Oh, Please. Teenagers are NUTS to begin with! Their brains are STILL developing at that stage...and, ‘boy brains’ don’t finish developing until they’re into their twenties. Put them on psychotropic drugs as they hit puberty and what do you THINK is going to happen?
Big Pharma is NOT our friend; read the stats in this article.
And I am by NO MEANS standing up for this punk and what he did. I am saying that we have a HUGE problem on our hands and it’s not going to magically solve itself.
The kid was not on psychotropic drugs though.
Yes, I agree, but my observation and experience indicates today's teenagers, boys or girls, do not mature as fast as they once did. Their mental development has been stunted by drugs and other reasons. Some are into their thirties and have not developed the mentality and sense of purpose our generation had at 18. If they still act like teenagers at 35, how are they going to act at 55 or older?