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To: Melian


(If true, Joe Biden should be arrested in public at the next debate. I vote for firing squad on pay-per-view.

Short summary: Biden personally delivered to Xi all the Chinese dissidents who wanted to supplant Xi, including the entire CIA network in China.

Details below.
NOT yet verified by me.
As though I would be in a position to...!)

= = = = = = = = =

For you guys catching up, check the dates, Lude breaks news ahead of everyone and most of what he has already reported has been verified.

This guy might be on deck:

Translations I’ve posted on The Donald. (From 3 weeks ago, contains “barium meal” inserted by Lude, so not 100% accurate. Take with grain of salt). (Note the timestamp, from 10/13 evening). (From 10/15 evening) (From 10/16 evening and 10/17 morning)

English simultaneous translated channel here:

The live translators do an amazing job, I find that many details are missed and translated them myself.

Please discuss in comments and I will answer any questions or clarify any background material. The 2020 election is undoubtly the single most important election in our lifetime. It is LITERALLY a battle between good and evil. I couldn’t believe it until I looked into everything myself. And oh btw, CCP is Asshoe!!! Take down the CCP!

From 10/19 morning, video here:

0:38 - Hard drive contents include why Biden gifted information of some important CIA spies in various important ministries to Xi Jinping. Which ministries exactly? Please don’t think they’re just street sweepers or taxi drivers. The most most most important ministries. Why he did it? Very cruel. Very cruel. They were directly shot. Among them, who were the well known people? We’ll tell you shortly. I will also release 1 e-mail from the hard drive. The recipient was Hunter Biden. Who sent the e-mail? If I tell you, everyone will definitely be... will definitely be shocked. Be shocked. 100%

5:10 - Let’s see now. A couple days ago we mentioned that 36 American CIA spies — in truth, it’s not only 36, altogether it’s 60 some odd — 36 were in the CCP’s important ministries. Which ministries? Ministry of State Security, just there alone 20 some odd. An Hong, you’re from the Public Security Bureau.

5:43 - I’m not from the Public Security Bureau, it’s my family members thats from the Bureau. I’m really stunned. I saw Lude’s tweet. Tong Baobo, family of 3, including the baby, was not shown mercy and wiped out. This is definitely very cruel. When I read children’s books I was made aware of the KMT’s cruelty but never seen it, but I’ve seen the CCP’s viciousness exceeds any country. I can imagine, because they can see from internally the highest level secrets, they can see the extreme ugliness of the CCP and shameless deeds, so they were pushed towards the light and liberty. Normally between countries, it’s normal to have informants, it’s normal to have spies, however, if it’s national security personnel defecting to the CIA it is absolutely because they touched top secrets, they saw the most evil things and were unwilling to stand with evil.

8:04 - Dealing with someone like Biden is incredibly difficult because Biden was supported, befriended and cultivated by the CCP for many years and has become a big tree with deep roots.

8:57 - Lude on 9/24 revealed the existence of 3 hard drives. 9/27 revealed that Biden accepted bribes along with other similar corruption. 10/13 the first hard drive was released. 10/18 the second hard drive was released and Lude directly pointed out that not only there are two hard drives, there are potentially 100 hard drives. It is evident that the internal conflicts within the CCP has reach white hot levels.

9:35 - First, the executers were Man Yongping, Yang Hui and Fang Fenghui. Fang Fenghui, everyone knows, has been arrested. Fang Fenghui represented General Staff. Yang Hui represented the Second Bureau, handled intelligence. Man Yongping represented Ministry of State Security. These three presons. The General Staff, Security Bureau was in charge of the executions. Just in the Ministry of State Security, there were 20 some odd people — they were called into a conference room for a meeting. Like you happily leave your door in the morning, someone announces a meeting and at the site of the meeting the Security Guard division stood behind them and executed — one shot per person.

10:43 - With silencers or without silencers? No details... I reckon it was with silencers.

10:50 - Executed on site with guns. Very simple, according to national security law, secret security law you’re a traitor... you’re a traitor. With a signature you’re directly terminated. The CCP received secret intelligence. This is the secret police and with no avenues for appeal. You’re a traitor, directly executed with a gun. All these people were privy to the highest level secrets. These secrets allowed their inner conscience to realize that the CCP is just too evil and they became enlightened. They all wanted to take down the CCP and overturn the oppressive CCP regime. These people stayed in their apparatus for a long time, saw so much secret information and became enlightened. They can easily contact the CIA. They became CIA informants. Other than these 36, there are 20 some odd that are linked to these informants. Tong Baobo we mentioned yesterday, she was the Tianjin Ministry of State Security top secret secretary. A top secret secretary is privy to very high level intelligence. Her family of 3 were executed. Terrifying...

