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The Link Between Mosquito Spraying and Autism
Time ^ | April 30, 2016 | Alexandra Sifferlin

Posted on 04/30/2016 10:49:49 PM PDT by nickcarraway

A new study suggests a connection between the two

A new study finds a correlation between the aerial spraying of pesticides to kill mosquitoes and an increased risk of developmental delays and autism among kids.

In the new findings, presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 meeting, researchers looked at the rates of autism and developmental delays from eight zip codes in a region of New York that is exposed to yearly airplane pesticide spraying to prevent mosquito-borne disease like eastern equine encephalitis virus. They compared those to the rates in 16 zip codes where the pesticide spraying doesn’t happen. (Other forms of pesticide spraying could still occur, like manual spreading.) They controlled for factors like poverty and gender variation across the zip codes.

The authors report that kids living in zip codes where the spraying was done each summer had around a 25% higher risk of an autism diagnosis or developmental problem compared to kids living in areas without the aerial spraying. “Several studies have previously reported links between pesticide and autism risk,” says Dr. Steve Hicks, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Penn State College of Medicine in an email to TIME. “Our data suggests the way in which pesticides are applied might play some role. Studies of pesticides in animal models show they can affect certain neurotransmitters in the brain, but their exact molecular effects on brain development are still being explored.”

The study only shows a correlation between the two and does not show that aerial pesticide spraying causes autism.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Health/Medicine; Pets/Animals
KEYWORDS: asd; autism; chemicals; pests
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To: Yaelle
One child in every preschool class of 25 has some brain disorder like ADHD or autism.

And the ADHD etc. is too frequently an excuse for behavior issues. It is easier to classify a nasty kid than to correct his attitude and behavior.

61 posted on 05/01/2016 8:36:49 AM PDT by JimRed (Is it 1776 yet? TERM LIMITS, now and forever! Build the Wall, NOW!)
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To: JimRed

And, schools probably get money for every ADHD kid diagnosed

62 posted on 05/01/2016 9:10:03 AM PDT by goodnesswins ('s what's for dinner: with Cloward Piven for Dessert)
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To: cassiusking

Vaccine schedule has increased enormously since that time. The number of shots a kid gets and the different vaccines has both increased significantly. Further more used to be derived from animal incubators but now many only come from aborted baby cell lines, and this can cause problems with a person’s autoimmune response to begin to attack the person’s own body.

63 posted on 05/01/2016 9:27:17 AM PDT by Secret Agent Man (Gone Galt; Not averse to Going Bronson.)
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To: Gen.Blather

No. These devastating brain and reproductive conditions are NOT FROM OVERDIAGNOSIS. It’s a common idea but it isn’t true. I don’t have a full explanation for them but no epidemic can be genetic.

When a body of water, a lake or river, say, gets polluted, the first thing to happen is deformed fish and frogs, especially in soft tissue areas (brain and reproductive hardest hit). Why do we think we are any different?

64 posted on 05/01/2016 10:12:55 AM PDT by Yaelle (Tinkerbelle glittering up the runway for Trump Force One!)
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To: Yaelle

Because most of us are not frogs.

65 posted on 05/01/2016 10:14:53 AM PDT by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation Camp?.)
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To: JimRed; discostu

NO. It is NOT TRUE that ADHD or autism are so epidemic because kids are not being whipped into shape. Common parlor talk but wrong. I was discussing preschools. Three year olds are all about the same in being able to control their behavior: they can, for a short while, the they can’t. In fact, ADHD isnt much dx’ed in preschool because to some degree, all active kids (often boys ) seem to have it. That dx comes later, when other kids can settle down for quiet work and some cannot.

