1 posted on
05/01/2003 2:41:23 PM PDT by
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To: .45MAN; AKA Elena; al_c; american colleen; Angelus Errare; Antoninus; aposiopetic; Aquinasfan; ...
Well I won't back down, no I won't back down
you could stand me up at the gates of hell
but I won't back down
Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
and I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
gonna stand my ground and I won't back down
Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
hey I will stand my ground
and I won't back down
Well I know what's right, I got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin' me around
but I'll stand my ground and I won't back down
Hey baby there ain't no easy way out
hey I will stand my ground
and I won't back down
No, I won't back down
2 posted on
05/01/2003 2:44:16 PM PDT by
("He who denies the existence of God, has some reason for wishing that God did not exist.")
To: Polycarp
That was what happened to my brother. Normal, all-american kid, baseball player, etc. Raped by a high-school teacher, and blackmailed him to keep quite to protect my Dad's reputation (well known in our city). This triggered years of destructive behavior. He succumbed to aids at an early age and died several years ago, after being a daily pennatant for the last six months of his life.
Homesexuality is not something that people are born with. SOMETHING HAPPENS, or SOMEONE CHOOSES. PERIOD. Either way, it goes against God and nature.
4 posted on
05/01/2003 2:47:30 PM PDT by
(Education starts in the home. Education stops in the public schools)
To: Polycarp
bookmark for later...
5 posted on
05/01/2003 2:51:30 PM PDT by
To: Polycarp
This type of predatory sexual abuse of young teenage boys is typical chickenhawking homosexual behavior. I've seen it so many times its enough to make me vomit.
One wonders how you (or Kopp?) saw this so many times.
To: Polycarp
The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to our children, as chickenhawking is an integral part of its culture. Homosexuals do not reproduce. They are not "born that way." But they do recruit.
They are actively trying to recruit your children and mine.
....I'll tell you this, It will be the last thing they do if they touch one of mine.
16 posted on
05/01/2003 3:20:44 PM PDT by
("Vengeance is Mine , I will repay," says the Lord.)
To: Polycarp
Referring to the second last paragraph of the posted article, you really need a 'GRAPHIC' warning in the headline.
17 posted on
05/01/2003 3:21:45 PM PDT by
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: Polycarp
This thread takes the cake for the most explicit language I've ever seen. It makes my stomach turn, but it needs to be said - and shared, otherwise we'll have more of this agenda shoved down our children's throats, and more stories like this one:
6 Children Apparently Malnourished, Found in Kenmore.
A completely slanted article ("apparently malnourished? an 8 year old that weighs 28 POUNDS?!?!?!) in which it takes the writer nearly HALF THE ARTICLE to mention these 6 children were the VICTIMS OF LESBIAN PARENTS.
18 posted on
05/01/2003 3:21:59 PM PDT by
(Op. Iraqi Freedom Hero Tribute: http://home.earthlink.net/~mrskoz/index.html)
To: Polycarp
UUUUUUUUUggggggggghhhhhhhhhh. I shouldn't have been eating while reading this. Time to yack!
19 posted on
05/01/2003 3:25:53 PM PDT by
("Everyone who is for abortion HAS been born." Ronald Reagan)
To: Polycarp
Question: does the heterosexual rape of young teens make them heterosexual? Or are they just caught up in the heterosexual juggernaut?
21 posted on
05/01/2003 3:30:41 PM PDT by
To: Polycarp
Thank you for posting this.
To: Polycarp
Well ya know what the priests say...when in Rome
27 posted on
05/01/2003 3:41:10 PM PDT by
(Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
To: Polycarp
I'm personally helping arrange his counseling and legal representation in the lawsuit against his homosexual molestors.Seriously - this is an excellent idea. Hold those monsters responsible for what they did to a young boy. This reminds me of the Planned Parenthood operation where PP lets adult men get away with child abuse - when they abort a young girl and the older man gets off.
To: Polycarp
I'm with you, brother.
