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Free Republic And Freedom
Private Web Site ^ | 10/17/05 | Hopeful Patriot

Posted on 10/17/2005 2:10:20 PM PDT by HopefulPatriot

Free Republic And Freedom

    It is no secret and not necessarily a bad thing that speech is limited in our Forum. First and foremost, FreeRepublic is not a creature of government nor is it publicly owned. Free Republic is a privately owned, limited liability company, founded and operated by Jim Robinson. As a political discussion forum web site funded solely by donations from readers, FreeRepublic is not subject to the First Amendment, rather it is a forum that can destroy socialism through the power of the new media.

    This is important because of the series of articles that is going to be posted to this forum over the coming days and weeks. The stated objective of this series is the complete restoration of the Constitution of the United States as written and formally amended rather than as corrupted and circumvented by Congress, the President, and the federal judiciary, especially the Supreme Court. When this series is completed and posted in its entirety, it should be clear to all that no one has ever put forth any effort or plan that has more potential to achieve the goal. Countless conservatives, including President Reagan and Newt Gingrich have all tried and yet the goal still eludes us. As this plan unfolds, you will see that it takes the best parts of what these giants have put forward and targets them on a slightly different track. It is this different track, one that targets some Republicans for defeat in the Republican primaries and replacement with more conservative candidates, that compels me to call to your attention some forum experiences of the past for discussion.

    As far as short term governance goals are concerned, it is difficult to disagree with JimRobinson's statement that any Republican is better than any Democrat, a philosophy shared by President Reagan who authored the Eleventh Commandment of Republican politics. It is self-evident why replacing a socialistic Republican with a Constitutional conservative is an improvement, but this series will help you to understand why it should be acceptable to risk losing a socialistic Republican's seat, even to a Democrat, as part of an intermediate step that moves the entire Republican Party itself substantially to the right. This is especially true where the politics of the district itself make it probable that the seat will be recovered in subsequent elections. An old Russian parable, some reasonably recent events and the current status of the Constitution offer some testimony to support our plea to allow this plan to be presented in its entirety.

The Parable:

    One bright clear morning after a winter snow storm, a Russian peasant farmer came out of the house to find a small bird lying on his porch. He picked it up for discarding, but realized the bird was still alive. Touched by the small bird's spark of life, he put the bird in his pocket to go about his morning chores. As he entered the barnyard, he saw a fresh warm and still steaming cow patty. He took the bird out of his pocket and put it carefully into the cow patty, mounding it up around the bird to get the maximum effect of its warmth and then left to do his farm work. Soon the warmth revived the bird. But the mounding was too tight and the bird was unable to escape the patty's confines. Thrilled at just being alive on such a beautiful morning after a life threatening night the bird began to sing. A nearby fox heard the bird and quickly located the patty. The fox removed the bird, cleaned it and ate it. Now there are three morals to this story, but it is the first moral with which we are primarily concerned:

     1. It is not always your enemies that put you in it.
     2. It is not always your friends that get you out.
     3. And when you are in it up to your neck, for your own sake, keep your mouth shut.

 Recent Events:

    Campaign Finance Reform, Medicare Prescription Drugs, pork-filled farm and transportation bills, and blank checks for damage control suggest that not only the Republican leadership, but also some rank and file Republican members of Congress could stand some scrutiny, if not criticism and maybe consideration for replacement. It is the socialists among us that pose the greatest threat to our Constitution and our freedoms. And we would suggest that the recent events above indicate that there are well entrenched enemies that reside within our own gates. Giving them a free pass is not very different from sitting down to supper with Judas. Cleaning house begins at home. Until our own house is in order, taking on the socialists in the Democratic Party sends a mixed message to those in the middle who do not know which way to turn.

    The Constitution can be restored. In spite of the fact that the socialists have been progressively pushing our country away from the Constitution for almost a century, the Constitution can be restored in less than a decade. Ronald Reagan's legitimate legacy was an American-led global renaissance. Under current laws that are incontrovertibly unconstitutional, but nevertheless sanctioned by a Court and Congress that have been relentlessly usurping power and limiting freedom for the past 70 years, instead of a renaissance, the United States could be facing bankruptcy. According to the Gokhale-Smetters projections, the net present value of the unfunded liabilities of Medicare and Social Security already equals or exceeds the estimated total private (combined corporate and individual) net worth of the United States. The Gokhale-Smetters liabilities do not begin to mature until the fall of 2008, but the combined net cash flow of government, corporate America, and all US Households (America Inc if you will) is already negative. The United States currently has to borrow $2.5 billion dollars every day from the rest of the world in order to maintain current standards of living and still service existing debt. American jobs are being outsourced because we do not have the sufficient savings and investment needed to maintain the growth in productivity that has allowed us to maintain the competitive advantage we have previously enjoyed against the cheap labor markets that have always existed in the past. History is unambiguous. All democracies end in bankruptcy or hyperinflation whenever the public learns to vote itself benefits from the public treasury. The Gokhale-Smetters projections clearly show that by 2016, ours could easily be on the brink.

