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1 posted on 03/31/2009 12:15:06 AM PDT by 11bravo wolfhoundf
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

G-d gave us free will, and a world to act in. If we do the wrong thing, it isn’t that G-d wanted it.

2 posted on 03/31/2009 12:17:50 AM PDT by nickcarraway (Are the Good Times Really Over?)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

Why are there miscarriages?...etc

3 posted on 03/31/2009 12:21:01 AM PDT by period end of story (Give me a firm spot, and I will move the world.)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

This is why I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a solid pro-life candidate like Palin, regardless of any other disagreements I may have with her. It’s all trivial compared to this one issue, the chief moral and political issue of our time. Bigger than the economy, bigger than the war on terror, bigger than human trafficking.

4 posted on 03/31/2009 12:22:36 AM PDT by LifeComesFirst (Until the unborn are free, nobody is free)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

I dont know why God allows abortion, but my belief is that the true answer may be what compels us to believe in God in the first place.

5 posted on 03/31/2009 12:33:38 AM PDT by Ajnin
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

God’s commandments are clear. Those who don’t follow the commandments are sinning.

“Thou shalt not kill.” -from The Bible: Deuteronomy 5:17

6 posted on 03/31/2009 12:41:35 AM PDT by Cindy
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden. One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who resists his will?” But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory ...

Rom 9

7 posted on 03/31/2009 12:45:27 AM PDT by Taxbilly
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

I ask myself that.

A lib would ask why is their racism or why do trees have to be murdered?

8 posted on 03/31/2009 12:46:10 AM PDT by wardaddy (America, Ship of Fools)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf
I had a friend write me an odd email the other day:

I was just laying in bed, thinking of all the reasons I wanted to get up, not thinking of any reasons why I didn't want to get up, but yet not getting up, so I finally just gave in and got comfortable there and my mind wandered over to something XXXXXX posted at XXXXXX today, that he and his significant other were "genetically" incapable of having a child... and of course I immediately though, no, you are genetically capable, you have both the X and Y chromosomes, you're all good with the genes, you're just not physically or biologically capable... and then that led me down a really long logical path whereby I found truth. I now realize: I am strongly against "a woman's right to choose" but I am "pro-abortion". Eh, I guess I know how that sounds, and it's not like you think. It's very logical.

Says I: Umm, ok, take me there

So he continued: After a very long trip through Western Canada, the ultimate destination of my train ride was that XXXXXX and his mate should be able to reproduce. That is, XXXXXX and his mate should be able to have their DNA combined in a test tube and have a baby grown for them. But, sh*t, why do I think humanity needs the ability to make babies without women?? So, like I said, screw it. But I'll share one little thought with you:
Part of humanity's problem is that all too often an invalid frame of reference is created and then everyone on the so-called "both sides" works within that frame of reference, without question, as though it were a law of nature or something. Here's a frame of reference: "when does life begin?" The very question limits the discussion to an invalid premise. Humans proceed to argue about when, as the question asks... but you don't seem to hear anyone pointing out that life does not actually begin. Pluck any living cell off your body right now: it is as old as life on this planet itself, perhaps older depending on how life actually got its initial foothold on this planet. That cell's life did not begin, per se, it was the product of cell division... 1 living cell divided into 2 living cells, each indistinguishable as far as which one is "new" or "old". Life ends, cells die, all the time, but life does not "begin". So, from a purely technical standpoint (and being technically accurate is the best kind of accurate, so I learned from Futurama), if you really want to talk about a human life beginning, you can't talk about when 1 or 2 or a trillion specialized cells start functioning together, you have to talk about life in the context of what makes us human... that is being conscious and self-aware and able to ponder the existence of God.... and that most definitely is not when, for example, a few embryonic stem cells are chemically transformed into heart cells and start doing what heart cells mindlessly do: contract in a steady rhythm. Now, all evidence seems to indicate that human beings are pretty much the most amazingly complex little packages that have ever come to be in this entire universe, and considering all the shit that had to go just right for us to actually be here now as we are (and that's an absolutely scientific statement), OMG even given the inconceivable vastness of the universe, I think it's definitely within the realm of possibility that we're the only creatures of our kind!! A woman can't truly create life, only GOD creates life, which he did when he seeded the initial life on this planet that gave rise to everything thereafter (that affirmation of the existence of God is pretty much just a scientific statement, it seems). So any further discussions in the "when does life begin?" frame will from here on out be seen by me as a bunch of whiney Liberals (whether they're Conservative Christians or not) that have no real mental capacity and are so well fed that they can devote energy to arguing total nonsense. And if they are Conservative Christians, then OMG what part of Genesis did you not grasp??
I'm probably totally wacked. Feedback welcome. Later, dude.

