for his being better than Bush. But Obama isn't better than Bush and Cheney; he's worse. Because he's a hypocrite and a demagogue.

In the words of the New York Times, military commissions was "a concept he criticized bitterly as a presidential candidate." But now the hypocrite and demagogue is going to quietly use them himself.

And Obama has indicated that he likewise reserves the right to continue to hold some prisoners without trial indefinitely - a position he demonized during the campaign. How can such a man who so hypocritically employed such demagoguery only to come to the same position as the man he demagogued claim any semblance of moral high ground? Obama is lower than Bush in his character, not higher. Bush and Cheney didn't self-righteously demagogue; only Obama did.

Obama decided against the release of the remainder of the infamous Abu Ghraib photos. But only because he had to bow to the reality of the massive resistance against his decision to release them and the consequences such a stupid and depraved act would have had both for our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and for Democrats at home. In electing not to release them, Obama took the SAME position that Bush/Cheney had taken. Obama is not better than Bush or Cheney; he's worse. They didn't waiver and pander before going back on their decision out of the selfish interests of political survival. They were consistent in their determination to do the right thing.

Obama has idiotically promised he would close Gitmo, but even his own party now realizes how foolish that would be and has twice denied him funding to do so until he come up with a plan that makes some kind of sense. Obama wrapped himself up in puffed-up, posturing self-righteousness, but the reality is that Bush was forced to confront the same unsolvable dilemmas. The only difference was that Bush was wiser than Barack Obama in recognizing the problems that made a closure of Gitmo nearly impossible; and that Bush - unlike Obama - was never a pandering demagogue.

Again, Obama isn't one iota better than Bush or Cheney. He's worse.

Not that any of these FACTS matter to liberals. Because far too many of them are exactly like Keith Olbermann: even if the facts support conservatives, it doesn't matter. Such liberals are completely false, vile people who routinely treat the truth with as much contempt as Olbermann does.

I said earlier that I no longer feel the same way about my country that I did following 9/11. I wish it were not true, but the constant unrelenting barrage of lies, hypocrisy, demonization, and demagoguery from the left - particularly on national security issues - have left me with an increasingly bitter taste in my mouth. And following so many years of such hateful tactics, I fear that if we are attacked again, that I will react politically, rather than patriotically. I wish it weren't true, but there it is.

TOPICS: Government; Military/Veterans; Politics; Society
KEYWORDS: 911; dickcheney; keitholbermann; terrorism
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To: Ditter
We call him Keith Olberdork.

Ah. Then they're "Olberdork forks."

41 posted on 05/25/2009 3:53:12 PM PDT by Michael Eden (It's "We pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor" time, people.)
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To: Vaquero

Oh, that’s hilarious!!!

42 posted on 05/25/2009 3:59:42 PM PDT by fishergirl (My warrior, my soldier, my hero - my son. God bless our troops!)
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To: Michael Eden
Bill Clinton failed to take 9/11 seriously for the same reason George Bush failed to take it seriously in the eight months of his administration preceding the 9/11 attack: because we hadn't been hit hard enough yet. Clinton should have learned from the attacks America suffered throughout his entire presidency; and Bush frankly should have paid attention to Clinton's disastrous track record on the building terrorist threat.

With the 'Gorelick wall' in place, this wasn't that easy. And people ignore the fact that the Bush administration was impeded in coming up to speed due to an unprecendent attempt to overturn a Presidential election by Gore and the traitorous media. But yeah, sure, with 20/20 hindsight, President Bush could have done more to prevent 9/11. But as noted in the article, the success of this attack was due primarily to a dereliction of duty by the previous 8 years of the Clinton administration that attempted to treat open warfare (e.g., the bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993, the bombing of the barracks in Saudi Arabia, the bombing of the Cole, the bombing of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, etc ... And I still have my suspicions about mideast connections with TWA800 and the OKC bombing) as a minor traffic violation...

