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To: Ann Archy; ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; defconw; mairdie; ...

Since the Awans got off practically Scot free, HOW THE HELL IS THIS DRAINING THE SWAMP???? I am so frustrated and sad for our country.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To quote Hannity,,,,, “let not your heart be troubled!”

I was digging some info today that may ease our pain at that crazy announcement!

And are they leading up to ===> Uranium One?

“Divide they try fail they will”

I have been mining over at the site. Neonrevolt had referred to the following long article from, at the following link.

The information is so amazing to me, I wanted to try to report on it and break down some of it into some manageable bits. I confess I had been running down so many owls’ nests, I had not really followed much detail of the Awan story as it has been unfolding. I guess, while I was aware of the story, and some of the broad surface facts, I approached this Goldwater story in somewhat the frame of mind of a novice to the story.

“Imran Awan Cuts Deal with DOJ: The Chess Theory?”

Well into his article, Goldwater makes the point that the DOJ is actually issuing press releases about its investigation into Obama’s activities, but are being ignored.

For those who are concerned that Awan is getting away with all his crimes and are upset with the announcement that there were not findings of his having broken federal law, this very long Goldwater article goes a long way in assuring Seekers after Justice that the Awan story is far from being finished in its telling.

Here is an excerpt from that article which especially caught my eye and made me sit up straight:

“…Quite simply, it’s hard to believe that Imran Awan would not receive life in prison.

He was caught red-handed. When federal prosecutors say “there isn’t enough evidence,” it means one of two things.

Imran Awan is now a crucial key to testifying in a larger case.

A cover-up happened and there is no justice.

It’s one of the two. There are no other options here.

Where’s the mainstream media coverage of the investigation into Obama?

They’ll discuss it momentarily, and then later forget as if they ever mentioned it, outside of a few Conservative pundits in the mainstream media.

Fox News first reported in December that the Obama Administration had undermined an anti-Hezbollah task force in order to secure the Iranian Nuclear Deal, but outside of this report, you won’t see any of the large networks covering the case.

The Fox News report from December of 2017 said:
”The Obama administration gave a free pass to Hezbollah’s drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations — some of which were unfolding inside the U.S. — to help ensure the Iran nuclear deal would stay on track.”

Fox deserves some credit for this reporting, but it should disturb all Americans that the rest of the mainstream media aren’t reporting what’s being issued by the United States of America’s Department of Justice.

The DOJ is issuing press releases, and it’s being completely ignored by the media folks, that’s not just disturbing, it’s almost criminal.

Again in December of 2017, Fox News reported the DOJ Review of Obama allowing Hezbollah to commit crimes in America, and the story was buried by the rest of the media afterward.

Fox News said of the Sessions-ordered investigation:
”Attorney General Jeff Sessions is launching a review of a law enforcement initiative called Project Cassandra after an investigative report was published this week claiming the Obama administration gave a free pass to Hezbollah’s drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations to help ensure the Iran nuclear deal would stay on track.”

There’s no denying the investigations are underway. However, there is also no denying that Rod Rosenstein is seemingly corrupting the entire Justice Department, but for some reason, he has not been fired by President Trump.

This implies that there is more than meets the eye. What? Speculation can answer this, nobody except the 45th President of the United States of America knows the answer to this, but we do trust President Trump, and we trust what he has in store for those who would shame this nation with corruption.

Let’s discuss that case further, and revisit the facts surrounding the crimes which undoubtedly occurred….”

What caused me to sit up was learning that:

1. There really IS an investigation into Obama’s activities - the implication being that Awan will not get off scott free, but I am speculating that he is being used as a key witness

2. Indeed, DOJ has been issuing press releases about their progress, but they have not been reported as widely as they ought, except by FOX News, whose reporting is minimal.

3. Jeff Sessions has ordered a review of an LEO initiative called Project Cassandra in which Obama gave a free pass to Hezbollah’s crimes ON US SOIL in order for the Iran “Deal” to stay on track.

