"A 'Muslim' in Arabic means 'one who gives himself to God,' and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a 'Moslem' in Arabic means 'one who is evil and unjust' when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z."
That does it for me. I vote for "Moslem"
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To: paterfamilias
I didn’t know that... “Moslem” it’ll be!
2 posted on
09/13/2010 1:36:18 PM PDT by
(The West needs to act NOW to aggressively treat its metastasizing islaminoma!)
To: paterfamilias
either will be a tranliteration of the Arabic letters into the latin. Is it Hannukah or Channukah?
To: paterfamilias
Maybe Moslem sounds too much like Mazel Tov?
4 posted on
09/13/2010 1:37:51 PM PDT by
NY Cajun
To: paterfamilias
Because it’s not anything any normal American has ever had more than a passing interest it, and nobody really cared what the most “correct” word was.
5 posted on
09/13/2010 1:37:55 PM PDT by
(I was standing with a rifle, waiting for soviet paratroopers, but communists just ran for office)
To: paterfamilias
Or maybe Mohammedan, Mohammedans, and Mohammedanism? That’s the old way!
6 posted on
09/13/2010 1:37:58 PM PDT by
(Titus 2:13)
To: paterfamilias
That does it for me. I vote for "Moslem" Hear Hear.
I shall henceforth, call it Moslem.
7 posted on
09/13/2010 1:38:30 PM PDT by
(2010 is going to be a 100 seat Tsunami - Welcome to "The Hunt for Red November".)
To: paterfamilias
Before Muslim.... Before Moslem.....
It was Mohammedanism.
8 posted on
09/13/2010 1:38:54 PM PDT by
(Yes, as a matter of fact, what you do in your bedroom IS my business.)
To: paterfamilias
"But the seemingly arbitrary choice of spellings is a sensitive subject for many followers of Islam." Um....what isn't?
9 posted on
09/13/2010 1:39:05 PM PDT by
Joe 6-pack
(Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
To: paterfamilias
Been using "Moslem" all along. That's the word I learned fifty-odd years ago and it's the word I use. My own personal repudiation of PC propitiatory prostitution of the language.
To: paterfamilias
Chi-lee is now Chee-lay.
Porto is now Pwerto.
Pack-ih-stan is now Pah-kee-stahn.
Peking is now Bay-zhing
Bombay is now Mumbai
Pseudo-intellectual posturing.
11 posted on
09/13/2010 1:39:26 PM PDT by
(Compact Theory)
To: paterfamilias
Yes. Whatever will offend the sonzabitches the most.
12 posted on
09/13/2010 1:39:47 PM PDT by
(muslims, marxists, communists ---> satan's useful idiot corps)
To: paterfamilias
If i said what i usually called em,,, id be banned.
14 posted on
09/13/2010 1:39:55 PM PDT by
(I was standing with a rifle, waiting for soviet paratroopers, but communists just ran for office)
To: paterfamilias
I figured for the same reason they now all say Cheelay and Pahkestahn. I have noticed people from foreign countries never try to pronounce our words the way we do tho.
15 posted on
09/13/2010 1:40:02 PM PDT by
(Jesus loves me, this I know.)
To: paterfamilias
17 posted on
09/13/2010 1:42:00 PM PDT by
Redleg Duke
(RAT Hunting Season started the evening of March 21st, 2010!)
To: paterfamilias
Well, “muslim” is an anagram for “Uh, Slim”
And Obama is slim and says “uh” all the time.
19 posted on
09/13/2010 1:42:19 PM PDT by
(Nothing to see here. Move along.)
To: paterfamilias
I have also seen the terms “musselman” and “mohammedan” used though not much today. I have also seen Mohammed named “Mahound”.
20 posted on
09/13/2010 1:42:50 PM PDT by
To: paterfamilias
Uh oh. Caught by the,
22 posted on
09/13/2010 1:43:24 PM PDT by
(How's that Hopey Changey thingy workin for ya?)
To: paterfamilias
Moslem works for me, however “Seventh century goat shaggers who haven’t advanced past pottery” is my current favorite.
23 posted on
09/13/2010 1:43:31 PM PDT by
(If you want a friend, get a dog.)
To: paterfamilias
Good post!
I will have to change my reference to them.
“By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means
“one who is evil and unjust”
when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z. “
It’s Moslem for me from here on out.
26 posted on
09/13/2010 1:45:12 PM PDT by
(Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God).)
To: paterfamilias
muslim.. moslim... who cares they both worship a bigoted genocidal murderer, polygamist and pedophile. Does it really matter what we call them?
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