Posted on 08/26/2022 12:58:27 PM PDT by ransomnote
[H/T Fractal Trader]
An Italian study published two weeks ago in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (“IJVTPR”) revealed almost everyone who had been injected had abnormalities after “Covid vaccination.” In 94% of vaccinees’ blood, there was an aggregation of red blood cells and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes.
The study began in March 2021. Using dark-field microscopy, the researchers analysed blood samples from 1,006 referred to the Giovannini Biodiagnostic Centre for various disorders after being injected with Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna mRNA “vaccines.”
The study authors noted that the “vaccines” are purported to contain at least the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, but are known also to contain foreign particles that the many promoters of the experimental injections claimed were not in them at all. “Among those foreign components are metallic objects as demonstrated previously in this journal by Lee et al. (2022) which are confirmed in our results.”
Of the 1,006 cases analysed, only 58 – equal to 5.77% of the total – presented a completely normal haematological picture upon microscopic analysis after the last mRNA injection with either the Moderna or Pfizer concoction. The blood of 948 – 94% of the study’s participants – showed aggregation of red blood cells and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA injection.
In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal haematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves.
We report 4 clinical cases, chosen as representative of the entire case series. Further studies are needed to define the exact nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify possible solutions to the problems they are evidently causing.Benzi Cipelli, R., Giovannini, F., & Pisano, G. (2022). Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 2(2), 385–444.
Below we include some highlights, although the paper contains so many important points it is difficult to select which are the highlights. The paper is written in such a way that those without formal science training can easily understand and it is well worth taking the time to read it in its entirety. For those who wish to delve a little deeper, the reference section at the end of their paper provides further resources.The study authors included photographs of the 4 clinical cases which “reveal strange phenomena in their blood and illustrate the range and types of the anomalies found in the microscopic examination of the blood of 94.23% of the 1,006 cases … [these 4 cases are] representative of all 948 cases with peripheral blood alterations.”
We have included some of these photographs below, the accompanying descriptions are self-explanatory.
Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna, 12 August 2022![]()
Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna, 12 August 2022![]()
Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna, 12 August 2022![]()
Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna, 12 August 2022![]()
Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna, 12 August 2022In their discussion and conclusion section, the authors wrote:
Aggregation of erythrocytes were highlighted and exogenous point-like and self-luminescent particles in the dark-field were detected. The luminescence of those particles was markedly higher than that of oxygenated red blood cell walls.
The 948 cases, showed tubular/fibrous formations and frequently also crystalline and lamellar formations with extremely complex but consistently similar morphologies across all of the patients with abnormal blood samples.
Our results are so similar to those of Lee et al. (2022) that it could be claimed that, except for our innovative application of dark-field microscopy to mark the foreign metal-like objects in the blood of mRNA injections from Pfizer or Moderna, we have replicated the blood work of the Korean doctors with a much larger sample.
What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds, like those discovered by Gatti and Montanari (Montanari & Gatti, 2016; Gatti & Montanari, 2012, 2017, 2018), have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA “vaccines.”
In our experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional “vaccines” and their manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there.
In conclusion, such abrupt changes as we have documented in the peripheral blood profile of 948 patients have never been observed after inoculation by any vaccines in the past according to our clinical experience. The sudden transition, usually at the time of a second mRNA injection, from a state of perfect normalcy to a pathological one, with accompanying haemolysis, visible packing and stacking of red blood cells in conjunction with the formation of gigantic conglomerate foreign structures, some of them appearing as graphene-family super-structures, is unprecedented.
In our collective experience, and in our shared professional opinion, the large quantity of particles in the blood of mRNA injection recipients is incompatible with normal blood flow, especially at the level of the capillaries.Benzi Cipelli, R., Giovannini, F., & Pisano, G. (2022). Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 2(2), 385–444.
Further resources:
- Chief Investigator confirms AstraZeneca Vaccine IS to blame for rare blood clots, 21 March 2021
- Scientific Study finds the spike protein used in Covid Vaccines causes Strokes, Heart attacks, and Blood Clots, 19 May 2021
- The real pandemic – Covid-19 or Graphene Oxide? Poisonous Nano-Material found in Covid Vaccines and Face Masks, 10 July 2021
- The Long-Term Outlook Due to Blood Clotting from Covid Injections is Very Grim Because with Each Successive Shot, it Will Add More Damage to Capillaries, 21 August 2021
- Covid Injection Secret Ingredients | UK Scientists confirm Graphene and New Zealand Scientists confirm Nanotechnology; What’s The Aim? 12 February 2022
- Medicine Regulators knew in October 2020 that the Covid-19 Vaccines would cause blood clots, heart damage, harm to children, and death, 22 August 2021
- German Doctors and Lawyers Assess Blood Smears from People Who Have Had Covid Injections: “For me this is euthanasia. For me this is mass murder, a crime on a grand scale”, 31 August 2021
- Canadian Researchers Find Carbon Nanotech and Thulium in Moderna and Pfizer Covid Injections, 27 May 2022
- German Researchers Examine Covid “Vaccines” and Vaccinated People’s Blood and Say Stop Vaccinations Immediately, 13 August 2022
In the General/Chat forum, on a thread titled Covid Injection Aftermath: Study finds 94% of “Vaccine” Recipients have Pre-Blood Clot Formations and Foreign Particles, I want to know wrote: Thanks ransomnote for your summary of the article I tried posting earlier. As far as I can tell the article only deals with those who were unvaxxed and contracted covid19. I would be interested in myocarditis research which compares student athletes unvaxxed/no Covid, vaxxed/no Covid, unvaxxed/Covid, vaxxed/Covid and the incidence of myocarditis in each group. Here is the link to the article I was attempting to link earlier to no avail. Still can’t, however, you can copy and paste into browser and it should work.
I traced the article back to the research upon which it was based. It ignores vaccination status and focuses on Covid. This is likely intentional because the CDC continues to say the Covid vaccine is safe and effective, so the writer(s) would only incur abuse if they factored in vaccination status. But then I looked at the vaccination levels for big 10 athletes at the time and they were around 90% vaccinated on average.
Side note: The UK hospitals reported that mostly just unvaccinated were hospitalized, but then whistleblowers noted that the hospitals were not asking or recording vaccination status upon admission (this was late in the pandemic) so most admitted were recorded as unvaccinated. This goes on in the US too in some hospital settings - no record of vaccination is recorded, even if patient provides the info (vaccination card) unless the admitting hospital administered the dose.
As to your link, if you are posting without using any HTML, you can make a pasted link 'active' by moving to the end of the url and pressing 'enter' to drop down one line. Yup, that makes it 'active'.
Thanks ransomnote. I was using html but the link would go to the 404 page could not be found on the server. Have never had a problem before using html, just in the last day or two. Was able to use the active link directions you provided in another post. Again, thanks.
Thanks for your question. Let’s drop our usual Donnybrook and I appreciate your thoughts and would like to share mine with you.
One is the things covid did was disrupt the usual way medicine was practiced. I actually think this was a good thing. Once it really got rolling in the first six or eight months left was right, up was down and not a lot made sense. The problem was this was the first real and serious pandemic any of us have lived through. It hit as the first pandemic where there was also social media and instant reporting. Opinions and thoughts became gospel truth and because lives were at stake, rejection of those opinions became foci of rage.
As an Intensivist I saw the end product too many times and especially during delta wave. So we were all clinically grasping at straws. Our first brushes at treatment was HCQ. Because there was fear and spread and people hiding under their desks, many physicians like myself were confronted with friends and families of ours or nurses and people we worked with who were getting the disease and at that time the death rate was around 1.5%.
So a lot of us who worked in hospitals said what the hell better than doing nothing and prescribed HCQ. So I would see or talk to a patient and call in the rx. Remember at these times we were starring with drive through testing and all the other fear mongering
So I did have early treatment experience because people and colleagues had access to us and we didn’t want these people getting to our level. So hell yea we tried. And a lot of people progressed. So we know it wasn’t a silver bullet.
Then came IVM. Same story. I actually gave IVM to someone teetering in the ICU snd they turned around. I was really optimistic but the next 30 or 40 patients no effect. I had very close colleagues who got sick and i treated early with no effect. So I only saw very weak results. It wasn’t too long after the IVM fad that the vaccines were released. This was early 2021. Delta was august 2021. Despite being rung up and called a liar by Jane and RAnsomnote Gods honest truth is that during delta I didn’t have a single vaccinated patient die. This was when breakthrough infections were starting so we learned vaccination wasn’t perfect but is sure stopped death for the delta strain.
Also at this time was when we were seeing monoclonals. I was very aggressive with them. Unbelievably there was this stupid rule that if admitted to hospital you couldn’t receive them. There was some pretty strong evidence that once into late disease monoclonals were ineffective because at this point it is the inflammatory response not the actual virus. So neutralizing the virus early it makes sense it would stop progression as viral load seemed to be related to progression to severe disease. That’s why I was bearish on IVM after the monoclonals were available because on my judgment it delayed treatment and viral load was increasing.
Essentially I had a silver bullet and there was a lot of people saying untrue things about the treatment and insisting on the more ineffective treatments. So I would not prescribe IVM of HCQ because it was inferior and delayed care.