That got my attention. I had not ever heard of “Project Cassandra before. [Owl nests, remember!]. I dove into a mini bunny hole. Here is some documentation about the Project Cassandra:

Five Facts You Need to Know About ‘Project Cassandra’

The Obama administration allowed Hezbollah terrorists to freely traffic drugs and launder money in order to broker the Iranian Nuclear Deal.

“….What was Project Cassandra?
Launched in 2008, Project Cassandra was an operation led by the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) dedicated to reducing the amount of money the terror organization Hezbollah could raise via drug trafficking and money laundering….”

Obama interfered with the execution of this program.

“….According to DEA agents involved with Project Cassandra, officials inside the Obama administration routinely blocked their investigations in the period leading up to the final nuclear agreement with Iran.  The Obama administration began to delay or reject task force requests to arrest, prosecute, or impose financial sanctions as part of the operation….”

The Erickson article makes the point that the project had actually been successful at slowing down the effects of Hezbollah’s activities, but Obama had been fearful that Cassandra’s success would interfere with the Iran “Deal,” and hamstrung it.

Some other “Project Cassandra” links:

CBS from February 3, 2016
- The Announcement of the Project:

The Hill 12/22/17
- Calls to revive the Project:

Now, as I continued reading the Goldwater article, if I HAD any dentures, they would be popping out about now. Certainly texokie’s eyebrows are raised to the levels of the stratosphere and her erect spine would be the envy of any modeling school student! More excerpts from the Goldwater article follow:

“….To learn about the timeline, the players involved, and every event surrounding this enormous scandal, you have to first understand Uranium One, as well as how it led to the Iran Nuclear Deal.

The important takeaway from Uranium One is that not only did Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with former Uranium One owner, member of the Clinton Foundation, and personal friend of the family, Frank Giustra, all profit from the sale of America’s future security, but that Barack Hussein Obama colluded with Vladimir Putin of Russia by provoking the sale, and he earned a personal favor from the Russian leader.

That favor, that debt to Obama, would be called in during Obama’s treasonous Iranian Nuclear Deal, which Obama both saw as an opportunity to forever set his name in stone amongst the Muslim world, but to add an artificial “peace proliferation” tag to his legacy in the fake news media in America, who would tout the deal as some type of historical experience, despite the dangers of the agreement to the free world.

Barack Obama needed Vladimir Putin and Russia, close petroleum partners with Iran, to assist in pressuring Iran to agree to his terms of a deal before Obama’s Presidency would come to completion.

Since Obama had traded off America’s future in the allowance of the Uranium One sale, Putin obliged to assist.

While all of this was occurring internationally, back at home in America the Iranians were engaged in a hardcore criminal enterprise that could be compared to if not be larger than the actions of the Italian Mafia of the past.

The Iranian Hezbollah sect, a known terrorist organization, was both trafficking narcotics all throughout the United States of America, as well as firearms, and later laundering that cash through illegitimate front businesses.

Obama was so desperate to fulfill the Iranian Nuclear Deal, that he had his friends inside the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, and Loretta Lynch, replace divisional leaders who believed in the rule of law, with corrupt Marxists who would turn a blind eye to the crimes occurring in America….”

As many of us have begun to believe:

Ah, but the Goldwater continues!

“….Now how does this tie into Imran Awan, you ask?

If you listened carefully earlier, you heard me mention the Politico report of how Hezbollah was laundering cash from its illicit drug and weapons dealing inside of America.

Imran Awan was participating in several of the money laundering operations of Hezbollah, that was, and likely still are occurring inside of America.

“….Yes, Imran Awan actually laundered some of the illicit funds of his operation through a business named “C-I-A,” you can’t make this up, as reported by The Daily Caller…”

“…. If a customer showed up looking to buy a car from Cars International A, often referred to as CIA, Abid Awan — who was managing partner of the dealership while also earning $160,000 handling IT for House Democrats — would frequently simply go across the street to another dealership called AAA Motors and get one….”