12:54 - There was also a pregnant woman who was due in 10 or so days. They didn’t care and she was shot. In Guangdong, there were a couple who were in charge of the safety of an area and in Xinjiang one of the chiefs of the security committee were executed.

13:24 - We believed that heroes have names, however, there are many heroes who are obscured and nameless. We see Lude reveal, one, two or three heroes, but there might be some that died and we have no idea about the situation. No wonder I read an article on the web that the CIA wondered why from 2010 to 2011 or 2012 the information it can gather from the CCP became very limited and its agent and informants were... by the CCP. I saw such an article. That article speculated that there was an internal CIA leak or FBI and so on and so on or some retired officer living abroad has an axe to grind. Now we know Biden gave the Xi regime the national secrets. That’s how the network was completely uprooted. Simply said, my mother was waken late at night to see the commander — Beijing emergency telegram, Lin Biao defected, Ondorkhaan. Mother very rarely spoke of this incident. Of course she reminisced about that night. When someone banged on the door late at night, something was definitely going on. At the time, she was also a top secret secretary. On the way no one spoke. The commander with a hand gesture ordered the documents to be delivered. She was stunned when she opened the documents, top secret documents. She didn’t know how she completed her work that night. She was deathly afraid. I’ve read many writings by informed people and contemporaneous documents. A lot of people realized during the Cultral Revolution that there was a problem with the CCP and that there was a problem with Mao from the Lin Biao defection incident 9/13/1971. All these unknown heroes were able to touch top secret CCP information. That top secret information Hu Yaobang mentioned that if the people found out about the history of the CCP, the people would band up and completely overthrow us. I’m speechless and at moments can’t contain myself as Lude reports. I can only say that these compatriots sacrificed their lives for our anti-CCP whistleblowers revolution and even saved the world, the price they paid deserve our remembrance.

18:44 - There were over 10 women. The one in Xinjiang was pregnant, they didn’t care for the child, terminated with one shot. State Secrets Law. 36 were directly developed by the CIA. 20 some odd people in the surrounding. These people that were shot, the US government has photos. There was some media reporting at the time, obviously the reporting was 70% true and 30% fake. Some they reported the wrong date intentionally like in the NY Times, which reported that it started in 2010 and continue through 2011. In reality it was after 2012. Every year there are some spies that were caught. However, 2012 was mass simultaneous compromise and that ... understand? So they purposely obfuscated and reported 2010 till 2012. This was intentional to keep up the appearance that it had nothing to do with him. You got that? The CCP propaganda is alway 70% true and 30% fake and the media reported it. These informants’ families all were left in a tragic state. Some were all killed, some they kept alive (to be nice), but cannot get a credit card, fly in the airplane and travel outside of China for life. And cannot enter so and so department. In Tianjin there was a case where they have to wear an ankle monitor and be monitored for life. All very tragic, all due to Biden selling them out. An Hong, a lot of people ask why did Biden have to do it? It was Obama and Biden together. Remember Guo Wengui did a program and mentioned one thing? There was one time when Obama visited China during Hu Jintao and gave Hu a gift. Underneath the gift was a box. Hu was unable able to open it (translator’s note: with connotations of too afraid). At the time Obama was prepared to give the box to Hu Jintao. The inside of the box contains the items we told everyone. Later Obama gave the box to Xi. Xi Jinping opened it. What information was inside? Xi didn’t ask for it, he doesn’t dare. It was given out voluntarily. At the time they believed that Hu Jintao didn’t dare so they completely discarded him. When we mentioned it, we told everyone that all the CCP officials ultimately reported to Americans. Biden reported to who? Biden reported to Wall St. Biden was backed by many years of propaganda. What was in the box? Xi Jinping took a look and well well well all these guys want to end me. Zhou Yongcang, Xu ... a lot of the Wang Lijun material i.e. who’s plotting what. At the time of the Wang Lijun incident, the US retained a copy of his documents, and gave this important information to Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping took a look... later we told everyone. In cooperation, they took care of that cabal of people. Basically the assets they have in the US and grab points — e.g. exactly which house, where you illegitimate children are. Once controlled, there’s no way they could resist. His lovers...

