Definitely and assault and battery charge, plus a lawsuit. That girl may have just had her college education paid for, and then some.
Cops are dangerous. Always try to avoid them.
1) video is a bit rough, would like to see another angle.
2) She got up pretty quickly and seemed shaken up (no harm no foul?) but not hurt very bad. After she talks to an attorney, we will see her in a neck brace.
3) She is a Wildcat fan. The cops know how they act.
You will excuse me while I get my flak jacket.
Expect MORE of this, not less, in ObamaWorld. The regime has spent lots of resources on ammunition procurement. Not much left over for training or educating Chicago-style thugs.
I want to believe their are two sides to most stories. I’ll be curious what this one is. Certainly, this girl might be the female criminal equivalent to Rodney King, but I’m doubtin’ it for now.
There’s a cop that needs a serious beat down.
The Thin Blue line was a necessary thing to have. Those students who caused the riots were A-HOLES and its my belief that they weren't really students...just agitators who did what THEY did because they had NO life.
I saw the SAME guy in two riots in the two different universities -- and HE sold me on the reality of "professional agitators."
When the TAC squad walked on the campus, I let them pass. There was NO reason to scream obscenities at them. Actually, the TAC squad were MOSTLY HUGE young guys. I wasn't so impressed by them. HOWEVER, the campus then started calling on REGULAR cops. The motorcycles cops came in and THEY scared the HOLY PIE outta me.
They had the jack boots, helmets and all and were ALL crabby middle aged men who reminded me of my father. I MELTED away letting THEM pass. They looked like they wouldn't put up with ANY crap from ANYONE.
ALL cops have to deal with the SCUM of the earth and my hat is off to those men who have it in them to be cops, regular beat, traffic, riot or detectives. Better them than me.
There are also folks who loathe the cops and cite all the examples of how HORRIBLE they are. But, I've traveled the world, lived/worked in Mexico City for two years and in Saudi Arabia for FIVE years. If you think the cops are bad HERE...HAH, try living in THOSE countries for an example of corruption. THEY make OUR cops look like angels.
I also have to admit I DID run into one decent cop in Mexico. I cut him off leaving the freeway and SPRAYED him with the rain water. I had almost missed my off ramp and HE got cut off by me--MY bad. He chased me down and had me to my rights. He was a middle aged guy who was TICKED at my dousing and LECTURED me on what he COULD do to me.
I DIDN'T cry. I ALMOST did but held back the tears...they would have been useless anyway. Finally he say: "VAYASE!" [Get going!] I did and knew that I had indeed met one decent cop in Mexico City.
Not justifying this, but IF they had already declared an unlawful assembly, then she probably should not have been what appears to be the skirmish line there. I had a similar experience with a college party that got out of hand, and we were told NOT to let people get behind us. That being said...we did guide/push them.out to where we wanted them to go...
The whole Saturday night kerfuffle seems to have been that the cops were all geared up and ready to go, and when their expected riot didn’t appear they decided to pretend it was anyway. There aren’t any reports of any citizens actually doing anything, and yet cops used teargas and arrested nearly a dozen people. Amped up cops being amped up.
All I saw from your link was the snow plow video........
Watched several times.
There are police officers.
There are cops.
Then, there are pigs.
This waste of skin is a pig.
When his/her time comes, at the wrong end of a gun barrel or a knife, no tears will be shed.
Certain themes seem strong in this thread...
Although there are 15- 25 cops in the video and one knocks a girl on her ass, between 75 - 100 percent of cops are out of control
Not one mention of where the girl was headed, namely behind the skirmish line. I can’t imagine cops want a crowd gathering behind that line
FR cop bashing is so predictable that it seems to happen in force and on cue, I find that interesting as the alleged abuse itself
Trusting cops is becoming more and more .......
Hard pressed keeping that ‘Support Your Local Police’ bumper sticker on my car
Wow. What would they do “if and when” a REAL incident occurs (due to their indoctrinated fear)?
It seems that those who wish to subjugate us, firmly believe that WE haven’t the resolve to stop this madness. And maybe there ARE people working hard to circumvent the things that plague us but, imho, it’s going to take a mightier effort to jump on that front horse, grab the bridle and YANK that horse to a HALT...or else bad things are going to happen to the horse, cart, and driver.
And those jackasses don’t bother to retaliate?
To defend the innocent?
The innocent Americans?
No worries.
We shall be doing so soon.
VERY soon.....
To protect his ego and serve his powerlust......
WTF is going on with cops now? At the very least, the police departments across the nation are doing a very poor job of screening applicants.