Its good that there are a few men who aren't afraid to call sodomy what it is -
aberrant, deviant sexual BEHAVIOR. Unfortunately, I don't think we're vocal enough in opposing the comparison between gays and race.
Admittedly, it is difficult to balance Christian tolerance of gays with resolute opposition to the militant gay agenda.
42 posted on
05/01/2003 4:01:36 PM PDT by
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
To: Polycarp
Even more posts on homosexuality...i'm curious as to why?
--Dr. Brian Kopp Me too! Maybe we could get together and, you know, talk about it!
To: Polycarp
Don't care anymore, I protect what's mine and those around me, If people want to commit suicide in SF, well that's a lot of good real-estate.
46 posted on
05/01/2003 4:05:45 PM PDT by
(Screw the grammar, full posting ahead.)
To: Polycarp
And I guarantee if any of them ever touches one of my boys, there will be no trial, only a burial.
I know the Lord says "vengance is mine" but I can certainly understand this man's anger.
The same book that states very clearly that vengance belongs to the Lord warns explicitly about the wrath of an angry husband. Imagine how much worse an angry father would be?
I hope all this emotion can be harnessed and will manifest itself in the form of letters and votes to put the radical homosexual agenda back in the closet where it belongs.
It's a disgusting movement. It's destructive and it doesn't deserve to be mainstreamed and put on equal ground with legitimate right's such as speech and arms.
It needs to go back in the closet along with a huge list of other destructive "right's" and behaviors.
61 posted on
05/01/2003 4:46:32 PM PDT by
(Sammy to Frodo: "Get out. Go sleep with one of your whores!")
To: Polycarp
Currently, the two productions of their "pride season" are Beautiful Thing and From the Hip. "Didn't they make Beautiful Thing into a movie not too long ago?" you might ask. Why, yes, they did. "So why produce this play right now?" To get a tie-in with the popularity of the movie, but also to capitalize on the ever-growing chicken hawk market, giving aging audiences the chance to see these particular beautiful things right before their very own eyes. The ad shows two hot adolescent Londoners against a brick wall, one holding a soccer ball and hugging the other one from behind with the ingenius tag line "an urban fairytale." At least the poor untalented pretty boys are clothed, probably to avoid an accusation of kiddie porn, which it is anyway. But nobody will notice just because they have their shirts on.
64 posted on
05/01/2003 5:08:14 PM PDT by
(Keep doing what you always do and you'll keep getting what you always get)
To: Polycarp
"This chickenhawking is an integral part of the homosexual subculture, and tacitly and explicitly accepted by the entire movement. Thus the call for lowering the age of consent for homosexual sex across the board by the homo movement." I believe 100% homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible, but the above claims are nonsense.
The gay rights organizations almost across the board oppose and condemn groups like NAMBLA that condone sex with minors and advocate lowering the age of consent.
NAMBLA is prohibited from taking part in so-called "gay pride parades"(which allow almost any kind of gross behavior) and almost nobody in the gay rights movement will have anything to do with such groups.
Though statistics show there are more heterosexual pedophiles, this is because heterosexuals make up most of the population. So I wouldn't be surprised if there was a higher percetage of pedophiles among homosexuals...but the idea that "chickenhawking" is a prominent part of the general homosexual population is a ridiculous claim.
66 posted on
05/01/2003 5:11:03 PM PDT by
To: Polycarp
Here's my reply from the original thread, if you're interested:
"From the time he was 13 to 15, he had a steady girlfriend, and was a quiet, well adjusted, normal kid.
At age 15 he was sexually molested by three male homosexuals, and in the process was introduced to drugs (need those whip its to open up a virginal anal sphincter, you know) and heavy alcohol abuse. He has lived a self destructive homosexual lifestyle ever since, a lifestyle induced by molestation and coerced drug and alcohol use at an early age."
