Posted on 11/22/2020 6:44:46 PM PST by ransomnote
Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.
Q describes this awakening as follows:
"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding 'mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3038)
The video, Qanon is 100% coming from the Trump Administration, is just one of many excellent responses to the all-important question, "Whom does Q serve?"
Q Boot Camp is a quick, condensed way to learn the background and basics about the Q movement.
Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see.
In the battle between those who strip us our constitutional rights, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger by diligently seeking the truth, independence and freedom of thought.
Where We Go 1, We Go All
What to make of it ... all very curious!
I would guess unlawful combatants, as enemy combatants usually aren’t charged. Geneva Convention.
Is Disestablishmentarian around?
Got something I want them to read and advise on.
Steven W. wrote:
“What to make of it ... all very curious!”
It is indeed.
Now the questions are,
Is it forged?
If so, WHO forged it?
My statement to hiden biden would be:
“If you have to cheat to win, you’re still a loser”
Posting blind as usual. I’m going to dip my toe into the prediction pool of the first arrest.
My guess is going to be Mr. Kemp of Georgia. The sheer audacity of arresting a “republican” governor for voter fraud in favor of a democrat candidate by a “republican” president, makes it a delicious irony too tempting to pass up. VP Pence is my second choice.
I’m guessing this kicks off next week.
Closer to 100% of us!
That thread is rolled here:
e-Commerce Constitutional “fanatic” Patrick Byrne on election manipulation: election was rigged, and not because he’s political. “It was rigged in a way people don’t understand.”
“This case is not about what you’ve been hearing...243 dead people in Philadelphia voting....what happened here was hundreds of thousands of votes in certain states. It also was not widespread.””The Democrats are right about something. It isn’t that this is widespread. It was very strategic, it was very narrow and deep in certain places.””They picked five cities that they could commit crazy fraud, in some new ways, crazy deep fraud, and by cheating those five counties, you flip five key states, you flip the Electoral College. It was very well thought out.”
“There are ten different ways to hack it.””The election system is a joke.””Drop and roll - an election fraud technique”The 5 cities: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit and Maricopa County (Phoenix)”Note that the first four cities are heavily African American”Byrne says they claim voter suppression of Black people when you challenge them on what they’re doing.
“It’s the people running the equipment” not the people.”The elite class has always hid behind Black people. They use them.””Drop and roll”- “At a certain point in the election counting, they essentially freeze and they see how much their candidate is behind. And then they drop, they shut the ballots, the voting down, they drop a big stack of ballots””to get their man over the guy who is actually winning, and then they just set, they just - whatever new batch that comes in is pre-figured.”
“There’s some examples where 53 batches in a row, and this is all revealed in data...and every batch measures exactly...and they roll that difference forward until it’s over.””It was done both in the physical ballots and in chicanery within the software.””This isn’t even close.””A lot of whistleblowers and data has been coming forwards toward me””This absolutely needs to be fought out in the courts””Any election official in the country, given what has come out, anyone who signs a certification has personal legal liability.”
“How this was done. It was much much deeper than in the past. At the heart of all this is software that was developed in Venezuela by Hugo Chavez to rig his election [Smartmatic]...from a series of corporate M&A it has emerged as the core of 2 of the brands of election machinery””— there, one of them being Dominion...and the guts of it includes all this functionality and software that was actually from Venezuela to help a dictator rig his elections.”
“It may turn out this happened in 2012....In 2016 somebody blocked it...I know exactly who shut it down in 2016.””We have clear evidence that they are targeting certain Congressmen and flipping seats...there were certain areas they cheated like hell.
“Both sides “in on it
“The software was supposed to take care of it, says Byrne, that’s why the planned winner in 2016 and 2020 didn’t do too much campaigning.”Should be investigating who was it that chose to bring this software in. Even the most cursory due diligence would show that we should not be running elections on it.”Someone comes into the video and Byrne says “I think I should wrap things up in the next minute.”This is a very dangerous, very scary situation, and I just sit here and pray. I just want things to be normal.
