MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS (Topics, your sidebar) -- order them any way you please.Kewl!You must be logged in, find the "My Subscriptions" link in your nearest Personal menu (click on your name in the upper right corner.)
Although I guess that it would be important to note that this MARVELOUS ability to permanently FIX the position of "topics" in your right-hand sidebar - so that...
Breaking News is ALWAYS at the top - Yeah!!!... only exists (for now) in the ALTERNATE universe of BETA-Free Republic, so that you have to go to:
the NUMBER of articles per topic can be as large as FIFTY!!! experience these new features in all of their glory.
And, John, the mega-REVIEW page, at: the COOLEST feature of them all!!!!(Hard-core FReepers: You must go there. Now!)
Thanks, RD for the ping!
This is so Kewl!