Posted on 09/26/2005 11:06:59 PM PDT by Mia T
bill clinton at the New York State Fair
This southern strategy would be laughable but for Bush "benevolence." By propping up the clintons once again in their most smarmy elder-statesman / humanitarian pose, the Bushes continue to abet these two dangerous demagogues in their various revisionist, White House and Constitutional assaults.
(Believe it or not, even lovely Laura is complicit. She and the disgrace ex-president are scheduled this Fall to do some book thing or other in Texas.) The Bushes seem not to notice that posture is not character, and that the disarming is always unilateral.
STUPID-SMART: on rehabbing the clintons + New Orleans
Even if the Bushes continue to pursue their beyond-stupid idea of rehabbing the clintons, the Right can still prevail.
Mold and physical collapse are the perfect metaphor for the failed, corrupt welfare state. Bush must refuse to reconstitute old New Orleans; he must instead set up a new, honest laboratory of conservative policy; if he does this, he will, without question, deliver the deathblow to the clintons and the Left.
It is patently obvious that the clintons and the Left are terrified, terrified that Katrina will open the eyes of the poor--mostly black--underclass, which is their absolutely essential, and until now, captive, constituency.
The clintons and the Left are terrified that these poor people will finally see what has been before them for 60 years: Not only a failed idea, but a party whose power depends on perpetuating that failure.
Simply put, the clintons and the Left are terrified that their constituency will finally see a Democrat party whose very existence depends keeping them dirt poor, disinformed and dependent. Worse, that they will see a Republican party whose success derives directly and solely from their success.
Indeed, it is already happening.
Why do you suppose the clintons and Landrieu--through Mayor ("just doing my chores for hillary") Nagin-- are countermanding experts in the field and instructing their voters to return--FAST (no problem bussing 'em straightaway and en masse when it's to the polls)--back to a still toxic morgue with no potable water, no emergency support and with renewed risk of deluge?
Mia T
The clintons failed utterly for eight years because they put provincial self-interest, dishonor, and personal and public corruption above loyalty to country. If the Bushes fail, it will be because they put patrician sensibilities, misplaced honor and personal loyalties above loyalty to country.
The clintons are working under the assumption that Katrina will do for them what 9/11 did for Bush, forgetting that it was their utter failure that 'gave' Bush 9/11 in the first place. Judging by his speeches in New Orleans and at the Pentagon, I doubt that President Bush will return the favor.
(Unfortunately, Bush couldn't resist watering down the truth with a dose of 'new tone.' In a tortured show of nonpartisanship, he confounded the issue by erroneously inserting Ronald Reagan into the terror mix. ) When assessing blame for the terror failure, the clintons are uniquely culpable. It was only during the clintons' watch that bin Laden repeatedly declared war on America and committed acts of war against America. While the clintons said and did nothing.
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)
thanx to jla and Wolverine for the audio
ASIDE: If bill's "joke" articulates the clintons' local-yokel view of Upstaters, hillary's gingham shirt cum flag pin punctuates it.
he clintons thought they would slip south, unnoticed, in the Big Easy sludge. Pick up an errant red(neck) state or two along the way. (I ask you: Is there a more perfect clinton camouflage than the Big Easy sludge?)
Listen carefully to the perjurer, the congenital liar and the rest of the moribund, prevaricating Left. Simply invert their message to get at the truth.
clinton legacy of lynching update
Full transcript. Video excerpt: RealPlayer or Windows Media. Plus MP3
"I remember exactly what happened. Bruce Lindsey said to me on the phone, 'My God, a second plane has hit the tower.' And I said, 'Bin Laden did this.' that's the first thing I said. He said, 'How can you be sure?' I said 'Because only bin Laden and the Iranians could set up the network to do this and they [the Iranians] wouldn't do it because they have a country in targets. Bin Laden did it.'
I thought that my virtual obsession with him was well placed and I was full of regret that I didn't get him."
bill clinton |
"Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in '91 and he went to the Sudan.
