Posted on 03/08/2023 2:25:08 PM PST by eccentric
One of the major causes of "food insecurity" is that low income people often have problems with money management. This is well demonstrated by people using their EBT money on junk food when they first receive a deposit on their card and then having no money/credit left at the end of the month. The once a month delivery made sense when the stamps were sent though the mail, but now everything is down on a debit card. It seems that it would be simple to change the card to a weekly or even daily dispersal instead of once a month. After all, it is all on computers.
I think the whole giveaway system should be abolished and leave the job of helping the poor to churches where it belongs.
However, since that isn’t likely to happen, an accommodation would be to have the EBT cards restricted to what could be bought with them. Do it like WIC.
Allow only real food, meat, dairy, fruits, veggies, pasta, rice, bread, PB&J.
No snack food, no junk food, no soda, no juice, no energy drinks, no candy no packaged cookies or pastries, , no alcohol, not even frozen convenience foods like pizza and baked goods.. Only frozen fruit and veggies.
If they don’t like the restrictions, they can get off their lazy butts and get a job to actually pay for the food themselves. Then they can buy what they want.
A Soup Kitchen on every corner that needs it
Then there’s the free Obama-phone. Get rid of long-distance and call waiting. Flip phones only. They only need them to find work or call 911. 60 minutes a month.
Every time I get behind a WIC person, I just change lanes. They take like 15 to 20 minutes for bread or milk or eggs.
Leave them alone, they are at the bottom and they do not need a budinsky.
The system was changed several times. First cheese giveaway. the Food Stamps. People sued cause it made them feel inferior. Opened up on all kinds of junk foods cause of people belly aching they were not allowed to eat what they wanted. The they can get $20 cash back so they can buy booze and cigs.
the dems kowtowed to them to keep them voting as they wanted them to.
So the answer is IMPOSSIBLE
Heading out to my car, I noticed that the middle aged men had a "law enforcement" vibe. I asked what was going on. The answer: it's "moms night". The first Friday night of the month, the "moms" dump their kids at the skating rink. All those middle age men are off duty cops present to ensure a safe and orderly evening.
Suffice to say, I avoided attending on "moms night" after learning what was going on. Walmart has a similar effect. The EBT shoppers show up to shop before midnight and roll to the checkstands as the clock strikes midnight with a freshly recharged EBT card. Extra staff on the registers. That may have changed post COVID as Walmart ceased being open 24 hours per day in most locations.
Idiots that cannot manage money won’t manage money.
My nephew in law used to be an NYC cop. He said you could always tell when the EBT cards got loaded up. The jungle folks went nuts.
I think it can be done. Just issue the card for “healthy and nutritious food” with an explanation of what that is. No soft drinks, no candy bars, cookies, cake, sugar, salty or greasy foods.
And perhaps another list of what healthy and nutritious foods are.
I knew a drug acquaintance that came from money. When it came time to distribute the estate he got a ‘daily’ cash stipend so that he couldn’t binge on drugs. Last I saw he was working at a church thrift store. Good for him.
My brother once saw him walking on the sidewalk. Offered him a ride. Took him an hour away to his rental property and put him to work. It was funny but he did the fella a favor.
EMP beats EBT
Really lovely story. Your mom was a heroine. Absolutely no shame or judgement for her or women like her who loved their kids so much.
The problem is that the ebt card is used for food AND cash benefit. And both are used at yhe store..
The EBT cards are programmed exactly like that.
Hey lazy that is the checker who is having the issue with wic voucher
I’ve heard of people buying cases of water for the bottle deposit with ebt money.
Cards are loaded on the 10th of the month these days
EBT is unconstitutional—it should be eliminated.
“What would it take to change EBT distribution?”
Nobody to give it to?
The elderly and elderly/disabled people I know on food stamps/EBT are very frugal.
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