GOD keeps His Promises... And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you. Leviticus 18:28
A most informative post.
With all due respect and apologies to the clean living and Godly citizens of New Orleans, one still can’t help but notice that Katrina took place right after the week end of the Southern Decadence parade.
Just saying.
the Muslim Barbary pirates who raided ships and beheaded with their scimitar swords...
Oh yes that guy in my White House told us about these fellows...
he said that moslems have been part of America since the early days...
Of course God can and will do whatever he wants, but his final judgment will be the time for this kind of reckoning. I am uncomfortable with confidently declaring that this or that natural disaster was God’s punishment. Job’s friends made a similar mistake. We simply do not know.
I fear for our own country.
According to Fiddlin' John Carson in his song The Storm That Sttruck Miami, the people of Miami brought the disaster upon themselves because they wouldn't keep the Sabbath and sent away the cross.
However, Vernon Dalhart, who describes the hurricane and its aftermath in The Miami Storm, noted,
We cannot explain this disaster;
We know not what fate will befall,
But we must be ready each hour
To answer the Master's call.
It’s interesting to me that in this case, the debauchery really was a cause of the deaths. Port Royal was a terrible place to build, nothing but hot, water-logged sand. But the British were so focused on using it to launch pirate raids against Spanish and other Catholic settlements, they settled their anyway. The piracy actually died down before 1692, but was replaced by slave trading. Even with a lesser need for such immediate proximity to the sea, the populace continued to focus on the narrow, water-logged spit of land for the easy access to the rum brought there in vast quantities.
Anyone less interested in rum and nefarious trade would have settled in Kingston or Spanish Town (named because that’s where the Spanish had settled, of course), where the land was far better.