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To: All
It still hurts as much...
You just don’t care as much.
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
A new study, led by Dr. Trevor Thompson from the University of Greenwich, and published in The Journal of Pain, suggests that throwing back a few cold ones actually relieves your pain better than Tylenol.Science confirming what every alcoholic has known for generations. Hair o' the dog, baby!
3 posted on
05/06/2017 4:38:48 PM PDT by
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
They had to run a a study to learn this?
4 posted on
05/06/2017 4:39:02 PM PDT by
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Do they know about scotch?
5 posted on
05/06/2017 4:41:32 PM PDT by
(Abortion is what slavery was: immoral but not illegal. Not yet.)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
“99 bottles of Tylenol on the wall
99 bottles of Tylenol
Take one down
Pass it around
98 bottles of Tylenol on the wall”
9 posted on
05/06/2017 4:53:05 PM PDT by
("A crack shot and a good dancer")
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Tylenol plus alcohol will fry your liver right out, so choose one or the other, not both.
10 posted on
05/06/2017 4:54:04 PM PDT by
(Quien vive? CRISTO! Y a su Nombre? GLORIA! Y a su pueblo? VICTORIA!)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Beer is like the Swiss Army Knife of beverages. It has thousands of uses.
12 posted on
05/06/2017 4:54:34 PM PDT by
("A crack shot and a good dancer")
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
I had (still have a debilitating injury) suffered 12 years ago, and had script for Oxy/Hydro/Diazepam for many years, I told my surgeon, “Stuff it, I don’t want to spend the rest of my years constipated!”
On my days off, I would do a twelve pack, and life was worth living! We don’t need experts to tell us that most obvious fact...
17 posted on
05/06/2017 5:03:36 PM PDT by
(Domine Iesu Christe, Filius Dei, miserere me peccatorem!)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Beer works great for the evening headache.
Tylenol works great for the morning after headache.
18 posted on
05/06/2017 5:05:24 PM PDT by
(Abolish Slavery, Repeal the 16th Amendment)
To: stylecouncilor
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
“Here....hold muh tylenol”
Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it
24 posted on
05/06/2017 5:17:37 PM PDT by
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
A couple of mugs of makers mark will cure what aisles ya.
25 posted on
05/06/2017 5:21:08 PM PDT by
Nuc 1.1
(Nuc 1 Liberals aren't Patriots. Remember 1789!)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Hell, I've known this for decades. I just bottled a fermented keg of Oktoberfestivus for conditioning Monday. Maybe I should rename my brew cabinet 'The Apothecary Closet'. Hair o' the dog, baby.
26 posted on
05/06/2017 5:22:07 PM PDT by
("If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck." - John Steinbeck)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
I learned early on wine was an effective back pain killer.
27 posted on
05/06/2017 5:22:59 PM PDT by
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
As Hank Hill once said, “Is there anything beer can’t cure?”
38 posted on
05/06/2017 5:55:18 PM PDT by
To: All
Oh, and Pro Tip:
Tylenol is just Acetaminophen with billions of dollars of advertising behind it to get people to pick it off the shelf.
Buy generic acetaminophen, get the same effect for half to 1/4 the price.
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Ive known it for years. If I only believed my personal experience, I would be quite convinced that Tylenol was the biggest placebo scam ever pulled off. Tylenol does absolutely nothing for me.
40 posted on
05/06/2017 6:01:28 PM PDT by
(Hive minded liberals worship leaders, sovereign conservatives elect servants.)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
I think 3 or 4 beers contain more calories than 2 acetaminophen.
43 posted on
05/06/2017 6:14:08 PM PDT by
T Ruth
(Mohammedanism shall be defeated.)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Tylenol is also one of the worst things you can take...the most dangerous pain reliever on the market.
Acetaminophen overdose sends as many as 78,000 Americans to the emergency room annually and results in 33,000 hospitalizations a year, federal data shows. Acetaminophen is also the nations leading cause of acute liver failure, according to data from an ongoing study funded by the National Institutes for Health.
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
People will be asking to have the beer painkiller in their IVs at the hospitals now.
49 posted on
05/06/2017 6:21:19 PM PDT by
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