When it got personally political to me was when Biden started reducing production and redistributing it to blue states. There is the smoking gun that is problematic. The good news though was the disease continued to evolve and we ended up with omicron which stopped lethal disease. Today it is so stealth I actually do not test patients any longer unless there is some really complex reason I need to know and if positive then they get monoclonals (yeah they are still around)
So I don’t recommend boosters unless a specific reason
I certainly don’t test because it’s insane and over 55% or patients are asymptomatic. I am not seeing any critical illness or other issues so in my clinical judgment it’s over. We can either go back to complacent or address oncoming issues
1. Never should the CDC or any advisor to the president have the power to flatten the curve. It’s unconstitutional on its face
2. Never should mandatory testing or treatment be required.
3. However on the patient side demanding treatments as a right is also not proper. Physicians must be allowed their judgment
4. State boards should be dismantled who restricted prescriptive authority. There was no due process and this in my opinion is a violation of the law. My ability to practice cannot be changed without due process and if I treat with something that is out of bounds the patient has the right to sue. The boards of medicine and pharmacy made huge errors and overstepped
5. Physicians and practitioners who profited grossly from questionable treatments should be investigated. I am not including IVM or HCQ. Unfortunately the evidence is equivocal so I cannot really say that anything but a judgment call should be allowed there.
6. I do not exclude the possibility that covid 19 was an artificial genetic shift. While I don’t think it was straight out biological warfare I suppose that possibility exists. I think after hearing everything Fauci funded illegal gain of function research beyond or borders. For that he should be criminally prosecuted.
So that’s sort of my thoughts. I hope you have a good night
Remember, little keyboard. Fat fingers. Sorry for typos.
Now let's not get carried away. What would FR be if Bagster and Gassie weren't at each other's throats. It's like them two aliens (Frank Gorshin forever fighting on Star Trek). No time to make a meme for that, just imagine it.
Your #'s 1-6 would require a complete dismantling of the socialized medical structure of the entire country from the top down. Networks, etc.
I'm all for that too. Let's go back to this and Doctor's making house calls like when I was a kid and got the mumps.
(brevity due to dinner time)
Meant to respond to this earlier
“You accuse Methodist hospital of negligence for not promoting effective early treatment protocols. These early treatment protocols you promote are not the standard of care. They are a guess as to if effective. But here you are I intentionally mislead by using words which mean things in ways that are fundamentally dishonest. Negligence implies the intentional deviation from a standard of care. But you don’t care to explain this. IMath+ is not a standard of care. There are no established standards of care with this law disease.”
This “standard of care” is the problem.
It means that I (a lay person) can print out the FLCCC protocol, procure the non-prescription components, place in a box on a friend’s door step, and get a phone call that her serious viral infection which had her feeling like she was hit by a train has improved in the space of 2 to 3 hours after starting on the protocol...and keep several ppl out of the hospital, just as FLCCC, Bowden, AFLN, AFLDS, Hotze, et al have done.
The standard of care should be thrown in the trash can. Close to 1 million lives would have been saved. I can do better with zero medical training. It is a JOKE.
Methodist went after Bowden because not a single patient (out of 2000) of Bowden’s ever went to hospital for cv19. Now she is over 4000 patients. And she spoke out against the cv19vx. They communicated her loss of hospital privileges via social media, which she only discovered when the local news contacted her for a comment. Want to talk about doxxing? She gets death threats, as does the AFLN founder and others. Hotze is under police protection. Dr Farella, another who does early treatment, was just acquitted in the TMB case last week. Pharma, fedgov and the licensing boards are hunting physicians over early treatment and the vx. And so while it is completely wrong for anyone to doxx you, understand that the money, Pharma and the hospitals are, generally speaking, on your side.
Ping to #566
Not to mention the success that Uttar Pradesh had in eradicating Covid 19 in an impoverished nation with non-existent sanitation by using Ivermection and other meds in the FLCCC protocol.
India was holding its own against Covid 19 when it was using either HCQ or Ivermectin. When they switched over to the vaxes for treatment, their overall deaths skyrocketed.
They quit the vaxes and went back to Ivermectin and HCQ and deaths plummeted.
The US actually sent someone over to India to strong arm them into not divulging their treatment protocol, but it got out anyway.
Right. Dr Kory talked about this timeline in several interviews.
I’ve worked in India, and it is filthy. In parts of Mumbai there is a scent of fecal matter in the air. And while taxiing on the runway at Mumbai’s int’l Airport, one gets to see ppl who live in the shantytown next door squatting for a dump over a hole in the ground.
But the food is great!
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