It true, not a real invasion. A diversion timed to happen at time of the power transition.
Chinese cross the border invade Washington St, dare the US to do something about it. Sacrifice their troops, while we remove the cross border threat and they begin their real invasion against Taiwain.
IF you like your Three Gorges Dam, you can keep your Three Gorges Dam.
Hint: What if the Chicoms nuke L.A. like they threatened once upon a time? It's all blue voters anyway. And California turns beet red and the Dems never win another national election, forever.
And in the meantime Trump invokes the Insurrection Act and brings in the military for mass execution of Antifa (they are a terrorist group).
It true, not a real invasion. A diversion timed to happen at time of the power transition.
Chinese cross the border invade Washington St, dare the US to do something about it. Sacrifice their troops, while we remove the cross border threat and they begin their real invasion against Taiwain.
That makes more sense.