I fear the EcoNazi whackos in the enviro agencies will have him ticketed before dinner tonight.
And he built the business himself.
He didn’t build that.
Having worked in the oil patch myself during my younger years and having to sleep in the field bunkhouses I can attest its a dirty and grimy job.
And its this kind of thinking that made America strong and the very kind of thinking that Obama, Clinton and all the cronies DON”T want to transpire, because they want YOU dependent upon the Federal government.
I would not be surpised to hear in the near future of this person being told to shut it down unless he pays an excessive fee for “permits”.
Excellent! And this isn’t a snark, but this just shows that success and prosperity doesn’t necessarily come from having “opportunity” as defined by the Democrat Party to be free education, free student loans, and a liberal whacked-job of a school curriculum. Sometimes all it takes is ingenuity, basic skills, and a little hard work.
Not a lot different than what Mitt Romney did at Bain Capital.
More power to him.
Older homes in this area have what are called “Pittsburgh Showers”. A simple spigot suspended over a drain in the middle of the basement floor. Back in the day guys would come home from a mill or a mine covered in grime, and the lady of the house would never let them through the front door. So they’d go round to the back door and shower off in the basement.
It looks like history is repeating itself.
once the queers realize the no time limit in the stalls, he'll be overun too...
Which is the single most important thing, if you want to feed a family and make a lot of money. This kid's daddy taught him well.
I wish Obama was this smart.
Needs to head over to the Democrat Convention.
This is a great story.This IS a great story; thank you.. I -lol'ed- at this line: "Thats when the idea for a mobile shower hit him harder than the reek of his own B.O."
I applaud this kid and his creativity. I am afraid, though, that it won’t be long before some Eco-Nazi realizes that there are traces oh hydrocarbons washing off these workers and flowing onto the pristine soil
Not so fast son....The revenuers just got wind of this and will tax your ass to death. Bend over.
I remember seeing PUBLIC SHOWERS available years ago when my dad worked in the mining and oil industry out west back in 1954-1956.
Then they disappeared as hotels and apartments became more modern. I learned that the word “modern” in a housing advertisement meant it had an indoor toilet and bath.
He sounds like the next Mitt Romney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great job!!!!!!
I love the smell of success and ingenuity in the morning.
How long before this administration tells him ‘he didn’t build that’!!!
Between the IRS and the EPA, that kid doesn’t stand a chance. Some government drone has his number.
Great job by this young man! That’s the American Spirit at work!