43 posted on 05/25/2009 4:25:12 PM PDT by El Cid (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house...)
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To: dandiegirl

NBC and MSNBC are Obama’s personal propogandists.

44 posted on 05/25/2009 4:28:40 PM PDT by Brytani (No Taxation Without Birth Certification)
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To: El Cid

I completely agree with you: what we find is that the Clinton administration - particularly through the efforts of the clown who is now our attorney general (Eric Holder) - had separated the FBI from the CIA and other intelligence, such that it was nearly impossible for agencies to share information and put pieces together.

I’m going by the acknowledgments of officials like Cheney and Condi Rice who admit that terrorism wasn’t high enough on their radar (in hindsight, as you point out). And I said that Bush failed by not paying more attention to the series of failures that plagued the Clinton years. He should have learned more from those failures.

But, yeah, Clinton’s eight years of failure were FAR more devastating to this country in terms of 9/11 than Bush’s 8 months when he was trying to put his administration in order.

It’s sad: Clinton had NOTHING together when Bush came. Then Bush suffered a massive attack, puts together a comprehensive system to keep us safe, and leaves a great system for Obama. Then Obama dismantles the system Bush put together and leaves us unprepared all over again.

45 posted on 05/25/2009 4:35:25 PM PDT by Michael Eden (It's "We pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor" time, people.)
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To: Michael Eden

Agreed, Michael. People are missing the entire point. This whole conversation is like an old married couple, one of whom keeps interrupting the spouse to correct every detail in the telling of an old story. When that happens, don’t we feel like yelling, “Stop! Let him/her finish!” Thank you for your insights into and exposure of this fraud K.O.

46 posted on 05/25/2009 4:41:47 PM PDT by 1951Boomer
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To: Michael Eden
47 posted on 05/25/2009 4:49:55 PM PDT by Nateman (If liberals aren't screaming you're doing it wrong.)
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To: luvEastTenn


I updated the article on my blog at

in order to reflect the imperfection of my memory. Can’t do that on Freerepublic without taking the whole article down.

But the article was about the lies coming out of the left, and the sources that reveal the lies to be lies.

It’s not about my imperfect memory about 9/11; it’s about the actual documented facts right NOW.

Thanks for taking my side.

48 posted on 05/25/2009 4:55:44 PM PDT by Michael Eden (It's "We pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor" time, people.)
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To: Texas Eagle; seekthetruth; LucyT; All

So YOU?RE the one who watches Keith Uberschmuck.

Keith Over-Bite,depends on
Dick Cheney and Rush for Ratings and validation for his sleezy Left wing,ignorant trash! The Conservative population is a HUGE threat to Over-Bite and his sexually deviant minions. The only people that lower themselves to tuning in to MSNBC (etc),are the definition of Blind,ignorant SHEEP!
BTW..I forgot to fold in FOX in to the MSM *Fair and Balanced* BS News Media.

Cancel your cable subscriptions for 1 month. Only then will we get results!

49 posted on 05/25/2009 5:39:39 PM PDT by katiekins1 (Obama=DickTater N Chief)
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To: El Cid

I often wonder, given intel that “an aerial attack on the WTC was being planned”, what could have realistically been done to prevent it? I’m assuming that the specific date, time and flights were unknowable beforehand.

50 posted on 05/25/2009 6:04:00 PM PDT by TommyTrojan
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To: katiekins1

We don’t watch any of the MSM....except for a couple selected shows on FOX. Can’t stand any of the others. :)

51 posted on 05/25/2009 6:43:47 PM PDT by seekthetruth
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To: AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; george76; ...

Cheney’s War on the Democrats
Weekly Standard | 05/25/2009, Volume 014, Issue 34 | Stephen F. Hayes
Posted on 05/17/2009 6:16:48 AM PDT by kellynla

52 posted on 05/31/2009 5:16:25 PM PDT by SunkenCiv ( Profile updated Monday, January 12, 2009)
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