Posted on 12/28/2021 1:26:42 PM PST by ransomnote
“ I have a pretty big circle of people I interact with. Many of them in the medical field. I know doctors and nurses who refuse to acknowledge what’s going on. ”
Perhaps, and this is just a guess, perhaps they don’t follow or believe the same nutty Blogs and Twitter accounts as you do.
“ I know more people who have died ‘mysteriously’ in the past 8 months of either heart attack, stroke, or brain bleed than I do who either had severe covid or died of it. Most people I know are similar in that regard. And we’re talking people all over the country, of all political persuasions, not just me and my cousins Larry and Darryl in some trailer park.”
So if you’ve been here since 2004, how old were you when you signed up?
30’s? 40’s? So almost 18 years ago.
We’re Not getting younger……..are your friends around the same age?
You are at the age when things happen. I hate to be the one to break it to you. But in our 50’s, 60’s we begin to find out we ate to many cheese burgers. Cancer is discovered in routine exams.
Arteries begin to get clogged.
It’s not Covid, or vaccines, people have had theses things happen to them as they age since forever.
BTW………I was here in 1998…….I changed my name.
Are you thinking of Mom_md?
So, what’s your “expertise”?
Bullying people?
Being an elitist snob?
That is my thought also. Maybe he/she has a PhDs in Petroleum Engineering.
I always liked their mid/late 60's four door trucks.
***BTW………I was here in 1998…….I changed my name.***
Welcome back ash.
You and I both know that there is not a doc out here among us who are not grateful to our nursing colleagues for their expertise. There are nurses who I trust more than physicians. However I think this RN is blatantly seeking fame.
You strike me as a true advocate. That is so crucial for patient care. And baby docs are indeed dangerous. I don’t disagree with that
I spent a whole lot of time in the hospital with my mom before she passed, I NEVER saw a doctor, the nurses took care of EVERYTHING, so please don’t tell me nurses don’t know enough!!!
Ummmmm didn’t say the drug was a sneaky deal. Of course there was an order.
Narc naive?? LMAO I’ve probably administered more Morphine, Diazepam and Demerol than you over the years.
Sheesh……young whipper snappers……
They’re going through the denial stage of grief. How would you feel if the supposed miracle drug you took turned out to be poison?
Seeing things for what they are and calling out bull crap. Thanks for asking
When did I say nurses don’t know anything. I said diagnosis is not in their scope of practice. In fact it is not.
Honestly, yes I do.
What I’d like, and it will never happen, is all data given to multiple peer-review orgs and the results presented openly and honestly.
No, this isn’t a UTI - it’s a bad flu to a mild cold. We have an authoritarian goobermint forcing people to get a poorly tested shot which may just be worse than the disease it is designed to halt. Companys/Politicians are getting rich, and young, health people are dying, perhaps cause by that same shot.
Nurse should not be diagnosing, but we often do. Docs should be diagnosing and researching, but they often don’t because of political and economic pressure.
1st Doctor, do no harm.
Those type of relationships do exists.
Doctors need to feel confident with the provider.
Doesn’t usually happen over-night.
I’ve had E.R. Docs bless me with authority and give me latitude.
They trusted me.
It all Depends……….we had a 2 day Lecture on it all Depending……I’ll never forget it.
Situations were presented, what would we do?
Next slide, was a package of Depends.
When dealing with people and their health care, texts books try, but it all truly depends.
If this person were a nurse practitioner you would be fine with their diagnosis?
What if this person was just about to take their final nurse practitioner tests?
/rhetorical question
Never really left Junior.
But thanks for the Welcome.
Makes me warm and fuzzy inside…………
There is valid and debatable points in what you say. Truth be told I can’t argue with what you have said. My take on it is this neurotic testing is beyond belief. There is absolutely no need to test the asymptomatic except to drive an agenda. You and i both know you never order a test that won’t change your treatment plan.
Additionally I actually am of the belief that the nurses I work with (I am privileged to work with the best of the best critical care nurses and recovery nurses) that you should have a scope of practice that doesn’t make you ask me for every laxative dose or Tylenol dose. It’s ridiculous. I am a firm proponent of nurse driving protocols that once initiated by a physician order allows you discretion.
I also realize you are the ones at Bedside for 12 hours with patients while I cannot be as I am rounding. Nursing has my deepest respects but just as there are some docs who screw this up by not knowing what they are doing that is how this nurse strikes me. He is leveling accusations of misdiagnosis or worse yet falsification of medical charts on extremely complex cases that cannot be reduced to a simple internet screed
Be well. I hope we have some areas of common ground
I was in my early 20’s when I signed up. I regularly interact with people of all ages through work and my large circle of acquaintances.
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