Older homes in this area have what are called “Pittsburgh Showers”. A simple spigot suspended over a drain in the middle of the basement floor. Back in the day guys would come home from a mill or a mine covered in grime, and the lady of the house would never let them through the front door. So they’d go round to the back door and shower off in the basement.
It looks like history is repeating itself.
we had one of those when i was growing up near Pittsburgh, my dad worked in construction. I never heard that phrase for them though. cool.
In Pittsburgh we don’t have “show-ers” we have “shours” which rhymes with the former Stillers coach-Bill Cour
LOL Pittsburgh Showers, funny growing up with a dad that worked as an electrician at either the coal plant or refinery, we just called that daddy’s shower!
Five story, 20 family, 3 room, tenements , in NYC’s “Little Italy”, had a small sink and an enclosed toilet in the kitchen. The one shower was in the basement of the tenement. Used by anyone in the building After going to the beach (Coney Island) the girls(teenagers) would go down to the basement to shower and the boys found a place to “peek’ into the area. This was not ancient history, it was 1970.
“Older homes in this area have what are called Pittsburgh Showers. A simple spigot suspended over a drain in the middle of the basement floor.....”
I remember our house in central Pennsylvania had one of those in the basement opposite the “coal bin” (for you “culturally deprived folks” that’s where the heating coal went when it was slid through a chute placed through the basement window). As a child, it never occurred to me that Dad used that probably because my Mom made him when he came home from work. Good idea Mom!