Giving more taxes to the government, no matter through what method, hurts the economy in all cases. Government wastes our money and our time.
36% Freeped
Typical lame-ass wording of a question in a poll: the statement of the question *assumes* that raising taxes on the wealthy would help the economy.
Much of the principled opposition to the Obama/Buffet tax is that it would “hurt* the economy.
The actual question should be: “Which would be a more effective means to remove $100 billion from the federal deficit: reduce federal spending or increase taxes on the very wealthy?”
So, 64% support more THEFT, so long as the money is being taken from someone else!
All “Tax” IS theft, your money is being taken by Gov. Org. stooges with guns.
At least a street thug puts himself at risk of your resisting, his “Collection” is direct and much more efficient.
Should taxes be hiked for the very rich to help the economy?
Yes, the inequality is an outrage.
No, raising taxes isn’t the solution.
Thank you for voting.
You should all read the comments after the article....comments do NOT match the poll
34% is about right, which is the percent of the population THAT ACTUALLY PAYS TAXES.
How in the hell does raising taxes on ANYONE help the economy?
Maybe at the poll site, the author might consider explaining exactly how raising taxes helps the economy.
If I thought raising taxes on the rich would actually HELP the economy, I’d probably be for it.
The problem is that it will HURT the economy. So the question is false, and will not give a useful poll result.
..rigged poll, they had it in their minds as 2 to 1 FOR RAISING....nothing is going to change it
why don’t YAHOO have another poll asking if Warren Buffet should paid the billion dollars he owns in back taxes?
want to help the economy? cut taxes
want to help the dollar? cut the debt
how do you cut debt? cut spending BELOW tax revenues
yea.... that’s some real rocket science there
Yes the inequality is an outrage a natural outcome of a free market economy.
(Had to put "outrage" in its proper place)
Should taxes be hiked for the very rich to help the economy?
Yes, the inequality is an outrage.
No, raising taxes isn’t the solution.
Taxesould be levied on all wage earners who do not pay their fair share nor shoulder their portion of the burden
If money is so dear then there can be public service in lieu of paying taxes.
If all the wealthy people who ever lived in the U.S. paid all their wealth over to the Obama Administration, it would still fall short of the money this bastard has already endebted us to.
I’m STUNNED that a Yahoo! poll would lean toward the occupiers/communists. STUNNED I tell you. /s
Answer: NO. Cut spending and stop giving away money to the undeserving: countries, corporations, or those who think they are entitled.