Posted on 09/01/2015 12:46:36 PM PDT by ExyZ
The Waco shootout at a Twin Peaks restaurant flooded with bikers from clubs such as the Cossacks, the Bandidos, and many more is explained with witness, Richard Luther. Luthers experience as a Cossack, the shootout, thoughts on a possible conspiracy, and the 33 days he would go on to spend in jail after the shootout is explored. Learn the ugly truth about the police handling of the situation, the cruel and unusual punishment that bikers suffered in jail, and the pieces of the puzzle that dont add up, in this Antidote interview hosted by Michael Parker.
[roamer_1:] IF there was intention on the bikers part, from either side, it seems pretty short-sighted to continue without sending scouts to position in such a way as to counter that effective dominance, because otherwise, any idiot would be able to predict the ensuing turkey-shoot...
And such scouting is ridiculous to depend upon. When an enemy has unqualified battlefield dominance, and unlimited resources in either engagement or pursuit, you don't try to beat it. It simply makes no sense as a serendipitous outcome.
My observation serves to indicate motive, whether there was premeditation in fact: If one assumes (for the argument)that this battle was a planned event, one does not engage without a cost assessment and an exit strategy, neither of which can ignore the force-majeure which obviously surrounds your forces and commands not only the field, but the way out. These clubs will inherently have battlefield brass, and recon personnel capable of sniper and flanking capability...
The LEOs report returning fire, but do not report any attempted flank maneuver, or fire from behind their lines... Harassment which would be the only means of opening an escape route (failed or otherwise). That indicates to me that there was no serious planning.
Add to that the fact that these guys brought their women, that some came not wearing their cuts, and that many of the members of the main clubs involved were out of place (inside eating burgers and quaffing beers), and I find no indication of premeditation at all.
That the brawl happened seems to be without question, but I think it caught everyone by surprise.
Thanks. I do my best to read and listen to what witnesses actually say.
“caught everyone by surprise”
not quite everyone, and those who knew or who can be presumed to have known, allowed their compatriots (along with their wives) to be drawn in to a dangerous situation, unnecessarily. Was it for “show of force”? to bring the unaware into the field of battle? or what else? I don’t know.
Though it's a waste, lets try to untwist this.
post 27: You, Sarge, said. 3. Cossacks dissed Bandidos. You presented that as representing what Luther said.
What Luther really says is that a Cossack asked the Bandido, "Why would you disrespect us?"
Luther never says that Cossacks dissed Bandidos. You said that he did.
Just another example of your tenuous grasp on reality.
In other words, Boogieman is another one whose claims of having any kind of expertise on bikers is followed up by such ninny-headed crap as rather indicates that he is ignorant of the ways of most bikers who belong to motorcycle clubs, as opposed to the miniscule numbers of "club"-gang violent psychopath-type bikers that scare the willies out of anyone with sense.
The folks afraid of the tiny number of real bad-ass dudes INCLUDES local cops who are too afraid to tangle with them so instead focus their "law enforcement" efforts on harmless bikers who look pretty threatening, but whose biggest crime is to have a non-street-legal aspect of a home-engineered bike they've kluged together in their own workshops.
The word for Boogieman is "chickensh*t."
“rolled-over foot in the parking lot”
the rolled-over foot of a Cossack Prospect who was formerly a Bandido. I think that aspect adds some clarification. OR?
“time stamp”
This isn’t about what he said at a specific time stamp, but the totality of his testimony. That is basically consistent with every biker testimony since day 1, i.e. May 17th forward.
This is not about nit-picking, but understanding the totality of his personal and very heart-felt testimony.
Anyone who wants a “time stamp” for a certain quote, is missing the purpose of a biker who goes live to give his personal eye-witness testimony, at his personal cost, revealing his personal suffering. Richard Luther put a lot of himself out in this interview. It is not about time stamps. He put his person out in this testimony. I didn’t leave out anything he said in my apprehension of his testimony. He deserves no less.
The mere foot of the Cossack Prospect, former Bandido, is all the Bandidos needed for a provocation, after flanking the Cossacks at the South entrance, the North entrance, and the Don Carlos Parking Lot.
It explains a lot.
Do you call it nit-picking when what Luther said is misrepresented and that is challenged?
For me the major takeaway is the recollection that rifle fire erupted instantly after two, then three pistol shots and Waco PD said it was not them who fired those first rifle rounds.
I hear from people who know people who are confident that it was a BATFE operation from the get go. Waco PD got the Barney Fife role.
“What Luther really says is that a Cossack asked the Bandido, “Why would you disrespect us?”
Luther never says that Cossacks dissed Bandidos. You said that he did”
1. First mention is of the Cossack asking why they were dissed. True he didn’t say what the Bandidos said but he stated the Cossack response.
2. Second mention is Luther quoting the Bandido saying to the Cossacks “F your respect’.
I think that qualifies as dissin’ the Cossacks ...
“For me the major takeaway is the recollection that rifle fire erupted instantly after two, then three pistol shots”
Luther said after the second volley of pistol shots he froze, then went to the ground THEN heard ‘Vietnam.
My best guess would be about ten seconds, certainly not ‘instantly’ unless you are comparing it to the life of the universe or maybe the jail sentences these gangster are going to get.
Sigh. Hopeless. I cannot lose any more brain cells tonight. Over and out.
How many Texas confederation meetings have been held since May 17, 2015?
He SAID half a second after the pistol shots. YOU dream up ten seconds.
Poor Don. He just can’t accept “F your respect” as being an insult to the Cossacks.
When EVERYTHING points to a gang gunfight ....
“He SAID half a second after the pistol shots. YOU dream up ten seconds. Disgraceful.”
HE did not. Time stamp please.
Nevermind. I already gave you a post with what he actually said ...
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