Ummmmm didn’t say the drug was a sneaky deal. Of course there was an order.
Narc naive?? LMAO I’ve probably administered more Morphine, Diazepam and Demerol than you over the years.
Sheesh……young whipper snappers……
No.. I meant the preop pt was possibly narc-naive.... and 6mg is a fairly stout dose, esp IVP :)
I pass out the narcs by the 55 gal drum! LOL Whipper-snapper??? Thanks Grandpa! 20 year nurse in my 50s.... late 50s. 2nd career, military paramedic then IT then Nsg School.
Just for the update, Grandpa... we don’t really use demerol anymore, and valium very rarely. The half-life is too long...
Oh, did I mention that darvocet was taken off the market a decade ago??