But autism in preschool? And I’m talking highly functioning? STANDS OUT DRAMATICALLY. It is a little boy who obviously cannot get what is going on around him. He looks for a toy to play with, but instead of rolling the car along the ground, saying “brrrrr,” he’s holding the car upside down, spinning the wheels. He might be muttering to himself. If you listen closely, he might be repeating verbatim the dialogue in the cartoon he saw last night on tv. He doesn’t seem to be able to understand simple instructions but with one on one help he will move to the snack table. He might scream out with no emotion just to emit a powerful sound. He might reach across the table and drink from someone else’s water bottle, which no other three year old would do: they are all very proprietary. But he wanted to drink out of the Spider-Man one he just noticed. while other kids find activities on the playground, with others or solitary, he will not be doing an activity. He might try to go into another classroom, try to get out of the playground, find an object that is not a toy and look at it. He might be “smart” but right now he is living in a world VERY DIFFERENT from all the other kids in his class and it is obvious.

And if you think all kids with autism need is a good beating, go ahead and try it. You could whip them with a belt until they fall over bloody and dead but you won’t beat the autism out of them.

It’s an epidemic and they can’t by definition be genetic.

66 posted on 05/01/2016 10:26:07 AM PDT by Yaelle (Tinkerbelle glittering up the runway for Trump Force One!)
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To: goodnesswins

Definitely, our gut bugs are connected completely to our health.

However, there may be something in our environment compromising them and even our own tissues. It is worth more study but it might show that something we want is causing it - say, plastics.

67 posted on 05/01/2016 10:53:06 AM PDT by Yaelle (Tinkerbelle glittering up the runway for Trump Force One!)
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To: erlayman

DDT has never been shown to have harmful side effects on humans, even at very large doses. There was a recent “study” that proposed a “link” between DDT levels and breast cancer, but anyone who has even the foggiest idea of what constitutes a sound and reliable study looked at both the populations used and the numbers, and declared it invalid, and rightfully so.

And when used properly, not a a general crop insecticide, is the best thing available, ESPECIALLY against mosquitoes.

There are APPROVED alternatives that are far more expensive (not even close in cost) and are not nearly as effective (not even close in effectiveness)

In summary, non-DDT alternatives are far more hazardous, more expensive, less effective, and more difficult and time consuming (therefore more costly) to apply.

The fact that we allow the alternatives to be used, even with all of these truths, is criminal, in my opinion.

There is no insecticide known to man that has proven more effective from safety, performance, labor, and cost perspectives.

Go online and look at the people pushing the alternatives: The UN,, etc. These are people that have drunk the Kool Aid of that lying POS Rachel Carson.

68 posted on 05/01/2016 11:46:35 AM PDT by rlmorel ("Irrational violence against muslims" is a myth, but "Irrational violence against non-muslims" isn't)
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To: CodeToad; erlayman

“Endocrine disrupters” and “Endocrine modulators” are big buzz-words with the environmentalists.

There is no evidence that these “endocrine disruptors/modulators” have caused any effects in humans from environmental contamination, but there is plenty of evidence that fish have been harmed by some endocrine disruptors/modulators, in that their sexual characteristics have been damaged or altered.

Under normal conditions, this observation would normally beg the question: “What has harmed those fish?”

I say normal conditions, because environmentalists want to blame these changes on industrial pollutants which they have tagged with their now familiar tag “endocrine disruptors”, blaming it on DDT or PCB contamination.

The problem is that the issue is readily observable near water treatment plant outfalls, and guess what the problem is? It isn’t an industrial product, per se.

The villains are 17b-Estradiol and their analogues which are ingested/administered for both birth control and various hormone therapies for menopause) and excreted (as well as being flushed directly down the toilet when unused/outdated in pill form) along other types of human and animal estrogens both excreted naturally and administered to livestock. We don’t hear much about 17b-Estradiol. Wonder why? Could it be because it has something to do with one of the “Sacred Cow” pillars of liberalism, birth control?

And when we do hear about them, they compare studies using industrial pollutants artificially administered to animals at tens, hundreds, or even thousands of times the concentrations found even in polluted areas, and compare these to normally occurring levels of estrogen related contaminants.

The fact is that that substances like 17b-Estradiol are far, FAR more potent as endocrine modulators at the levels easily measurable in water sources than even areas with high levels of DDT and PCB types of pollutants.

69 posted on 05/01/2016 12:16:20 PM PDT by rlmorel ("Irrational violence against muslims" is a myth, but "Irrational violence against non-muslims" isn't)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear

That is true, my focus was that that was the ONLY thing they found (not ALL bird eggs, just raptors at the top of the food chain) that could be possibly even be related, and the fact they did not think to distinguish it (or purposely didn’t) from mercury contaminants.