We'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him [bin Laden].
So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, 'cause they could have; but they thought it was a hot potato. They didn't and that's how he wound up in Afghanistan."
bill clinton |
Was it simply the constraints of his liberal mindset, or was it something even more threatening to our national security?
Why hillary clinton should never be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office... or any position of power
sandy berger haberdashery feint
(the specs, not the pants or the socks)
the left's jihad against America is killing our troops, aiding + abetting the terrorists and imperiling all Americans
pro-islamofascist-terrorist radical chic
The Left's Fatally Flawed "Animal Farm" Mentality
(Why America Must NEVER AGAIN Elect a Democrat President)
Mia T, 12.14.03
z = distance between flag lapel pin and chin
d = distance between midpoint of chin and jowl
y = distance between the midpoint of chin and top button
x = distance between top button and flag lapel pin
Upstaged, clinton Recycles Tired Canard, Tries New Revisionist Tack
The 60-minute C-SPAN reprise of the 60-second 60 Minutes clinton-Dole flop confirmed what the 60 Minutes separate-stages format had plainly suggested: bill clinton would be wise never to share the stage with Bob Dole.
Bob Dole displayed an easy wit; clinton served up faux-folksy bromides and stale canard-cum-corollary laced with underlying rage.
The canard: If a crook doesn't make a profit, then it's not a crime.
The corollary: The government should pursue a crook if, and only if, the crook's take exceeds the government's cost to nail him.
![]() (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
Casuistry in the service of clinton revisionism....
Posthumous misappropriation is, for the obvious reason, the clintons' preferred method of legacy inflation. While downward revision ("defining deviancy down") is the classic clinton m.o., (see Jefferson double-helix hoax), clinton, exposed, is now arguing the obverse; the double negative offers the illusion of a higher ground.
If the purpose of the canard and corollary is to nullify Whitewater, the purpose of the claim that Ulysses S. Grant was unfairly maligned is to point the clinton hagiographers in the direction of the nonjudgmental... and the non sequitur.
That is, if Grant was unfairly maligned as a drunk, then, according to clinton deconstructionist logic, it follows that clinton was unfairly maligned as a rapist, traitor, perjurer, suborner of perjury, cheat, obstructor of justice, abuser of power, psychopath, corruptor of children, murderer, incompetent, utter failure, proximate cause of 911, and so forth.
COPYRIGHT MIA T 2003, 2005 |
note: 'loser' and 'the sequel' (finger) links are active. hillary's mouth (link) isn't working yet. ;).
Hope you can get your flashplayer to work. Used your 'mother nature' audio in 'the sequel.' Thanx again.
Now thats a post.
thanx for your audios ping
Thanks. Good work, as always.
how the clintons are handling the hillary dud factor by Mia T, 8.03.05 ![]() (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) MAD hillary series #5 WHY MISSUS CLINTON IS DANGEROUS FOR THE CHILDREN FOR AMERICA FOR THE WORLD |
Katrina also pointed out that Johnson's 'Great Society' had done nothing but create a new type of 'plantation' for NOLA's black population. It destroyed the black family unit... something that 100 years of segregation failed to achieve.
If we could only be so lucky!
As for Slick Willie being a "token Redneck(!)?...thats a slam on true rednecks everywhere.
Toking is more like it.
I suspect they will turn N.O into a CUBA, they will identify the middle class and upper middle class homes that will be abandonded they will clean them up, and turn them over to the folks who will be the communicators between the politicans and the easlily led poor and stupid masses.
I read and understood how slavery works, now I see slavery in the form of welfare, hand outs for the most SIMPLE work to be performed, not washing clothes, picking crops, but simply getting on busses to be taken to the polls to VOTE.
These people have become NOTHING but slaves of the democrats election rolls.
Bill C isn't and hasn't been the first black president, he was the OFFICIAL elected "Slave Master" of the inner city ghettos and impoverished rural communities.
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