9 posted on 03/31/2009 12:49:25 AM PDT by krb (Obama is a miserable failure.)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

I fear God and wonder how I will be judged by him and if I have done all I can do to end the practice of murder in our nation.

I fear that we (now I said, “we”) as a nation with millions of Christians have put abortion on the back burner. We are faced with one crisis after another and now we have a president who is not a citizen of the United States.

I believe we are seeing the beginning of God’s judgment on our nation and that is why we are losing our nation to the socialist.

Like LifeComesFirst said, abortion is “bigger than the economy, bigger than the war on terror, bigger than human trafficking.”

If we fail to elect people who will speak out against abortion and do all they can to end it, the blood of those precious children will be on our hands. We need someone to lead us in the fight against abortion.

I have watched videos on youtube where people are arrested for holding signs condemning abortion. One man stood on the back of his truck with a sigh and was threatened with arrest if he didn’t put the signs away.

It won’t be easy standing up for the unborn, so we have got to find the right people to help us. We must act and we must act now.

Please pray for someone to lead us in the fight for the unborn.


10 posted on 03/31/2009 1:35:45 AM PDT by 11bravo wolfhoundf ( "Duty is ours; results are God's." John Quincy Adamspebaople)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

Thanks! We all need to be reminded sometimes of what the real issues are, and not worry about some of the others...let God be God in those things. We are His ambassadors here on this earth, and to not speak up against it is wrong. I pray that many will join in the prayer to stop abortion in its tracks. I pray that many will see that God is not silent on this matter, but He is slow to anger, and also that He is a just God. One day, it will be dealt withn His way. Maybe that is why He will allow the the 4 horesmen to do such damage to the earth.

11 posted on 03/31/2009 1:41:53 AM PDT by Shery (in APO Land)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

I wonder the same things, but remember we are to pray unceasingly. So let us continue to pray for all mothers and their unborn babies.

12 posted on 03/31/2009 1:51:16 AM PDT by MeekMom (Support Israel:
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

The age old question is posed once more. Why suffering? Why death... disease... hunger? Lord, if you are just, if you are loving, then how can you allow such senseless injustice? How can you allow so much pain? What about all the evil that we see going on in our world today? What of that God, if you’re there... looking down from the heavens at all this that you supposedly created?

The answer is simple and often overlooked because it is so obvious. We, you and I, live in a “fallen world”. John 16:33 ~ “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” We live in this world, but should not confuse ourselves by making a heaven of hell. All kinds of pain and suffering happen because the world needed and still does need a Saviour. Christ the Lord is our triumph over all these things.

Perfection will come later. This is the difference in heaven and earth. It’s sin that separates. Faith is what gives us connection to God and through faith in God we get a glimpse of what is to come. We can then wait in joyful anticipation of the “Great Homecoming” that is on the other side of the grave no matter what our circumstances may be on earth. Romans 5:1-5 ~ Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

13 posted on 03/31/2009 1:59:02 AM PDT by montesquiue
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf


Why does God allow abortion? Why does he allow any human being to die from any painful death?

As others have said, God gives us free will. God didn’t make us mindless robots that only did his bidding. He gave us free will to make choices concerning the quality of our lives for eternity. He has allowed us to see with our own eyes the horrible consequences of sin. By seeing those consequences, we can make an informed decision on whether we want to spend eternity enduring those consequences or to spend eternity in His paradise without evil, suffering, pain and death.

We put too much importance on how much time we are allowed to spend in this world. This world is not our final destination. This world is only a short interlude in our lifetime in eternity. The pain and suffering we endure here is temporary and will be soon forgotten when we pass from this world. It’s like childbirth. We suffer, we endure pain, we pray for it to be over and then, there is a new wonderous life before us, that is so beautiful and precious that we don’t care about all the pain that we endured to get it.

17 posted on 03/31/2009 2:30:36 AM PDT by Elyse (I refuse to feed the crocodile.)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

The murderous violence that happens to the most defence-less of human beings has only one thing to do with God, God had shown the way, and he was ignored.

Rock bands sometimes speak of the evil that humanity inflicts upon it’self.

I’ll spare you all ‘said’ “hard rock” lyrics, except a most profound was that - ‘evil (meaning the potential) lives within ourselves, We need no one else’. Satan/Evil, truly exists in this world. I used to ponder these thoughts, not anymore, I know I’m a microbe in the scope of gods “plan”. And yet I know I make a difference in my own way.

