Anyone know about ginger? I planted a root (yes, broken up into pieces) several weeks ago and it’s 12+” tall already. It’s in a pot so can be brought inside when winter hits. But when do I dig it up for use?
I know nothing about ginger other than I use a lot of powdered ginger in almost every thing I cook. I’ll be looking forward to hearing about your experiences.
Anyone know about ginger?All I know about ginger is I absolutely love to eat it [fresh, juiced, etc.] I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress.
I read you just pull it out of the pot, cut off what you need, and then stick it back in the pot. I also read it likes temps 75 degrees, and hotter,
Oh, also, that you should mist it, or set the pot in a saucer full of rocks with water in the saucer, if you don't want to mist it...
You don't want the water to touch the botttom of the pot or to draw up into the soil in the bottom of the pot, but for the evaporating water in the saucer with rocks to create a humid micro climate.