It is likely (in my mind, positively, they likely believed their own manure) the environmentalists were intentionally misrepresenting this issue. Rachel Carson referenced the famous DeWitt experiments with quail eggs in her deceptive tome, but neglected to disclose the dosage that DeWitt fed the quail was 100 parts per million in all their food every day, which was roughly 3,000 times the daily DDT intake of humans during the years of the greatest DDT use (according to Dr. J. Gordon Edwards).

And, the culprit in the end, even if DDT was problematic, would not have been concentrations of DDT, but DDE, which is a metabolite of DDT. (I usually don’t mention that, because if, in the end, it is DDE, it still has to result from some concentration of DDT somewhere. But the environmentalists, even the ones who know the difference are loathe to point at DDE because DDT has been made into such an effective boogeyman.)

70 posted on 05/01/2016 12:38:58 PM PDT by rlmorel ("Irrational violence against muslims" is a myth, but "Irrational violence against non-muslims" isn't)
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To: Yaelle

For the record, I do not discount an environmental contributor to Autism or ADHD. I simply don’t know, and nobody has presented compelling evidence, so I will keep an open mind.

On the other hand, I do believe it is extensively over-diagnosed and treated in this day and age.

I do not believe those two statements are incompatible.

71 posted on 05/01/2016 1:34:23 PM PDT by rlmorel ("Irrational violence against muslims" is a myth, but "Irrational violence against non-muslims" isn't)
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To: fireman15
My husband's father family was in the pest control business when he was a kid.

He tells stories of playing in rooms with all the chemicals around, open containers--harrowing by today's standards.

My husband is still alive and my FIL is still a healthy old guy.

Strange thing, his father (NOT in the pest control business) died of colon cancer before the age of 35.

72 posted on 05/01/2016 1:42:38 PM PDT by riri (Obama's Amerika--Not a fun place.)
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To: riri

I was a leader on our Hazmat team for several years. I have a healthy respect for chemicals. I had nasty exposures that sent many of my co-workers to the hospital. But I seem to have no lasting problems from them.

The types of chemicals and the concentrations that people are exposed to from mosquito spraying are not dangerous. The dangers from mosquitos born illnesses are real. It is sort of a no brainer.

73 posted on 05/01/2016 2:04:36 PM PDT by fireman15 (The USA will be toast if the Democrats are able to take the Presidency in 2016)
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To: fireman15

Yeah. It is a no-brainer to me, but since when have brains ever meant a thing to environmentalists.

I have a degree in Chemistry, so I do have respect for chemicals as well, but having respect doesn’t mean we have to be frightened of them.

74 posted on 05/01/2016 3:02:36 PM PDT by rlmorel ("Irrational violence against muslims" is a myth, but "Irrational violence against non-muslims" isn't)
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To: Yaelle

Of course your post proves my point. 25 or 30 years ago there was no such thing as high functioning autism, the diagnosis has expanded. When I was a kid the kid who played with cars upside down was a weirdo. And maybe they really always were autistic, but we didn’t know it then, wouldn’t have diagnosed it then, and that has a lot to do with why there seem to be so many more.

It could be genetic. Epidemic has taken on many meanings. Only one of which has to do with actual contagions.

75 posted on 05/01/2016 3:26:18 PM PDT by discostu (Joan Crawford has risen from the grave)
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To: Yaelle
And if you think all kids with autism need is a good beating, go ahead and try it. You could whip them with a belt until they fall over bloody and dead but you won’t beat the autism out of them.

I don't know how you translated "And the ADHD etc. is too frequently an excuse for behavior issues. It is easier to classify a nasty kid than to correct his attitude and behavior" to autistic kids needing a beating. I was referring to the fact that kids who are just plain not nice get classified rather than their behavior corrected, for the convenience of the administration.

76 posted on 05/02/2016 6:55:27 AM PDT by JimRed (Is it 1776 yet? TERM LIMITS, now and forever! Build the Wall, NOW!)
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