NOTICE THAT! C-I-A. Cars International Awan

“….You have Barack Obama intentionally ignoring the crimes of Hezbollah, all while a high-ranking Democrat, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, was employing a Pakistani National, also a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was engaged in the exact same crimes.

There’s obviously a connection, but to what extent remains unknown to us, although there’s little doubt federal prosecutors and the Attorney General know.

Knowing these facts should excite anyone reading this, well, unless you’re a Democrat. These are facts. They cannot be disputed. This much is certain.

Every American familiar with the case understands that there’s been a conjoined effort from both the mainstream media and the Democratic Party to ignore the Awan case, outside of reporting more than they have to.

Thankfully, there are numerous independent media outlets including several of us at The Goldwater who have spent thousands of hours investigating the scandal and trying to put together the missing pieces to bring Americans the truth.

The mainstream media intentionally wished to demotivate you. Their globalist handlers and financiers benefit from a weakened resistance. If you’re a Trump supporter, you are the real resistance by fighting for justice….”

The article continues, but I’ll leave it to you to read the Goldwater description of why Debbie Wasserman-Shultz is and should be scared, as well as his analysis of the various changes to the team surrounding the POTUS and the composition of players in the FBI and his comforting conclusion that the “Deep State is on its death bed, waiting for its final meal.”

Neonrevolt encourages everyone to read the whole article and states that this summation of what is behind the Awan>Server> Cassandra> Iran Deal > U1 is likely showing what is going to be the first domino to fall in our quest for Justice.



442 posted on 07/04/2018 3:24:11 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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Pinging myself to read this after dinner. Thanks, TEXOKIE

445 posted on 07/04/2018 3:37:52 PM PDT by Calm_Cool_and_Elected (" Undecided Voter: someone who parades their stupidity as proof of their morality." ~David Burge)
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As much as I would like to BELIEVE an OLDTIMER on FR....almst as oldtimer as I....NOTHING SEEMS to be going our way...NOTHING!

Jeff Sessions seems to be COWERING under a rock in the Deep Swamp, and the Democrats seem to be MARCHING along DESTROYING OUR GOOD GUYS!! They now ARE destroying Jim Jordan!


468 posted on 07/04/2018 4:00:37 PM PDT by Ann Archy (Abortion....... The HUMAN Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
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Ping for when I’m having coffee instead of wine. :) Thanks for all your hard work!

479 posted on 07/04/2018 4:26:52 PM PDT by PistolPaknMama
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Hmmm.NEONREVOLT site is down.

484 posted on 07/04/2018 4:37:54 PM PDT by GYPSY286
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Outstanding research !!!!

From the Goldwater dot com article, about Abid Awan:

“...He was caught red-handed. When federal prosecutors say “there isn’t enough evidence,” it means one of two things.

Imran Awan is now a crucial key to testifying in a larger case.

A cover-up happened and there is no justice.”

I think Awan is singing like a canary.

525 posted on 07/04/2018 6:17:03 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57, returning after lurking since 2000)
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Yep. George Webb covered a lot of this quite a while ago. Also, the Awan’s were sending daily (maybe more often) briefings back to Pakistan Intelligence. He called it AWAN/CONTRA - same type of deal.

In addition there’s depleted uranium stealing and illicit mining and smuggling going on and something to do with the gulftainer and project pelican activities, not sure if AWANs involved with those-but those diplomatic K club containers are possibly used for the shipments of some stuff.

Read elsewhere - don’t remember the name of the person, but they read the fine print on the deal that Awan made. It seems that the immunity only applies to DC district. Which means that anything else which happened to flow through other states is going to be open to prosecution. So he might not be so free after all.