19 posted on 03/31/2009 2:32:50 AM PDT by ChetNavVet (Build It, and they won't come!)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf
In the Garden of Getheseme, Jesus prayed that God would protect us from the "evil one". The Lord's Prayer asks that we be delivered from evil. We live in a deceptive world and God warns us to be vigilant. Abortion obviously opposes everything that God is. Abortion doesn't happen because God allows it. It happens because we are willingly decieved. It happens because we deny God.

21 posted on 03/31/2009 2:44:53 AM PDT by mgist (Thus in Psalm 103, we pray, "Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hear)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf
I would lovingly submit this to you..that out of perfect love for us, God gave us a beautiful gift. The gift of choice.His choice was this: we can choose to love Him or this world ( and we can't love both). Human beings do what we do the best..take a beautiful gift from a Perfect God and trample it beneath dirty feet. And God weeps. He knows what He intended for us dad. Just as you love your children, he loves us so much more intensely. His very nature is a love that invites us past all of our weak human failings.We can't be perfect in the flesh, but we can become justified by faith, and sanctified by walking that faith out everyday.

I agree with many of the posts below that Church's have failed to carry this banner for the unborn. I believe that to be a sign of the times that we live in. Too many worry about building bigger buildings or filling the seats with the right mix of people..but the lost are still lost and the babies are still dying.

But I also know this. God is still on the throne. I believe that one day God will use me to reach out to women who have had abortions. I pray that I will have the courage to walk out what I so strongly believe. And I love you for having such a tender heart.

23 posted on 03/31/2009 3:27:44 AM PDT by dixiedarlindownsouth (I love my country, but I fear my government)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf
Abortion will end in America when the Church of Jesus Christ wants it to end.
Why are there only a handful of Christians on the sidewalks in front of Abortion mills when there should be thousands??
Christians sit back safe and snug in thier church buildings having cutesy "Men's Breakfasts" and yet more "discipleship classes" while little baby boys and little baby girls are having thier arms and legs ripped off!!
Unpleasant? Well, you asked.
24 posted on 03/31/2009 3:45:06 AM PDT by Psalm 73 ("Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room".)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf
James, God love you. He loves all his children. Even those who perform abortion. He also knows everything. Even what's in their hearts. He knows why you ask why. He knows when a mega pastor is having homo-sexual affairs. He even knows what you don't know and why you don't know what you don't know. There are a few things you can always count on. God is Just and Absolute. Meaning he demands perfect justice. But he also wants us to love him the same as he loves us. In order for that to be possible we must have the freedom to choose. Understand that in order for free will to exist there must be the freedom to choose. To choose means "To select from a number of possible alternatives." I know that might seem obvious but it's not always. When someone asks "Why" they have an alternative in mind to what they are asking "Why" about. Just as you asked why God allows abortion to continue. The alternative is no abortion. And if abortions didn't exist you wouldn't have an alternative in mind. And just as you might often wonder why God allowed you to get injured, as I assume is the case for the pain pills from the VA. The alternative is not to have been injured. And just as God grants us the free will to love him, the alternative is to not love him. There is a price to pay for free will. Too us it sometimes seems too high. But to God it apparently is worth the cost. You are probably thinking to yourself that all this is nothing new. It's obvious. But try and imagine for just a moment that God has strategically placed every single human being in their exact spot at that precise time so that his Will Be Done." Even when you are oblivious to his Will. That doesn't mean he isn't guiding events. Remember the times you were in traffic and you were angry at that car in front of you for going too slow? Ask your this. What if God knows that had you not slowed down by mere seconds or milli-seconds that you would be in an accident at the next intersection? I know you can't prove a negative. Just as you'll never know what might have happened had you not took that turn or left your house seconds earlier or later. And how can you prove that that car in front of you might just be saving your life or his own? You can't. And what about the free will to swerve around that car and speed up? Exactly. You have the free will to do just that. But at the next intersection, if God forbid, you are in an accident. Don't blame God. He tried to slow you down.

27 posted on 03/31/2009 4:10:02 AM PDT by coffee260 (coffee)
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To: 11bravo wolfhoundf

Why did He allow His only Son to be beaten, stripped, humiliated, tortured, crucified, and stabbed in the Heart?

28 posted on 03/31/2009 5:25:58 AM PDT by B-Chan (Catholic. Monarchist. Texan. Any questions?)
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