All the mob did here was import their culture and values into the US.
If you have an accident in C.A. or Mexico, and someone is killed, even if it is not the driver's fault, the family or mob will just up and kill the driver.
Happens all the time.
I want to thank President Bush and other Amnesty supporters for allowing this sort of cultural importation into my country.
It is really great to see the American traditional rule of law break down into smelly third-world anarchy like this.
Thanks, George Bush.
President Bush certainly shares in the continuation of this nightmare, but it’s been going on for decades. You need to put the blame equally to all administrations to have credibility. Since you don’t you just sound inane.
Just trying to help.
The mob appears to be made up of people whose ancestors have been in the U.S. for many generations. Read the thread.
The Mexican/Hispanic guy was killed protecting the driver of the vehicle. He was killed by a mob of black people celebrating Juneteenth.
So my question is, is it the values/culture of a man killed protecting someone that you hate or something else?
The lone guy killed died a hero, the mob will live as cowards.
Not every thread is about immigration reform and/or amnesty.
“All the mob did here was import their culture and values into the US.”
You’re a real thinker type, aren’t you?
What if the people in the mob weren’t of hispanic descent?
Better go back and READ!!
***I want to thank President Bush and other Amnesty supporters for allowing this sort of cultural importation into my country.***
You might want to thank all the presidents we’ve had for the past thirty years who did NOTHINg ABOUT THE INVASION. But, NO, it’s all Bush’s fault. And it wasn’t a Mexican who killed, it was a Mexican who got killed.
You are wrong about that. the illegals usually mind their business with stuff like this,
My theory is that these are fourth and fith generation welfare citizens that just joined in the melle and had no idea why they were beating the man.
But don’t DARE say that they act differently from a suburban white neighborhood.
“All the mob did here was import their culture and values into the US.”
Actually, we imported their ancestors about 300 years ago. We needed the cheap labor, doing backbreaking agricultural jobs that British colonists refused to do, dont’cha know....
The black underclass (and I DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT mean most black Americans) is the most alienated racial/ethnic group in the USA, and one that comprises 60% of our prison population.
Where did you get the idea that these were illegals? Oh, I'm sorry, you are another low IQ Calipornian. ;-)