Victimology is a trademark of the democratic party, not the republican party. If your friend were truly heterosexual, he would be leading the life of one. Perhaps the reason he is "self-destructive" is because he has friends like you who view him as less than human because of his sexual orientation.
"His life has been destroyed by these fags, and you have the nerve to criticize me?"
Yup, I'll criticize anyone who makes public posts on this board that are contrary to freedom and liberty, not to mention hate-filled, as I believe they are.
"This type of predatory sexual abuse of young teenage boys is typical chickenhawking homosexual behavior. I've seen it so many times its enough to make me vomit.
And I guarantee if any of them ever touches one of my boys, I'll kill the bastard."
Them? Here's a news flash: not every homosexual is a 'predator'. In fact, the vast majority are not. In fact, there are heterosexuals that molest children. I know it must be hard for you to swallow that one, but yes, it's true. In fact, in terms of sheer numbers, I am confident that many more children are molested by heterosexuals than are molested by homosexuals. So, your outrage is, to say the least, a smidge misdirected.
"Furthermore, the credibility of my entire Church has been undermined by homosexuals who infiltrated its priesthood and systematically buggered its teenage altar boys for years."
The credibility of your Church has been undermined by a group of pedophiles. That group of deviants is different than those who are homosexuals. I'm sorry you can't differentiate the two.
"And the same jacka$$es (like you) who would criticize the Church for this buggering, also criticize the Church for being so "intolerant" of the homosexual agenda."
Actually, "jacka$$es" like me would recommend the Church's teaching on homosexuals to you. I've heard a lot more compassion from the Church towards homosexuals than I've ever seen in one of your posts.
"Thus the call for lowering the age of consent for homosexual sex across the board by the homo movement."
If you can prove 1) that the "homo movement" speaks for all homosexuals or 2) that pro-gay groups have actively campaigned for lowering the age of consent, please show your cards. Of course, if this is a specious lie, which I suspect it is, you lose even more credibiility.
"The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to this Republic and the institution of the family upon which all decent societies are built."
Another news flash: heterosexuals are doing far more damage to the "family upon which all decent societies are built" than any homosexual could ever dream of doing. Please educate yourself as to marriage and divorce rates over the past 50 years. Additionally, heterosexuals are responsible in large part for children growing up in single family homes and otherwise impoverished. Again, your passion is ridiculously misdirected.
"The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to our health system."
This doesn't even deserve a response. It is laughable, not to mention unsubstantiated.
"Mankind has spent several millenia developing effective and sanitary methods of disposing human waste.
Mankind knows that human waste is the source of deadly diseases."
Believe it or not, there are plenty of heterosexuals that engage in anal sex. I know that must come as a shock to your puritannical mindset, but it's true.
Inasmuch as you have cited medical studies from various sources, some dubious and some not, the prevalence of various diseases in the "gay population" really doesn't have much to do with a "health crisis." If you are interested in avoiding STDs like hepatitis and the like, simply don't have sex with multiple partners, and make sure those that you do have sex with are clean.
Your mentality of attacking an entire group of people just because it may be more likely to result in higher disease rates is akin to the liberal attack on smokers, the nazi attempt to remove certain types from the gene pool, and an affront to the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution in general.
If a homosexual, or a heterosexual, or a bisexual, or whatever, wishes to have sex a mentally competent adult who agrees, the fact that it is high risk behavior gives neither you nor me the right to prevent them from engaging in that activity.
I believe in personal responsibility, you apparently believe in paternalism and regulation of individual behavior.
That's not what this country is about. This country is about individual rights and the freedom to run your life as you desire.
I'm sorry you don't understand that.
"Any further "wonderings," Smuck?"
Nope, you've adequately explained to me that you can't justify your attacks and that your passion is woefully misdirected and irrational.
Thanks, though.
82 posted on
05/01/2003 5:54:06 PM PDT by
(Ideal MOAB test site: Paris)
To: Polycarp
so yer why curious eh
103 posted on
05/01/2003 6:14:29 PM PDT by
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