    It is not too late to make the Reagan Renaissance a reality. With JimRobinson's blessing and Free Republic's help, men cut from the same mold as Ronald Reagan and the Founders can be recruited to replace Rockefeller Republicans and other RINOs. The Constitution can be restored and we are going to show you how Freepers can become the catalyst that makes it possible.

Something Incredible

TOPICS: Government; Society
KEYWORDS: constitution; freerepublic; theplan
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The Constitution can be restored. The Constitution must be restored if we are to recover our lost freedoms and preserve it for our children and grandchildren. All democracies end in hyperinflation or bankruptcy whenever the public learns to vote itself benefits from the treasury. Is there anybody that actually believes the US can escape a similar fate if we don't restore the Constitution.

This is the first of a series of articles that will be published in the days and weeks ahead on FreeRepublic. A small group of Freepers has devised a simple plan that can be easily implemented. If successfully implemented, this plan has a better chance of restoring the Constitution than any plan you have ever seen or are likely to see.

1 posted on 10/17/2005 2:10:23 PM PDT by HopefulPatriot
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To: HopefulPatriot

Whenever the public learns to vote itself benefits from the treasury, as opposed to just the government employees giving themselves bloated salaries, benefits and pensions?

2 posted on 10/17/2005 2:16:40 PM PDT by ncountylee (Dead terrorists smell like victory)
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To: ncountylee

The public has learned that when they vote for politicians who promise and deliver publicly funded benefits, they enjoy a cushier living. Consequences be damned.

3 posted on 10/17/2005 2:20:19 PM PDT by misterrob
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To: HopefulPatriot
I look forward to reading more of the ideas you espouse. Your preamble, if that is what it is, is provocative and well written.

The only way to reign in govt is from the grassroots, as the leadership is already entrenched and unwilling to change.

4 posted on 10/17/2005 2:23:57 PM PDT by jeremiah (People wake up, the water is getting hot)
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To: HopefulPatriot
The Constitution can be restored.

The Constitution is not the problem.  It's the Judiciary and the weak-kneed RINO's that are to blame.  Since we are in the majority we have to accept the responsibility of governing and it isn't being done across the board.  The Miers selection is proof of this weakness.

5 posted on 10/17/2005 2:24:18 PM PDT by quantim (Detroit is the New Orleans of the North as an example of a failed welfare state.)
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To: quantim

He was making the point that Socialists and RINOs have weakened the Constitution and replacing them should be our aim.

6 posted on 10/17/2005 2:26:17 PM PDT by misterrob
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To: HopefulPatriot
My Daddy always said if you're gonna dream, dream big!

Seriously, for things to change for the better, every single politician in Washington needs to be fired. Of course this won't happen, the political machine that runs DC will never allow the surfs to regain their lost freedoms. Face it, they're (politicians) are all corrupt. We need to wipe the slate clean.

But I will join in on your quest, please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

7 posted on 10/17/2005 2:28:07 PM PDT by CrawDaddyCA (There is no such thing as a fair fight. Thou shall win at all costs!!)
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To: HopefulPatriot
It is no secret and not necessarily a bad thing that speech is limited in our Forum


Since Oct 15, 2005


Welcome to Free Republic.

8 posted on 10/17/2005 2:28:52 PM PDT by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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To: misterrob

Democracy is the rule of fools by fools.

We republicans (NOT party members) are to elect a principled leadership. If they prate of leadership qualities then can 'em, the people are the leaders and not the fools that would be leaders. If they prate of polls then can 'em, we didn't elect them to do what is popular but to follow conservative republican principles. If they prate of spending, taxes or of compassion then can 'em. If they prate of balance or inclusion then can 'em.

9 posted on 10/17/2005 2:40:54 PM PDT by (The conspiracy of ignorance masquerades as common sense.)
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To: misterrob
Socialists and RINOs have weakened the Constitution

Sorry, don't share that view.  Socialists and RINOs have weakened the nation to be sure!  With this perspective it suggests that the Constitution is in disrepair and consequently needs to be 'restored' as in repaired.  Ultimately the voters of our representative republic hold all the stench at the ballot box.  We get the government we deserve.  

Don't blame the Constitution, blame your family, friends, co-workers, and fellow neighbors for this demise.  I do.

But in all fairness, we are likely just splitting hairs and agree totally.

10 posted on 10/17/2005 2:42:57 PM PDT by quantim (Detroit is the New Orleans of the North as an example of a failed welfare state.)
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To: HopefulPatriot

If you start or have a ping list, please add me to it. Thank you.

