Posted on 06/16/2012 5:41:04 AM PDT by Halfmanhalfamazing
Do you believe "progressive" is code language for "communist"?
A lot of people here do. "Yes, I agree with that question". Some don't. "No, a progressive is not a communist".
So then what say you about Mitt Romney, who has openly stated the very thing.(and his record shows the truth of his claim)
Thank you, I enjoyed that.
You can count on me to vote against Obama.
So...we’ll have to buy him, to see what’s in him, eh?
That went so well with Obamacare, which coincidentally was based on Romneycare.
Oh. Well that makes precise sense. ***NOW*** I’m sure I should vote for Romney!/s
Mitt Romney is the next President of the United States...Thank God!
Pure ad hominem....from a relative newbie. are speaking with far too much common sense!
zer0bama will try (and most likely succeed considering the cowardly RINOs in the senate) in appointing more Marxists like Kagan to the supremes.....
although the lesser of 2 evils is still an evil....I can take the kind of evil Romney portends to be, over the known Marxist with ties to terrorists like the Ayers/Dohrn cabal in chicago....and also 4 more years of a Holder Attny generalship....
zer0bama negatives far outweigh mittens negatives
I would however welcome a floor fight at the convention by Santorum,Gingrich and Paul...if for no other reason than to try to set a conservative platform and a conservative Veep...
I also believe that the proof of this in the things we all know is so great, that the only possible things that can so drive a person to live in denial of this...are personal cowardice or a desire to see tbe Republic fall.
I do not care one whit if this makes you or anyone else drinking the same koolade angry.
I want you to think about this, and think about it a lot.
If either or both of us are still alive in 2016, and if the internet is running again by then we can discuss whether I was right, and whether what I am saying was fair.
Pray for peace, prepare for war, and do not compromise what is right before God, who will be your judge.
They aren't married to any particular ideology, just power.
You expect that here? There are only three groups of people matter here: conservatives, communists, and RINO (which is seen as communists pretending to be conservatives).
On weighing the evil...both are evil, just one is more than the other. This is your basis for choice, go with the least evil?
Sure, if Obama wins he gets slap happy communist.
By choosing to not vote for Romney or Obama, I am choosing to stay away from evil and walk more closely with God.
Why do you assume that putting my faith in God means that Obama will win? Are you suggesting that if all the people with reservations about Romney decided to vote for a principled candidate, that God would stand with Obama?
Have you read the book of Jonah?
America needs its citizens to develop some internal fortitude and stand against evil, not choose the lesser of two evils.
Slow decent into oblivion is good for you, but not the generations after you. Voting for Romney is voting for slow decent. It is a cop-out.
Mitt Romney is a liberal pretending to be a conservative and is our worst candidate in decades. That said his opponent is one of the most dangerous men in American history and a liberal like Romney is much better than a dangerous radical like Obama.
Put the crack pipe down, you're hallucinating...
I am here because JR and other conservatives agree with me...
Which will be more than offset by the financial and medical nightmare of Romneycare, aka Obamacare.
By choosing to not vote for Romney or Obama, I am choosing to stay away from evil and walk more closely with God.
your religious beliefs are your own...
and zer0's slap happy communism is my reason for taking the capitalist (albeit Crony Capitalist with some leftist leaning)...but a conservative no vote, to my opinion, is a vote for zer0bama.
my suggestion is for all Romney haters to show up at the convention and make like the leftists did at the 1968 chicago DNC convention and make a huge stink....only this time for the RIGHT
At least there will be something to offset. Anyway you add it up, we come out better with Romney. I don’t think we will see Romneycare, at least nothing like on the scale we will see it with Obama, who has proven he is above the law. If I’m wrong on that issue, and I don’t think I am, the worst we get out of it is six of one and half a dozen of the other. Put it all into the bigger picture, and I still vote against Obama.
Want to try to name three actual conservatives appointed by Myth to ANY position of actual authority during his four years of gubernatorial "progressive" rule??? I didn't think so.
Myth understands the private sector??? Yes as a vulture "capitalist" bent on shuttering businesses, laying off the workers and selling the machinery and equipment to the Third World. If American factory workers want jobs, let them learn to be "investment bankers," right??? Meanwhile, those same workers and their kids can serve in the military so Myth and his five sons like all other Romneys won't have to serve or become police to protect Myth's property. Those workers should be modest in their financial expectations understanding that Myth and his pals can finance projects to replace them with robots who have a much lower cost of living. Let those blue collars starve! Ho, ho, ho!
Myth won't be ideal??? He will be the same serial lying leftist scumbag that served as governor of Taxachusetts. He will be the same persecutor of churches, the same abortion enthusiast and "gay""marriage" enthusiast. You have some proof that this POS loves America??? Prove it!
There is NO FEAR WHATSOEVER that Myth Romney will be a "good successful president who will be good for America" any more than Obozo is. Face facts. Because of Romney's well-greased primary campaign of lies, slanders and libels against each and every actual conservative in the race for the nomination, there is, for conservatives, no POTUS election in 2012. Maybe (but probably not) there will be one in 2016. The nation is in ruins. The GOP is in ruins. 5% or 10% is utterly worthless as are BOTH major party candidates.
Any rational person despises Obozo. BUT, any rational person also despises Myth Romney. For those of us who are Catholics, at least, it is NOT POSSIBLE to vote for either of these two abortion-loving, church persecuting trash without committing what we know to be mortal sin (the kind which, unrepented and unforgiven, sends your soul to hell eternally). This is Canon Law and NOT merely my personal opinion. One simply CAN NOT materially cooperate with the evil that is Myth Romney any more than with Obozo.
The notion (however questionable) that this useless GOP pig is marginally better than that Demonrat one has a name: moral relativism. Conservatism is NOT about moral relativism.
Your premise assumes that DC, with the "right" people in place, can solve Americas problems.
Your premise is flawed.
The greatest threat to American freedom and prosperity is posed by the Washingtonians and their Apparatchiks from BOTH parties.
Collapse is inevitable due to the imposition of Universal Suffrage via Constitutional Amendment.
After the collapse (that would be when the SS and welfare checks stop coming) the military will get things sorted out, and then the Republic can be reset from scratch, with all amendments other than the bill of Rights rescinded and the National Capital rotated amongst the states.
What do you imagine that the never specific Myth Romney means by "repeal and REPLACE" Obozocare??? We hear "repeal." Romney backers ignore the truly operative term: replace. Replace with WHAT??? Is it just toooooo much to expect the serial liar to give us the specifics????
Romney “supporters” are cheering for all the leftist Obama influence peddlers who are flipping to Romney. Those big money influence peddlers are going to continue peddling that same left wing ideology from a Romney white house.
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