23:22 - A lot of people ask why Obama did it? First, primarily it was Biden. Biden had been colluding with the CCP for decades. When Xi came to power people got a feeling that the son of Xi Zhongxun will head down the path of democracy (translator’s note: liberalization). They were afraid. So they used this method to establish relations with Xi. More importantly once you establish this sort of relationship you built an alliance. This alliance is what we mentioned before — you help me clean up political rivals in the US, I help you clean up your political rivals, support you and help you become a real emperor. Office for life. The CIA spies in the CCP were tasked with acquiring knowledge of what? Do you know? They were task with acquiring information of Americans colluding with the CCP. This is very important information. The US also needed to tamp down corruption. Where did the leads come from? Remember the overseas democracy movement, the FBI caught some. Once these Americans got power, the informants were given to Xi Jinping who dealt with them one-by-one. First they protected themselves, Biden and company, these people are the who’s whos. Second, let these embedded so and so ... The real nature of the anti-corruption drive was Obama/Biden and Xi and Wang Qishan together cleaned up political rivals and helped Obama and Biden clear out watching eyes and evidence of their corruption. Now that I mention it, do you see the link?

27:10 - We previously mentioned Tong Baobo, an unnamed hero, a faceless one. Also, we have the Ministry of State Security vice secretary Li Hui. Lu Zhongwei same thing. They’re all CIA developed informants. These people used each other to do each other’s dirty work. Obama/Biden and Xi used each other do to each other’s dirty work. All for their own individual interests. Think about it. An Hong, after hearing this, please comment.

27:50 - I’ve read about Li Hui on the Internet. He was a young man and an ABC that grew up in the United States. His Chinese and English were both very good. He experienced democracy and freedom in the US and saw through the corruption in China. He willingly volunteered and was assigned. He got to a very high level, he got to Ling Wangchun’s level before he was exposed. If I remember correctly, he was executed in Zhongnanhai itself. That young man was very talented and very extraordinary. I don’t know if you can still find it on the web, but I remember I read this. For all real gentle natured people, when they see the CCP or any corrupt evil — the ugliness, the corruption, the unbounded bottom line, the perversions eventually they discover their own conscience. They go through a process of seeing the light. Once they’ve gone through this process like a person that has seen the dawn, the day, the sunshine they’re not afraid of the dark anymore. Of course he must have known that doing this job in 3 minutes his head might be hanging from his belt, in 3 minutes his head may fall. He let us see that there are people with that kind of conscience and ambition — the kind of conscience and ambition that is our hope. The CCP with different morals will be unwilling to bring up people such as him. But we must let our compatriots know the truth that there always will be and has been someone like that, except their existence has been covered up and we don’t know.

30:26 - Biden, Obama/Biden gave Xi a gift and told Xi they wanted to be friends. Xi opened the gift and was stunned — this gang of people want to end me. Bo Xilai, all sorts of info, basically the information Wang Lijun provided, all sort of action plans including what and who etc. Xi later would mention it whenever he met with other leaders, like David Cameron, the foreign political leaders. All the other leader saw that Xi cooperated easily and Biden also boasted that he saved Xi’s life so all the other leader gave Xi their list. So that’s why it was devastating, devastating. The entire intelligence network of the west of betrayed. Ukraine is a very important place. Many were killed. These people were all betrayed by these people. Ukraine is a intelligence trading hub. This is why the hard drive in Ukraine appeared.

34:17 - Everyone has seen a couple e-mails from the hard driv

675 posted on 10/19/2020 5:39:30 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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680 posted on 10/19/2020 5:48:08 PM PDT by truthluva
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To: grey_whiskers

Incredible. Thank you for posting.

682 posted on 10/19/2020 5:55:03 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: grey_whiskers

Outstanding. Thank you.

689 posted on 10/19/2020 6:03:42 PM PDT by truthluva
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To: grey_whiskers

Well done.

701 posted on 10/19/2020 6:28:08 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: grey_whiskers

Imma tweet that. Cool?

709 posted on 10/19/2020 6:39:04 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: grey_whiskers

ThanQ for your hard work.

732 posted on 10/19/2020 7:23:44 PM PDT by Bigg Red (#Hunterdidntkillhimself)
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To: grey_whiskers

If these claims are true and I tend to believe they are to most degree, it certainly explains why q said that people would be in the streets and their hearts would fail them (or side such commends)

...and many here are talking up some jerkoff on a zoom call
...missed the epic news completely.


741 posted on 10/19/2020 7:30:40 PM PDT by SheepWhisperer (My enemy saw me on my knees, head bowed and thought they had won until I rose up and said Amen!)
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To: grey_whiskers

All...ALL the contents of these HDDs need to be posted online in all their vulgarity. Let the Americans and the world see the corruption and the chips fall where they may. America can defend herself, but the traitors need to hang. Those who have harmed the souls of their counties should simply hang right quick.

It would liberate the world

Hopefully this this the D5 that is coming

745 posted on 10/19/2020 7:38:30 PM PDT by SheepWhisperer (My enemy saw me on my knees, head bowed and thought they had won until I rose up and said Amen!)
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To: Library Steve

Ping to 675

1,161 posted on 10/20/2020 2:46:01 PM PDT by HollyB
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