Yep, I get that too sometimes with respect to our more southerly FRiends. However, I fight it with my little indoor patch of produce and sunshine.
I grow a lot indoors in that little 2x6 foot area in front of my patio doors, supplemented by a full spectrum grow light.
Green peppers are the best-self fertile. A leaf of lettuce to put on a sandwhich. A little cherry tomato to go on a salad. Spinach for quiche or salad addition. Lemons for tea or fish. It all helps fight that garden envy.
The winter garden outdoors does pretty well here too under lots of cover till we get a warm day-it’s planted with cold toerant varieties of carrots, lettuce, spinache etc.
spinache = spinach
I’ve tried the indoor thing we have a 6 foot slider due west but Michigan is not the best state for sunshine. I brought in a young volunteer tomato plant one fall and tried to keep it going. It got long and spindly and gave me one tomato! I do alfalfa sprouts sometimes but that’s about it.
Hi greeneyes—Two questions
1) What kind of lemons did you have indoors?
2) The full spectrum grow lights, is that the four foot bulbs that have been around a long time or something new? Ours are packed away till near frost date, so I cant run out to see what they are. I know they are either Sylvannia or GE, whatever Lowes sells.
Anyone know about ginger? I planted a root (yes, broken up into pieces) several weeks ago and it’s 12+” tall already. It’s in a pot so can be brought inside when winter hits. But when do I dig it up for use?