589 posted on 07/04/2018 9:59:34 PM PDT by greeneyes
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…. If a customer showed up looking to buy a car from Cars International A, often referred to as CIA, Abid Awan — who was managing partner of the dealership while also earning $160,000 handling IT for House Democrats — would frequently simply go across the street to another dealership called AAA Motors and get one….”

NOTICE THAT! C-I-A. Cars International Awan

And there is this:

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Loose End" Killed Last Weekend Last weekend saw a spate of shootings in DC.

Jim Gibson

Known for $5-20 Million mansions, luxury builder James Edward Gibson was apparently suicided Saturday at his office beside Classic Motors DC, according to the coroner. Five people were apprehended with ten police cars including a "Crime Scene" van that indicates HOMICIDE.

Gibson's obituary was immediately scrubbed from the internet. Fox and other media went to Classic Motors to report the murder but lack police cooperation so issued no details

The next day in Woodbridge VA, the Fairfax County DA's brother died in a house fire.

Inquiring minds and Webbs want to know: is the Fairfax County prosecutor Ray Morrogh working on a crime ring in which Mr. Gibson may have been unwittingly buying stolen cars that were shipped to Africa in "diplomatic pouches"? Any hints in local car thefts involving car dealers from Africa?

In related news, the "Awan Brothers" are linked to suspicious car dealerships, suspicious exporting, and immunity to the law. Their registered agent was found guilty of murdering a car dealer.

Six embassies surround Classic Motors DC. "Diplomatic pouches" can hide export of stolen vehicles Incidentally, the main owner of Classic Motors, Robert Peacock, died there in February, age 52.

IN RELATED NEWS: Prosecutor Beranton Whisenant's death was caused by a gunshot to the head. The weapon has not been found, but the death has been ruled a suicide. His body was found in the district of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Clinton-election-fraud fame.

The Pakistani national Arshad Mahmood who hired the killers in this murder for hire crime just so happened to be the same man who was Awan Brothers registered agent.

Men in murder-for-hire killing of Chesterfield car dealer plead guilty, will serve 38 years in prison Two Guatemalans hired by a Pakistani national to kill a well-known member of Richmond’s Muslim community were sentenced to serve 38 years in prison Wednesday in a murder-for-hire plot that netted them about $3,000 each.

Melvin Leonel Sandoval Vasquez, 25, of Washington, and Narcisco DeJesus Lemus Mendoza, 27, of Manassas, pleaded guilty in Chesterfield County Circuit Court to first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit capital murder in the Jan. 23, 2015, slaying of Adel M. Elmadany, who was found strangled and suffocated inside his Turner Road business.

Under terms of the plea agreements, Circuit Judge Lynn S. Brice sentenced each of the men to 70 years in prison with 32 years suspended after accepting their guilty pleas. It was disclosed in court that both men are illegal immigrants from Guatemala and will be deported after completing their prison terms.

The agreement also requires both men to testify against Arshad “The Don” Mahmood, 56, who allegedly planned the murder. Mahmood, who was living in Northern Virginia and remains at large, rewarded the pair after the killing with $6,000, which they split, according to authorities.

1).Seems to me the Feds have Awan on the hook as accomplice in numerous murders.

2). Regarding the stolen luxury cars sold to diplomats and high net worth individuals in Africa and Middle East

3). It could be the the Awans loaded up these luxury cars with video/audio recording devices.

594 posted on 07/04/2018 10:04:48 PM PDT by spokeshave2 (Formerly as restarted after computer issues.)
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To quote Hannity,,,,, “let not your heart be troubled!”


Please do not give Blowhard Hannity credit for that; it is from the gospel of John.

652 posted on 07/05/2018 7:42:25 AM PDT by Bigg Red (The USA news industry, the MSM-13, takes a machete to the truth. {h/t TigersEye})
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Thank you for your investigating and analysis. Well done.

653 posted on 07/05/2018 7:46:55 AM PDT by Bigg Red (The USA news industry, the MSM-13, takes a machete to the truth. {h/t TigersEye})
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