We once had a dog that had about one seizure per year. It also had arthritis later in life. Put her down? No. She still loved life and wagged her tail.. Put her down? No way. I don’t know about this particular dog, but sometimes the decision to put a dog down is made too hastily. This dog walked the parade walk along a row of his fellow officers.. Was he really too sick to live?
German Shepherd Ping!
Reminds me of the dog on the Austrian police procedural Komissar Rex. It was revived later in Italy under the title Comissario Rex. He was named Rex.
What a brave and noble dog. RIP.
Wonder how many errorneous swat raids this dog was involved in? They are WRONG 60% of the time. Poor animal should have had a good home to start with, instead of being used by para-military authority figures...
Sad. Just looking at the title made me cry.
Two day ago I had to put down my beloved cat Scooter. Fourteen years ago he showed up as a stray at our back door. He was just a little ball of fur. But he was my buddy and he was the best darn mouser I ever saw. It’s semi-rural where we live and one bitter cold winter he got five mice over a period of a few weeks. I don’t know how the darn things got in here but Scooter got them. He was a beautiful cat. Built like a leopard with a thick chest and powerful front legs. He was gray/black and white with stripes and a beautiful white chest. In the last three years however he developed feline diabetes. We treated him with insulin but in the last year he became sickly, often he would be calm and the next minute strangely aggressive. His eye sight was failing and after consulting with our veterinarian we had to make the painful decision to put him to sleep. It’s been only two days and I miss him so much already. We really do become attached to our pets, there’s no denying it.
You aren't kidding...double hankie.
“Dozens of officers and firefighters turned out this month to pay their respects “
Too bad for the dog, but....
Darn right it’s a hankie alert. After actual workers/taxpayers get finished paying the bill for overtime for our firefighters and policemen.
It seems that even a dog affiliated with government gets a more elaborate send off than a regular schmoe taxpayer.
I would have hated to be the veterinarian that was given that duty.
Those wanting all the drugs legalized to get their drugs on must not like this story.
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