11 posted on 10/17/2005 2:43:12 PM PDT by loboinok (Gun Control is hitting what you aim at!)
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To: HopefulPatriot

Hopeful indeed. I look forward to your future articles as you lay out your plan. Could you add me to your Constitution ping list, if you have one?

12 posted on 10/17/2005 2:51:31 PM PDT by shezza (Bless the folks in the trenches)
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To: quantim; misterrob
The stated objective of this series is the complete restoration of the Constitution of the United States as written and formally amended rather than as corrupted and circumvented by Congress, the President, and the federal judiciary, especially the Supreme Court.

While I do not agree that Socialists and RINOs have weakened the Constitution itself as written and formally amended (i.e., as actually promulgated), I think that the author of the original piece is pointing to the fact that what is considered "constitutional" or "unconstitutional" by Congress, the President, and the federal judiciary, especially the Supreme Court -- as well as the uninformed public at large, in many cases (and the MSM, always) -- often differs significantly from an "originalist" or "traditionalist" interpretation of the actual provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

Thus, you could say that Socialists and RINOs have weakened (considerably) what our government and our society considers to be constitutional or unconstitutional, and -- in that sense -- the Constitution needs to be "restored".

Nevertheless, I agree that the Constitution is not the problem, and therefore does not need to be "restored" or "repaired". It is the legal, judicial and executive bodies and systems set up by the Constitution that have been perverted from their original intent, and thus, it is they that need to be "restored".
13 posted on 10/17/2005 3:04:14 PM PDT by Thrusher ("...there is no peace without victory.")
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To: Santiago de la Vega; Tatze; Irontank; Constitutionalist Conservative; VRWCmember; Mikey; ...

Ping for the Restoration of the Constitution.

14 posted on 10/17/2005 4:45:00 PM PDT by Reaganghost (Democrats are living proof that you can fool some of the people all of the time.)
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To: Reaganghost; JSDude1; RushHannity; BransonRevival; KyleM; theworkersarefew; libertyman; hosepipe


15 posted on 10/17/2005 5:07:53 PM PDT by Gipper08 (Mike Pence in 2008)
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To: quantim
[ Sorry, don't share that view. Socialists and RINOs have weakened the nation to be sure! ]

Rinos ARE socialists.. Republican socialists..
The democrats secret weapon->> Republican socialists..

Who will elect Hillary.?. Democrats and Republican Socialists mostly women..

16 posted on 10/17/2005 5:28:05 PM PDT by hosepipe (This Propaganda has been edited to include not a small amount of Hyperbole..)
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To: HopefulPatriot
I have been reading a lot about President Reagan lately, including both of Peggy Noonan's books on him. He did compromise, both as governor of my state and as President. It appears an unrealistist history has been written about him in people minds these days.

There is also an unrealistic idea of how President Bush should govern this country, or which he is the leader of ALL citizens, not just pure conservatives. It is a different story when you are actually doing the job, as some of you should well realize.
17 posted on 10/17/2005 5:34:05 PM PDT by ladyinred (It is all my fault okay?)
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To: hosepipe
Who will elect Hillary.?

Largely (no pun) those who are overweight. Hillary won't be elected even if republicans pony up the RINO version of Effin.

You just inspired my new tagline, kudos!

She's unelectable and you ought to to rejoice in her nomination.  There is no reason to fear the carpetbagger.  Fear your neighbor who votes for her in the primary.

18 posted on 10/17/2005 5:57:14 PM PDT by quantim (Hillary won't be elected even if republicans pony up the RINO version of Effin.)
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To: HopefulPatriot

syme alert

19 posted on 10/17/2005 6:08:40 PM PDT by I8NY
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To: ladyinred
"I have been reading a lot about President Reagan lately...He did compromise, both as governor of my state and as President."

Reagan faced strong Democratic majorities in both Houses with very strong leaders of those houses. He knew he had no chance of riding rough-shod over the Democrats. He had an agenda and he wanted to pass as much as possible of that agenda. I don't know how old you are, but if you were at least 18 in 1980, you should be able to remember Congressional Democrats pronouncing his budget and legislative agenda as being dead on arrival when it was delivered to their respective chambers. Reagan made several nationwide speeches asking the people to contact their legislative representatives regardless of whether they were R's or D's and to tell those legislators that they supported the President and were demanding that his legislative agenda be passed or the legislators would not be receiving any votes from them in their next election. Members of Congress later admitted they had never had such a deluge of mail in support of a President in all their time in office.

As a suggestion, if you want to know and understand President Reagan's thinking, there are a number of sites that host a selection of his speeches. Here is my favorite list of Reagan's Speeches. The left hand frame contains links to some of his best. My favorite is the one called "The Speech".

20 posted on 10/17/2005 6:20:44 PM PDT by Reaganghost (Democrats are living proof that you can fool some of the people all of the time.)
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