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Posted on 01/14/2020 4:07:51 AM PST by RoosterRedux
Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q? Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement its inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis.
If youre unfamiliar with Q or only know it through the medias attacks, Id like to provide a brief introduction to this extraordinary phenomenon. Ive followed Q since the first drop, and Ive grown increasingly impressed by the accuracy, breadth and depth of Qs messages. Q followers were prepared long in advance for the easing of hostilities with North Korea, the deflation of the mullahs of Iran, and the discovery of Ukraine as a hotbed of corruption for American politicians. They knew a great deal about Jeffrey Epsteins activities before the public did and anticipate even more shocking revelations to come. As Q likes to say, Future proves past. As Qs predictions come true, they lend retroactive credibility to the entire enterprise.
Qs followers believe that Q is a military intelligence operation, the first of its kind, whose goal is to provide the public with secret information. Many Q followers think the Q team was founded by Admiral Michael Rogers, the former Director of the National Security Agency and former Commander of US Cyber Command. Some suspect that Dan Scavino, White House Director of Social Media, is part of the team, because the high quality of Qs writing has the luster of a communications expert.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
LOL. Rock em Sock em fun.
The only violence we inspire comes from people who sound a
lot like him.
Only slightly less instant than the response to illegal
posts in Q space, is how fast people promoting violence
there get called out, and reported to the authorities if
appropriate. (and filtered, of course.)
I’ve given money to FR, and I’ve given lots of places where
news is discussed hits on their pages/channels, etc...
But all I pay anyone else is complements on their work, if
Good work, Bags.
QAnons are the great unpaid.
Support FR and only President Trump, no fake cults
Wait, youre saying that your sanctimonious self-serving fact-free opinions are free and all we have to do is support FR to get them?
And youre willing to thread-sit and spew nonsense you accuse the cult of producing even though no one asked you and no one cares? Youre not just shouting down others or filling up the thread because youre an insecure disrupter?
Lucky us!
Thank you.
Oh, BTW, you misspelled Patriot.
I know you mean well. Again, this is why I’m usually right.
Do you understand how controlled opposition actually works?
Nope. I nailed it.
My last bit of aid and comfort for those not taken by the fake Qult.
Don’t let those Paytriot Shitbox grifters get you with an internet fairy tale!
And to those unfortunates still left:
I do more than you think...
I make a relevant topic reference:
How to Start a Cult, Tactic 5: Sacred Science
The groups doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or for all humanity, is likewise above criticism.
Where is your false Qult gods to defend all its falsity?
No one in the Trump Administration admits to the kiddie porn channel being real.
They only slam it as “garbage.”
You mad bro?
Thank you.
Oh, BTW, you misspelled Patriot.
I know you mean well. Again, this is why Im usually right.
Oh geez, what an arrogant thing to say. It only shows you’re stuck in the District of Caligula elitist mindset. That explains why you don’t get the President’s Q movement or this great awakening. Continue to stay stuck in that elitist mindset and lose all kinds of credibility here. What a shame.
Research this.
The Previously Banned Romanesq/JME Fan Hates FR and Jim Robinson
What say you, Roman?
I always suspected this poster was just another incarnation of the JME poster. Having to make new ID’s in order to deceive, that tells his story right there.
Then you haven't been paying attention.
Speaking of mad, you are SO butt-hurt that Q outed your fake MAGAcoalition, that you have a personal vendetta against Trump's Q comm psyop operation.
You're like a petulant child throwing a bitch fit.
Simmer down, shill-bot.
p.s. Tell everybody again how you feel about Jim Robinson, why dontcha?
You can’t handle the truth. The Qult is over. Dead. It’s deader than “Trust Sessions” or “Trust Wray” or “Trust Huber.” It’s deader than the stupid claims of mass arrests and Hillary Clinton being arrested.
Boy, those grifters are stupid.
I don’t have any coalition and am not on MAGACoaltion.
Those real Trump supporters are available at
They destroyed and outed your fake Paytriot Shitbox pals who author the phony QAnon grift. They’re not Trump supporters. They are grifters who even attacked VP Pence.
Now go get your Qult shoebox and kneel before its little false god altar.
No one else will.
See my tagline folks!
Now listen, Roman Walter. Your posts were posted above on this thread. No use lying now.
They are grifters who even attacked VP Pence.
Stick around long enough, and you might even catch me 'attacking' Pence for the derp politician that he is.
What, do you have a crush on Pence or what? And why?
The Qult is over. Dead.
And yet protestors in Iran, the EU, Hong Kong, and all over the world are holding up Q signs. Yep. Over and dead. Tell us more.
You're on the wrong side of history, derpo.
Please address your calling FR a bunch of 'assholes', including Jim Robinson.
This may be the most spectacular take down I’ve ever seen. Will Roman have the sense to stay down on the mat and stop walking into your kung-fu?
Ls - This is the second time in a week where you are on FR disparaging folks who read Q. Honestly, the drama that you conspiracy theorists bring to this is just too much. I get it, you think Q is someone on the outside. To me, this just sounds silly. Do you honestly think POTUS is the type of guy who doesn’t care that some unknown person is out there impersonating him and talking about his administration. Yeah, that sounds just like President Trump. hahahaha. All it would take is one tweet.
Anyway, it looks like you decided to throw in with already banned romanesq. It looks like he made several usernames just for this type of occasion. Hmmm, I wonder why that would be? Have you read the trash that he has put on this thread?
Anyway, I really don’t care one wit if you think Q is on the outside or the inside. However, it’s the affect that really bothers me. The absolutely over the top reaction comes off as really strange.
Bottom line, please take me off your ping list.
You can lie as much as you like but it remains a pathetic lie like the author. I’m not on Maybe one day I will be so lucky. But no, you repeating personal attacks and a lie only shows you for what you are. records are publicly filed with the FEC. Only an abject moron would attempt to claim otherwise. But you have zero problem lying over and over.
Qult member mad. LMAO!
Notice the repetition of the PS Qult language. Anyone who blows the whistle on the Qult and all the stupidity and falsity of the grift gets attacked with the same Qult “language.”
How to Start a Cult, Tactic 6: Loading the Language
The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members thought processes to conform to the groups way of thinking.
Gee, that sounds so familiar. WWSOBWSA - Where we scam one Boomer, we scam all.
Summon the power fo the Qult to help you. Call your fake Qult to save you. LOL!
Now back to the Qult. Yes, the Qult attacked VP Pence and so do you.
That’s not MAGA but yes, very much approved by the Paytriot Shitbox who authored that attack among others authored a QAnon.
Qult is dead. No one in Hong Kong with a sign is giving any money to the Qult Shits. What happened to Nemos and his cat? The PS Qult leaders cut off his paycheck. LMAO!
Even mamas love their assholes. See my tagline: the truth!
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