Posted on 06/07/2016 5:28:52 AM PDT by stars & stripes forever
GOD keeps His Promises... And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you. Leviticus 18:28
A most informative post.
[A most informative post]
This moment in history is a somber reminder to the wicked that GOD will not be mocked.
“You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).
If it was God’s wrath that swallowed Port Royale, why does Washington. dC still stand? Far more depraved than Port Royale. At least the populace was honest about what they did.
With all due respect and apologies to the clean living and Godly citizens of New Orleans, one still can’t help but notice that Katrina took place right after the week end of the Southern Decadence parade.
Just saying.
the Muslim Barbary pirates who raided ships and beheaded with their scimitar swords...
Oh yes that guy in my White House told us about these fellows...
he said that moslems have been part of America since the early days...
Is this San Franciso’s fate?
[Just saying.]
The article spoke of a mighty revival that followed the great earthquake...
What will it take for America to turn its face towards GOD again?
Of course God can and will do whatever he wants, but his final judgment will be the time for this kind of reckoning. I am uncomfortable with confidently declaring that this or that natural disaster was God’s punishment. Job’s friends made a similar mistake. We simply do not know.
Matthew 24:33 ...’So likewise ye, when ye shall see all
these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.’
We don’t know when. . . .but just looking at America then and now and where she is heading, you have to admit we are getting closer.
The main thing. . .is the main thing. . .Be Ready at all times. . .no one is guaranteed a next breath on earth.
Jesus agrees with you.
From Luke:
13 Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
2 And Jesus said to them, Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate?
3 I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
4 Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem?
5 I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
I fear for our own country.
“...mighty revival...”
Nineveh was saved after Jonah got them to repent: but they failed their second chance and were destroyed for good. It appears all or most of the Ninevites reverted to their evil ways.
Also God had sent the flood as a precedent when He had no other recourse but to wipe out a population hopelessly entrenched in vice.
Will America/or at minimum it’s most decadent cities, meet the same fate as Nineveh? Time will tell.
According to Fiddlin' John Carson in his song The Storm That Sttruck Miami, the people of Miami brought the disaster upon themselves because they wouldn't keep the Sabbath and sent away the cross.
However, Vernon Dalhart, who describes the hurricane and its aftermath in The Miami Storm, noted,
We cannot explain this disaster;
We know not what fate will befall,
But we must be ready each hour
To answer the Master's call.
“...uncomfortable declaring that this or that natural disaster was God’s punishment...”
I actually agree with this position completely; however there is precedent in history in the bible that God has wiped out a hopelessly evil population.
However, it is for God to decide, not us, as you correctly point out, and we don’t ever presume to know the mind of God.
However it is possible that it could happen, since it has.
The revival had nothing to do with that quake experience.
We’re talking 150 years later.
[The revival had nothing to do with that quake experience.]
The seeds of revival were sown immediately following the earthquake. God moves - His Way, His Time.
Rev. Heath wrote:
“Port Royal was terribly destroyed by an earthquake and breaking in of the sea upon it. The destruction was four minutes multitudes were killed by the falling houses...
...I believe God I never in my life saw such a terror...the earth opened and swallowed up people before my face...
The sea swallowed up the greatest part of that wretched sinful place...They are so wicked, I fear God...will utterly destroy all by this dreadful Judgment...
By this terrible judgment, God will make them reform their lives, for there was not a more ungodly people on the face of the earth.”
A resident, Samuel Bernard, wrote:
“We shall be unworthy of God’s mercies if we be not by His judgments taught to learn righteousness.”
And Katrina did little to no damage to the Quarter where decadence rulex 24-7. So I would hate to think that God missed. What has and will do N.O. in id the very pirate/lawless/decadent mentality that founded it. The attitude remains-laissez le bon temps roulez- and is more important than modernization or maintenance. Everyone knows life here can end with the next hurricane so they hustle and scam and party . The Port Royal mentality is in the DNA of New Orleans.
“...Port Royal mentality is in the DNA of New Orleans...”
Interesting indeed and the speculation that this might be the case caused me to make the association in the first place.
I meant no offense to New Orleans per se. I do think that the Good Lord will eventually have had enough of all us in any city if the majority descends into the vicious (as in vice) abyss in the same manner that mankind finally caused Him to send the flood. However, it is not our place to decide which natural disaster is specifically attributed to the sins of its inhabitants because that would mean we were presumptuous enough to assume we know what God was thinking.
However! we do not have carte blanche to sin and for believers, as I am, God did send the flood because he couldn’t stand to see His beautiful creation ruined by the exact behavior that He had forbidden because it was injurious to us and would poison the succeeding generations irretrievably if not halted altogether.
Or, as your position lays out, (if I interpret you correctly,) try to avoid living in a coastal flood zone or you might end up with an overblown carpe diem attitude as set out in the phrase, “in heaven there is no beer, that’s why we drink it here”.
Probably both interpretations don’t bode so well for mankind and your post thoughtfully forces us to ask the inevitable “which came first” quandary. Was that also the case in Nineveh? Perhaps.
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