The revival had nothing to do with that quake experience.
We’re talking 150 years later.
[The revival had nothing to do with that quake experience.]
The seeds of revival were sown immediately following the earthquake. God moves - His Way, His Time.
Rev. Heath wrote:
“Port Royal was terribly destroyed by an earthquake and breaking in of the sea upon it. The destruction was four minutes multitudes were killed by the falling houses...
...I believe God I never in my life saw such a terror...the earth opened and swallowed up people before my face...
The sea swallowed up the greatest part of that wretched sinful place...They are so wicked, I fear God...will utterly destroy all by this dreadful Judgment...
By this terrible judgment, God will make them reform their lives, for there was not a more ungodly people on the face of the earth.”
A resident, Samuel Bernard, wrote:
“We shall be unworthy of God’s mercies if we be not by His judgments taught to learn righteousness.”