Having the wrong seal on the letter is really interesting ... everything seems to have been sourced from CNN (not on GSA web site)
From “beyond the trees”:
Trump Campaign member Brian Trascher:
“Now that we have seized the servers for Dominion that were over in Germany, we’re starting to get some raw data off that... the things that are going to come out are going to shake the globalists to their very core”
More from Byrne:
Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence
Massive (but not widespread) election fraud occurred on November 3:
Smartmatic election software was developed in Venezuela with porous security and built-in functionality allowing system administrators to override the security features it pretended to incorporate. Among the extraordinary privileges it granted to administrators were abilities to:
shave votes continuously from one candidate to another;
batch ballots for later “adjudication” but which instead became a pool of votes that the administrator could simply assign to the candidate of choice;
generate blank ballots.
Through a string of corporate mergers and acquisitions, that software ended up in systems made by Dominion for use in the USA and other countries, where that same overly-generous functionality and porous security allows manipulation not just by administrators, but by those outside the precinct and even abroad.[1]
These functionalities were strategically & aggressively used to rig the US election on November 3.
It was strategic in that it was not “widespread” but targeted at six cities[2] which, if flipped, also would flip the swing states in which they are found (and thus, the electoral college);
It was aggressive for the simple reason that Trump broke their algorithm, because he was on his way to a win that exceeded their ability to overcome through minor cheats alone. It is for that reason that in those 5 locations the bad guys went full-on-goon (e.g., thugs intimidating observers, papers taped over windows, “water main breaks” shutting down vote counting “for the rest of the night” then immediately reopened once Republican observers had departed, etc.)
Proof of this is found in three forms that dovetail perfectly;
Documentation of the extraordinary administrator privileges embedded within Dominion’s systems;
Affidavits from voters and volunteers describe experiences that match exactly what they would experience in locations being gooned by the measures to which I refer;[3]
Charts (such as those below) depicting outrageous statistical oddities (e.g., thousands and tens of thousands of sequential Biden votes that occur with quadrillion-to-1 improbability, ballot processing velocities physically impossible given available site equipment) that themselves coincide with windows of intense and aggressive intimidation and interference with those observing the voting and counting.
In each of several swing states Biden achieved a come-from-behind victory with a margin in the tens-of-thousands thanks to getting hundreds of thousands of votes through these measures.
Conclusion: Our 2020 election was so wildly compromised it is an egg that can’t be unscrambled.
[1] Dominion’s servers are widely infected with QSnatch malware. As poll-workers (e.g., administrators) log-in, QSnatch steals their credentials. Thus not only can administrators override (with no audit trail) election security in a precinct, so can anyone who steals those credentials (which, given the ubiquity of QSnatch on Dominion servers, happens everywhere). Dominion sends out software patches that continuously (deliberately?) allow QSnatch to beat their patches.
[2] Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Maricopa County Arizona (Greater Phoenix), Clark County Nevada (Greater Las Vegas).
[3] By way of example: Sharpie/Bic switcheroos experienced in Maricopa precincts reflect a wish to generate a large pool of “adjudicated ballots” for administrators, who could drag-and-drop them later to Candidate Biden.
Every ballot created by Dominion for a "disabled voter" can be scanned for the random distribution of the helpful emojis. There should be a fairly equal number of each in the results.
The lady in Detroit said she saw 100's with perfectly filled in circles/ovals. Odds of those being randomly created identically for "disabled voters" is very low.
My point being, it should be easy to identify a high percentage fraudulent machine created ballots.
In fact if I heard the presentation correctly the fact that it was machine created and which emoji was used should be in the metadata and shouldn't need a rescan.
Also... If there's more machine created ballots than is in the metadata, that should be a flag as well.
Ha. I got a dog just like that. Well, almost. I think that's a lab, mine's a retriever.
She would totally eat my brains and share with her brother if I fell and cracked my skull open.
I can tell you but I can’t tell you how I know that that evil astronaut was furious and pitched an absolute fit with NASA when he got scrubbed from his mission to the space station after his wife got her head shot in Arizona.
Oh good God, they tried that garbage with zero; history repeats first as tragedy then as farce.
Ok, thanks much for bringing up Brian Trascher again.
I have scratched my head wondering if Brian, who is a Trump insider and important GOP player, had gotten ahead of the skis and simply been reporting rumors or?
So I looked up his Twitter profile and found this minor correction to his interview on Newsmax. What I find interesting is that he’s sticking to the main points of the story. I think this rather important...
“Correct, the servers belonged to a subsidiary or partner of Dominion. Found out the correction after this, but semantics hardly matter. Servers used tabulate US election ballots were in fact seized in Germany.”-Brian Trascher
11:22 AM · Nov 19, 2020·Twitter for Android
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