Funny Hayes never mentioned anything about Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson or Antifa terrorist Willem Van Spronsen.
In fact if you search their names, it seemed Big Tech had done a great job of erasing them from history already.
This will sure boost their flagging ratings for sure.
Liberals are the littlest snowflakes and the most foul mouthed, nature hating, aggressive, immature, insane, intolerant, bigoted, stingiest, polluting, angry, unfriendly, greedy, fascist, hate-filled, mean-spirited, envious, resentful, vicious, close-minded, violent, murdering, child-abusing, amoral, stupid, censoring, horse-punching, book-burning, ignorant, uneducated, unskilled, childish, prejudiced, racist, women-hating, man-hating, perverted, thieving, destructive, American-hating, Christian-hating, muslim-loving, Jew-hating, Israel-hating, communist, vote-rigging, vulgar, dirty, smelly, election-rejecting, regressive, restrictive, prohibitive, bed-wetting, poo-flinging, cop-killing, war-mongering, law-breaking, conservative black hating, and scared little lying thumb-sucking idiots God has ever created.
Come at me, Bro.
with love and compassion
Hey, Chrissy! Anytime you want to dance, just bring it, boy.
translation: Chris Hayes knows the democrats lost the war never to be in power again good news for the rest of the world.
This is their idea of freedom and were the fascists.
We could post a pictures of maggots eating Hayes brain, but its too early in the morning.
>>> That is the only way to break the coalition apart. <<<
The coalition that loves America as founded.
A p**** making threats against legitimate American voters
And just like with SwalloWell’s threat to “nuke” gun owners
The media will focus on twisting Trump’s tweets
They have lost control of the their primary weapon, the race card.
So now they threaten violence further solidifying Trump support among the silent majority.
Boy are they in for a suprise!
Zeig Heil, Herr Hayes.....
I have to say that I’m seeing a lot more angry and incoherently sputtering people than anything to do with loving us all into destruction in the comments sections and on yourube. The whole loving and understanding for that matter doesn’t pair too well with destruction anyway. Something slippy of the Freudian persuasion there I think.
There is no peace with these people.
He is talking about genocide.
He is threating killing.
Has anyone notified the fbi?
Or anyone else?
Most sheriff departments take this seriously.
Another graduate of Genius U.
Becareful what you wish for Chrissy.
Voters must be crushed ?