To: GoldenState_Rose
2 posted on
04/06/2018 10:24:38 AM PDT by
(Enlisted in the Navy in '67 to protect folks rights to strip my rights. WTH?)
To: GoldenState_Rose
I see what she said is in quotes...but I certainly think it is out of context.
To: GoldenState_Rose
4 posted on
04/06/2018 10:27:04 AM PDT by
(In church today, we so often find we meet only the same old world, not Christ and His Kingdom. AS)
To: GoldenState_Rose
Somehow I get the impression Haley says whatever she thinks some people want to hear??
5 posted on
04/06/2018 10:29:57 AM PDT by
To: GoldenState_Rose
I certainly appreciate straight speaking people. Too few exist in this PC era.
6 posted on
04/06/2018 10:30:29 AM PDT by
Buffalo Head
(Illegitimi non carborundum)
To: GoldenState_Rose
7 posted on
04/06/2018 10:32:10 AM PDT by
Army Air Corps
(Four Fried Chickens and a Coke)
To: GoldenState_Rose
Then close up shop and withdraw all US funding. Give the UN their 30-day eviction notice from NY and convert the building to condominiums.
8 posted on
04/06/2018 10:34:31 AM PDT by
(The Tree of Liberty Thirsts)
To: GoldenState_Rose
The UN ,the gutter trash of trash
To: GoldenState_Rose
Note the building that is taller than the UN Building is the Trump Tower. Coincidence? I think not.
10 posted on
04/06/2018 10:43:39 AM PDT by
To: GoldenState_Rose
I also share Bolton and Haley’s distain for the U.N. Those commie pigs have no business being in my country. Thieving bastards.
To: GoldenState_Rose
14 posted on
04/06/2018 10:54:45 AM PDT by
(Finally, an Administration that knows how to grow an economy!! MAGA!)
To: GoldenState_Rose
Allan Keyes would make it a tri-fecta.
17 posted on
04/06/2018 11:11:23 AM PDT by
("As it was before Noah so shall it be again,")
To: GoldenState_Rose
That should get her a warm reception at the next meeting of Worldly Despots on Parade
To: GoldenState_Rose
24 posted on
04/06/2018 3:46:56 PM PDT by
(You have all of the resources you are going to have. Abandon your illusions and plan accordingly.)
To: GoldenState_Rose
Funny, I have disdain for both Haley, and the UN. Her shrieking, and emotional performances, sometimes even accompanied by props doesn’t convince me of anything...except that probably the exact opposite is true. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson