Probably why Obama lost his law license ,the name he used was`Obama and not his real name Barry Soetoro ,same thing goes for Collage records
Are Barry Soetoro/Obama/Soebarkah ( Harrison j. Brunel ) and President Obama even the same person?
That would be an excellent bumper sticker and billboard message for across America.
Probably a lot less than that, actually. This man’s provenance is a manufactured myth that has been propped up by an unquestioning media that refuses to confront the facts and reconcile them with the deeds.
We have in this country a large group of self-concerned people, who for many reasons are willing to drink that Koolaid because they gotta get paid. Hook or crook they needs to get what they deserve. Experience, transcripts, birth certificates, draft cards, voting records, personal legislative records, business and personal transactions and all that are irrelevant to them. Even in the case of an undoubtedly inept response to the threat of Ebola.
It is all about entitlement and what you can get.
I know who he is. He’s a radical Muslim and an enemy of the United States and he proves it every single day. Once you realize that, everything he does makes perfect sense.
Barry Sotero? Isn't he a dictator from Africa or something?
Something for Jesse Watters to work on for BOR.
And for reporters and election officials:
Do you have a copy of the court order by which Soetero’s name was legally changed?
I know, I know, I know!!!!
He is Barack Boko Haram Hussein Hamas Hezbollah ISIS Omababdullah Odingo Soetoro Bath House Barry.
Did I get it right?
Do I get a gold star or something? A free cell phone?
And so would the question, “Do you know who Leslie King was?”
Probably 60%-70% don’t know his middle name is Hussein.
Less than 3% would know.
I bet it is less than 10%.
Wasn;t he that kid who wanted to be President of Indonesia?