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Anyone else spending Christmas Eve alone? (vanity)
| Skooz
Posted on 12/24/2011 4:37:18 PM PST by Skooz
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To: Salamander
I don't care how white ya are, if this doesn't get yer head bobbing and yer feet duck-walking, there's something wrong with ya:
Minstrel In The Gallery
Damn you, Salamander! Now you got me started!!!!
posted on
12/24/2011 11:40:52 PM PST
(My regular avatar shall resume upon returning from the holiday festivities......assuming it's sober.)
To: Billthedrill
I use to be a compulsive furniture rearranger, now nothing can be our of place. I forgot and left my purse on the floor in the computer room, yep, she fell over it...we take one day at a time....A very Merry Christmas to you also....cats are king and your mom’s cat knows this...:O)
To: GOP Poet
Thanks and a Blessed Christmas to you..yep she is amazing, and taking it in stride..she was really depressed when she lost her long as she can smell food, she'll do fine. She had to learn to take a treat out of my hand carefully. The first time she didn't know where my hand ended and the snack began and drew blood. But is back to taking snacks gently out my hand...
I figure as long as she keeps eating and her tail is still wagging she's doing alright...the blindness was casused by SARDs. Her blindness took a week, some dogs it goes within 12 hours, no known cause no treatment...very rare,
If she doesn't wag her tail enough, I wag it for her...LOL
To: Viking2002
Oh, thank God for change-up!
I was trapped in Stormwatch.
[at least I didn’t post “Flying Dutchman”]
Just call me The Black Ace Dog Handler
[or a waiter, on skates]
posted on
12/25/2011 12:00:59 AM PST
(I'm your pain.....)
To: Viking2002
posted on
12/25/2011 12:05:05 AM PST
(I'm your pain.....)
To: Salamander
I'll bet you're a fan of Blackmore's Night, aren't you? :-)
posted on
12/25/2011 12:14:52 AM PST
(My regular avatar shall resume upon returning from the holiday festivities......assuming it's sober.)
To: Skooz
May the Lord bless each and everyone of you in this thread and delivery unto you His amazing grace and salvation.
posted on
12/25/2011 2:00:53 AM PST
(And yet...we continue to tolerate this crap...)
To: Skooz
Good Morning Skooz, may you have found your Christmas Eve peaceful.
I too will be spending both Christmas Eve and Day...alone except for my animals.
When I was a kid, Christmas was not a day of “Merry.” Even as I have aged fond memories are hard to find, but I do recall literally praying for this very thing. A quiet Christmas. A Christmas not filled with shouting, screaming, beer bottles flying, sirens or police and arrests.
And so last night, like many in my adult life, was spent listening to the radio-land stories of other people's Merry Christmas. Christmas stories I don't relate to at all.
I started the evening feeling a bit forlorn and melancholy at having nowhere to be and in many ways...not wanted anywhere. This year not a single person in my life even bothered to ask. I would have still said, “No thank you.” But, at least I would have the "gift" of being validated as even existing, being thought of, and maybe even being missed.
And so today will be long and silent too. I have a few pets I am “sitting,” that will greet me with tailwags and high fours several times today, but contact with another human being will not happen.
Last night as I prayed, I did ask God how I got to this Christmas place and was reminded it was something prayed for long ago. And considering what my Christmas memories are and my Christmas today, the calm, the peace, the quiet is my gift.
posted on
12/25/2011 2:34:20 AM PST
(God Humbles Nations, Leaders, and Peoples before He uses them for His Purpose)
To: potlatch
.. . . . Merry Christmas potlatch
posted on
12/25/2011 4:15:11 AM PST
(- - - - - - - - - - - MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL - - - - - - - - - - - - -)
To: Skooz
This thread rocks!
Merry Christmas!
M-E-R-R-Y C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S!
Joy to the World!
The Lord has come!
Let all of earth sing and rejoice!
Because HE LIVES...I can face tomorrow!
Because He more despair!
Because I knnnnnooooooowwwww, He holds the future...
and life is WORTH-THE-LIVING...just because HE lives!
Thank you Jesus!
To: 2nd amendment mama
I am doing well, but, as of last week Saturday, I am unemployed again, might have work in the south, had a good interview 2 weeks ago :)
posted on
12/25/2011 5:16:42 AM PST
(Ron Paul is to the Constitution what Fred Phelps is to the Bible.)
To: Skooz
I'll send you a half dozen kids between the ages of 3 and 7 who belong to my nieces and nephews. They're all pumped up on santa excitement, chocolates and cookies right now so they're good to go for a couple hours.......
I'll pick them up from you on Tuesday......
posted on
12/25/2011 5:27:12 AM PST
Hot Tabasco
(All I want for Christmas is a nickle bag of Myrrh and a pipe.........)
To: Hot Tabasco
Thanks so much for the offer.
But, I’m good. Really.
posted on
12/25/2011 6:05:51 AM PST
(Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us)
I am sure several churches within short driving distance are holding services this morning. Why not drop in? Most churches are more casual on Christmas and the services tend to be a little shorter.
A word from God, and a sincere “Merry Christmas!” from (and to) a stranger can do wonders for your spirit. It may also begin a process of healing for a rocky start in life.
My hope is that this is a short rough patch for you, and that God will overwhelm you with friendships and the blessings of vital relationships very soon.
God bless you and have a very Merry Christmas.
posted on
12/25/2011 6:15:49 AM PST
(Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us)
To: combat_boots I get up this morning, and I hear my wife whisking something on the stovetop. "You're not actually going to try that egg-nog thing with hamburger buns???"
You were right...that IS good...even with buns. Can't wait to try it with NORMAL bread. Even my wife is raving...she has already called several friends to pass the recipe along...
Thanks, Boots!
posted on
12/25/2011 6:46:14 AM PST
who knows what evil?
(G-d saved more animals than people on the
To: AtlantaBelle
posted on
12/25/2011 6:52:41 AM PST
(Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us)
To: Salamander
I’m 5’10” 305#, your tagline is why we’ll never date.
(Yes I know the Cooper reference)...
posted on
12/25/2011 7:24:18 AM PST
null and void
(Day 1068 of America's ObamaVacation from reality [Heroes aren't made, Frank, they're cornered...])
To: SaraJohnson; All
Merry Christmas
posted on
12/25/2011 7:45:27 AM PST
To: Salamander
One look, could kill. My pain, your thrill.
posted on
12/25/2011 10:01:43 AM PST
(Trust nobody and you'll never be disappointed.)
To: devolve
~~Merry Christmas Devolve~~
posted on
12/25/2011 10:45:23 AM PST
(*snip*~ Having the right to be angry does not give one the right to be cruel. ~*snip*)
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