Posted on 06/18/2015 7:17:57 PM PDT by concernedcitizen76
Next question?
Blame it on the pesky second careful, dancing in all that blood can be slippery.
“Since 1998, eight of the thirteen school shooters were on psychiatric drugs. The records on the remaining five are sealed. Did the drugs cause the violence?”
Most assuredly! The LefTards LOVE to get all wrapped around the axle about, ‘The War on Women.’
What we have here is a War on Boys! Destroy their families by removing male authority figures (that would be Dad!) from their lives, leave a bunch of loony FemiNazis to raise them and then drug them into submission!
these modern one size fits all drugs....for kids.....seem a great deal like a cure.... a couple of centuries ago.
Did you read what Dr. Wilson said about gun control. This passage should be framed.
“It is tempting to pass gun control laws to control the violence. Clearly children should not be able to buy guns, and in most states they cannot. Also, it is obvious that parents are responsible to keep their children away from all potentially lethal items that may be in a home. However, gun control is a much larger issue. Only by reviewing the statistics does one begin to realize that guns in the hands of the citizens are an excellent deterrent to crime, and in fact they prevent thousands of rapes, robberies and murders every year.
If the nutritionally atrocious diets continue and if biochemical imbalances that are easily seen on a hair mineral analysis are not addressed, the violence will only escalate. If guns are not available, it will be with bombs, knives, chemicals or other weapons that could be far worse than a gun.
Statistics clearly reveal that gun control is not effective in reducing crime. Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring heads of households to have at least one gun in the house. The crime rate dropped and has remained low. There are excellent books detailing the benefits of gun ownership. Click here to read about gun statistics in America.”
Sorry but kids kill because we adults kill.
How many millions of abortions have happened in the past 30 years?
Kids learn the easy answer to their problems is to kill someone or somebodies. Life is cheap. We have taught them that.......
Bingo! Excellent post “It’s War on Boys.” It’s a calculated war on being a boy.
This statistic is sickening. The pharmaceutical industry, married to the politicized FDA, is making billions off this racket.
“Today, almost nine million children, or almost one out of every five American children, take psychoactive drugs for their behavior disorders, many of which are questionable diagnoses.” kill because they made that choice to do so. Doesn’t matter if they were on drugs or not...because they knew before taking drugs what they can do to they chose to take that risk. Putting a gun ‘to their own head’ like Russian Roulette ....
The vast majority of killer kids are not the ones that are being referred to in this study. They are the ones that are not on medications. They just want. What they want may vary. It may be money, sex, positions, power or a thrill. But they all want something and they think killing someone else is the way to get it.
15 years ago.....
What’s that you say, Mrs. Roof? Little Dylann giving you problems? Well, just give him a couple of these every day and he’ll behave all day like a good little zomb, uh, angel.
Oh, Please. Teenagers are NUTS to begin with! Their brains are STILL developing at that stage...and, ‘boy brains’ don’t finish developing until they’re into their twenties. Put them on psychotropic drugs as they hit puberty and what do you THINK is going to happen?
Big Pharma is NOT our friend; read the stats in this article.
And I am by NO MEANS standing up for this punk and what he did. I am saying that we have a HUGE problem on our hands and it’s not going to magically solve itself.
The kid was not on psychotropic drugs though.
Obama and the left would never stop this madness of medicating one in five American children with dangerous psychiatric drugs. Every time one of medicated kids flips out from the drug and goes on a shooting spree as side-effect, Obama has an excuse to sign another executive order on gun control. It’s a racket.
Are you sure? Information percolating out suggests otherwise. Let’s wait and see.
Suboxone isn’t a psychotropic drug.
There may be other drugs involved legal and illegal. Let’s wait and see.
Because if you're going to rationally examine the effect of these drugs in relation to murder, you can't simply limit it to white young people, but have to expand into all races. How many 14 year old black shooters are on psychotic medication? Going to bet the incidence is pretty low. ‘Hold my piece, gotta take my pill’ probably doesn't go well with gang politics.
I think the most likely explanation is that psychotic conditions which would normally be apparent to someone treating them are being masked by both the medications as well as the diagnosis, and it is being compounded by a laundry list of ‘side effects’ that may or may not be related to the medications.
Very interesting article. “When the diet is low in vital minerals, the body absorbs much more of the toxic metals from food and the environment.” I agree. I suggest multi vitamins every other day along with Coenzyme 10, Folic acid and Vit D. So much as been written about the negative effects of Prozac, Zoloft, etc.
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